Eucalyptus torquata

Name and publication

Eucalyptus torquata Luehm., Vict. Nat. 8: 147 (1892).


Flower buds of coral gum are sometimes encountered in potpourri imported from Australia. Buds are pedicellate, pendulous, 1.4-3 x 0.7-1.1 cm, operculum strongly beaked, ribbed. Hypanthium ribbed at the base.

Nativity and distribution

Eucalyptus torquata is endemic to Western Australia but cultivated elsewhere.



 flower bud clusters; photo by Lyndon Photography

flower bud clusters; photo by Lyndon Photography

 flower bud cluster; photo by Christina Southwick

flower bud cluster; photo by Christina Southwick

 flower bud cluster, top view; photo by Christina Southwick

flower bud cluster, top view; photo by Christina Southwick