Calamus viminalis

Name and publication

Calamus viminalis Willd., Sp. Pl. 2(1): 203 (1799).


The osier-like rattan palm, a climbing palm, has pale yellow (in its native state) fruits, about 0.5 cm across, resembling small, pointed cones, arranged in a raceme. These are known as “canella berries” in the potpourri trade. This palm also yields “palm spirals,” either as a tubular spiral or pyramidal spiral, the individual stems 0.5-1 cm wide, the entire spirals 5-10 cm high.

Nativity and distribution

Calamus viminalis is native to Indonesia but cultivated in India and Australia.


Arecaceae (alt. Palmae)

 fruits; photo by Lyndon Photography

fruits; photo by Lyndon Photography

 fruits, close-up; photo by Lyndon Photography

fruits, close-up; photo by Lyndon Photography

 large fruit cluster; photo by Indira Singh

large fruit cluster; photo by Indira Singh

 small fruit clusters; photo © The Lebermuth Company, Inc.

small fruit clusters; photo © The Lebermuth Company, Inc.

 stem spirals; photo © The Lebermuth Company, Inc.

stem spirals; photo © The Lebermuth Company, Inc.

 pyramidal stem spiral, dyed green; photo by Lyndon Photography

pyramidal stem spiral, dyed green; photo by Lyndon Photography

 pyramidal stem spiral, dyed yellow; photo by Lyndon Photography

pyramidal stem spiral, dyed yellow; photo by Lyndon Photography

 tubular stem spiral, dyed green; photo by Lyndon Photography

tubular stem spiral, dyed green; photo by Lyndon Photography

 pyramidal stem spiral, dyed magenta; photo by Christina Southwick

pyramidal stem spiral, dyed magenta; photo by Christina Southwick