Magonia pubescens

Name and publication

Magonia pubescens St. Hil., Hist. pl. remarq. Brésil. 1: 239 (1824).


Sold as “tingui shells” in the potpourri trade, the pericarps of this globular, dehiscent capsule from tingui are shiny on the interior, dull on the exterior, golden brown (in the native state), 6.5-12 cm in diameter.

Nativity and distribution

Magonia pubescens is native to Brazil.



 fruit, inner surface; photo by Lyndon Photography

fruit, inner surface; photo by Lyndon Photography

 fruit, outer surface; photo by Lyndon Photography

fruit, outer surface; photo by Lyndon Photography

 fruit, dyed orange, exterior (top) and interior (bottom); photo © The Lebermuth Company, Inc.

fruit, dyed orange, exterior (top) and interior (bottom); photo © The Lebermuth Company, Inc.