Gardenia latifolia

Name and publication

Gardenia latifolia Aiton, Hort. Kew. 1: 294 (1789).


Whole fruits of G. latifolia are sold as “dew pods,” "gawri fruit,” or “gouri fruit” in the potpourri trade; with the tops removed, they are sold as “papri cups” or “gouri cup.” The berry is globose to oblong, smooth to lightly net-ridged, 2-4.5 cm long x 2-3 cm wide, often with 5-9 persistent calyx lobes, initially leathery, drying to a hard, woody consistency.

Nativity and distribution

Gardenia latifolia is native to India.



 fruits, whole; photo © The Lebermuth Company, Inc.

fruits, whole; photo © The Lebermuth Company, Inc.

 whole fruits, lateral (left) and stem end (right) view; photo by Lyndon Photography

whole fruits, lateral (left) and stem end (right) view; photo by Lyndon Photography

 whole fruit, lateral view; photo by Lyndon Photography

whole fruit, lateral view; photo by Lyndon Photography

 fruits with tops removed, bleached; photo © The Lebermuth Company, Inc.

fruits with tops removed, bleached; photo © The Lebermuth Company, Inc.

 fruit with top removed, dyed yellow, lateral view; photo by Christina Southwick

fruit with top removed, dyed yellow, lateral view; photo by Christina Southwick

 fruit with top removed, dyed yellow; photo by Christina Southwick

fruit with top removed, dyed yellow; photo by Christina Southwick

 fruit with top removed, dyed yellow, top view; photo by Christina Southwick

fruit with top removed, dyed yellow, top view; photo by Christina Southwick