Terminalia paniculata

Name and publication

Terminalia paniculata Roth, Nov. pl. sp. 383 (1821).


Fruits of T. paniculata are sold in the potpourri trade as “mini arjun.” These winged drupes resemble tiny caterpillars, 2-3 cm long x 8-12 mm wide, each with 4-5 wings about 5 mm wide, frequently shredded with processing.

Nativity and distribution

Terminalia paniculata is native to India.



 fruits; photo © The Lebermuth Company, Inc.

fruits; photo © The Lebermuth Company, Inc.

 fruits, lateral view; photo by Christina Southwick

fruits, lateral view; photo by Christina Southwick

 fruit, end view; photo by Christina Southwick

fruit, end view; photo by Christina Southwick

           fruits, dyed red, lateral (left 3) and end (right) views; Photo by Lyndon   Photography

fruits, dyed red, lateral (left 3) and end (right) views; Photo by Lyndon Photography

           fruits, dyed red, lateral view; Photo by Christina   Southwick

fruits, dyed red, lateral view; Photo by Christina Southwick

           fruit, dyed red, end view; Photo by Christina Southwick

fruit, dyed red, end view; Photo by Christina Southwick