Hevea brasiliensis

Name and publication

Hevea brasiliensis (Wilold. Ex A. Juss.) Müll. Arg., Linnaea 34: 204 (1865).


Segments of the fruits of the rubbertree or para rubber are sold in the potpourri trade as “ear pods” because of their resemblance to human ears. The full capsule is large and three-lobed, exploding on opening into six segments. Individual segments are often bent or coiled, 4-5 cm long x 1.5-2.5 cm wide.

Nativity and distribution

Hevea brasiliensis is native to South America but widely cultivated in the tropics.



 fruit segments; photo © The Lebermuth Company, Inc.

fruit segments; photo © The Lebermuth Company, Inc.

 fruit segments, dyed purple, inner surface; photo by Lyndon Photography

fruit segments, dyed purple, inner surface; photo by Lyndon Photography

 fruit segment, dyed purple, outer surface; photo by Lyndon Photography

fruit segment, dyed purple, outer surface; photo by Lyndon Photography

 fruit segments, dyed purple, inner surface; photo by Christina Southwick

fruit segments, dyed purple, inner surface; photo by Christina Southwick

 fruit segments, dyed purple, outer surface; photo by Christina Southwick

fruit segments, dyed purple, outer surface; photo by Christina Southwick