Uroplata Chevrolat 1836: 389


Uroplata Baly.

Codiohispa Maulik 1930: 48.

Mimuroplata Pic 1933a: 389.

Uroplata (Plicatopalpa) Pic 1932b: 29.

Type Species

Uroplata vicina Guérin-Méneville.


Uroplata can be distinguished by the following combination of characters:

  • the lateral margins of the pronotumpronotum:
    occupies all of dorsal part of the prothorax; in anterior angles or posterior angles there may be a small tubercle or pore with a seta
    and the elytra without long, stiff spines
  • the head without a frontal horn, vertexvertex:
    occupies the area behind and between the eyes
    without medial sulcus
  • the pronotumpronotum:
    occupies all of dorsal part of the prothorax; in anterior angles or posterior angles there may be a small tubercle or pore with a seta
    with a seta in each anterior angle
  • the apex of the elytra without a tooth-like projection
  • the elytra with 8 rows of punctures for entire length and 3 regular costae
  • the antennae thickened at apex, not compressed laterally, not clavate, with 8-antennomeres
  • the prosternumprosternum:
    contains two anterior coxal cavities
    does not expand anteriorly to partly cover the mouth


Head: oblong, rounded; vertexvertex:
occupies the area behind and between the eyes
smooth or with no sulci.

Antenna: with 8‑antennomeres; antennomeres not laterally compressed; 7 and 8 with whorls of golden setae.

Pronotum: varying in form, at base narrower than elytra; lateral margin more or less rounded; disc frequently with 3 longitudinal vittae.

Scutellum: transverse.

Elytron: with 10 rows of punctures, scutellar row present or absent; 4 costae, 3 and 4 united on apex; 3 interrupted.

Leg: moderately long; protibia occasionally with a tooth; empodium present between tarsal claws.


Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, México, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela.

Introduced to: Australia, Caroline Islands, Cook Islands, Fiji, Ghana, Guam, Hawaii, India, Mariana Islands, Mauritius, New Caledonia, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Palau, Philippines, Samoa, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Tanzania, Tonga Islands, Trinidad, Uganda, Vanuatu, Zambia.

World Fauna

Described species: 94 (Staines 2012). Key: Monrós & Viana 1947, Staines 1996(1997).


Dicliptera (Acanthaceae); Annona, Rollinia (Annonaceae); Aristolochia (Aristolochiaceae); Baccharis, Calea, Clibadium, Rolandra, Vernonia, Wedelia (Asteraceae); Arrhabidea,Bignonia, Pithecoctenium(Bignoniaceae);Bauhinia (Caesalpiniaceae); Igna, Sidedrella (Fabaceae); Ocotea (Laurineae); Brysonima, Malpighia (Malpighiaceae); Gouania (Rhamnaceae); Lantana, Lippa, Verbena (Verbenaceae); Caesaria (Geraniaceae).


Chevrolat, L. A. A. 1836. in P. F. M. A. Dejean, Catalogue des Coléoptères de la collection de M. le comte Dejean. Troisième edition, revue, corrigée et augmentée, livr. 5, pp. 385‑503. Mequignon-Marvis. Paris.

Maulik, S. 1930. New injurious Hispinae. Bulletin of Entomological Research 21:45-56.

Monrós, F. & M. J. Viana. 1947. Revisión sistemática de los Hispidae Argentinos (Insecta, Coleop. Chrysomeloid.). Anales del Museo Argentino Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" 42:125-324.

Pic, M. 1932b. Nouveautés diverses. Mélanges Exotico-Entomologiques 60:1-36.

Pic, M. 1933a. Nouveautés diverses. Mélanges Exotico-Entomologiques 62:1-36.

Staines, C. L. 1996(1997). The Hispinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) of Nicaragua. Revista Nicaragüense de Entomología 37/38:1-65.

Staines, C. L. 2012. Tribe Chalepini. Catalog of the hispines of the world (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae). http://entomology.si.edu/Collections_Coleoptera.html

  Uroplata  habitus.

Uroplata habitus.