Samanea saman

Name and publication

Samanea saman (Jacq.) Merr., J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 6: 47 (1916).


Leaflets of the monkeypod or raintree are sold as “thorn leaves” in the potpourri trade. Leaflets are simple, heavily veined, usually glossy on the top surface, 2-4 cm long x 1-2 cm wide.

Nativity and distribution

Samanea saman is native to Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama, and Venezuela but cultivated and naturalized in the tropics.


Fabaceae (alt. Leguminosae), also placed in Mimosaceae


Mimosa saman Jacq.

Albizia saman (Jacq.) F. Muell.

Pithecollobium saman (Jacq.) Benth.

 leaflets; photo by Lyndon Photography

leaflets; photo by Lyndon Photography

 leaflets, lower surface (top) and upper surface (bottom); photo by Christina Southwick

leaflets, lower surface (top) and upper surface (bottom); photo by Christina Southwick

 leaflets, two dyed pink; photo by Christina Southwick

leaflets, two dyed pink; photo by Christina Southwick

 leaves, dyed pink, upper surface (top) and lower surface (bottom); photo by Christina Southwick

leaves, dyed pink, upper surface (top) and lower surface (bottom); photo by Christina Southwick