


Diagnosis - adult

Body length: 4–6mm. 
Eyes: eye interommatidial setaeseta:
a sclerotized hair-like projection of the cuticle
present, eye divided—max one row of facets between, rarely deeply emarginateemarginate:
notched at the margin
> half width, eye ommatidial density coarse. 
in larval and adult insects, paired segmented appendages, borne one on each side of the head, functioning as sense organs and bearing a large number of sensilla
: antennal length reaching/surpassing end of body, antennal flagellar segments elongateelongate:
much longer than wide
, scapescape:
the first proximal segment of the antenna
smooth/punctate at apexapex:
end of any structure distad to the base
, antennal scapescape:
the first proximal segment of the antenna
≥ segment 3 or segment 3 > scapescape:
the first proximal segment of the antenna

the upper and dorsal part of the prothorax
: pronotumpronotum:
the upper and dorsal part of the prothorax
shape longer than wide, rarely subquadratesubquadrate:
not quite a square
, pronotumpronotum:
the upper and dorsal part of the prothorax
lateral armature absent. 
Prosternum: prosternal process not dilated at apexapex:
end of any structure distad to the base
, procoxal cavities open posteriorly. 
the leathery forewing of beetles, serving as a covering for the hind wings, commonly meeting opposite elytron in a straight line down the middle of the dorsum in repose
: elytral length reaching or close to end of abdomen, rarely partial and revealing hind wings, elytral apicesapex:
end of any structure distad to the base
rounded or truncatetruncate:
cut off squarely at the tip
, elytral color brown or reddish, elytral color pattern absent. 
Legs: visible tarsomeres: 4, femora clavateclavate:
thickening gradually toward the tip
, protibial spurs: 2, tarsal claws simple.

Head narrower across eyes than width of pronotumpronotum:
the upper and dorsal part of the prothorax
; antennaeantenna:
in larval and adult insects, paired segmented appendages, borne one on each side of the head, functioning as sense organs and bearing a large number of sensilla
a little longer than body in male, a little shorter than body in female, 11-segmented, third segment not shorter than scapescape:
the first proximal segment of the antenna
, subequal in length to fourth segment, fifth longer, then segments decreasing toward apexapex:
end of any structure distad to the base
; maxillary palpi more than twice as long as labial palpi. Pronotumpronotum:
the upper and dorsal part of the prothorax
much longer than wide
in male, less so in female. ElytraElytron:
the leathery forewing of beetles, serving as a covering for the hind wings, commonly meeting opposite elytron in a straight line down the middle of the dorsum in repose
entire, apicesapex:
end of any structure distad to the base
rounded. Femora clavateclavate:
thickening gradually toward the tip
 (Linsley 1962Linsley 1962:
Linsley, E.G. 1962. The Cerambycidae of North America. Part III. Taxonomy and classification of the subfamily Cerambycinae, tribes Opsimini through Megaderini. University of California Publications in Entomology, Vol. 20. 188 pp.

Body comparatively narrow, slightly flattened. Head short, with short adherent hairs and stray long setaeseta:
a sclerotized hair-like projection of the cuticle
. GenaeGena:
the part of the cranium on each side below the eye
short. AntennaeAntenna:
in larval and adult insects, paired segmented appendages, borne one on each side of the head, functioning as sense organs and bearing a large number of sensilla
comparatively widely separated, antennal sockets in ocular notch; distance between antennal bases more than gap between upper lobes of eyes. Pronotumpronotum:
the upper and dorsal part of the prothorax
much longer than wide
; flattened dorsally, angularly broadened laterally. ElytraElytron:
the leathery forewing of beetles, serving as a covering for the hind wings, commonly meeting opposite elytron in a straight line down the middle of the dorsum in repose
with parallel sides, matte, with short pubescence, sharply rounded apically, matte. Femoral clava highly flattened from sides (Cherepanov 1988).

Similar genera

Penichroa, Hypexilis, Perigracilia

Differential diagnosis

Differs from similar looking Nearctic genera (Hypexilis, Perigracilia) in the third antennal segment ≥ scapescape:
the first proximal segment of the antenna
and maxillary palpi > 2x the length of the labial palpi. Penichroa has a subquadratesubquadrate:
not quite a square
or transversetransverse:
broader than long
the upper and dorsal part of the prothorax
and third antennal segment obviously longer than scapescape:
the first proximal segment of the antenna
. Similar looking neotropical genera seem to consistently have the 3rd antennal segment shorter than the scapescape:
the first proximal segment of the antenna
but will require individual investigation.


Native to S. Europe. Introduced in Nearctic, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Uruguay.

Recorded host plants

broadleaf; Cedrus, Pinus


One species. Breeds in dead twigs and branches and damages wicker and rustic work.


Nothrus Haldeman, 1847, Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc. (2) 10: 43

Oesyophila Bedel, 1894, Abeille, 28: 156

Aphelocera Gistel 1848


Gracilia Audinet-Serville, 1834, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, 3: 81

  Gracilia minuta  dorsal

Gracilia minuta dorsal

  Gracilia minuta  ventral

Gracilia minuta ventral

  Gracilia minuta  frontal

Gracilia minuta frontal

  Gracilia minuta  lateral

Gracilia minuta lateral