Adansonia digitata

Name and publication

Adansonia digitata L., Syst. Nat. ed. 10, 2: 1144 (1759).


The genus Adansonia includes about nine species native to Africa, Madagascar, and Northwest Australia. Adansonia digitata, the baobob, dead rat tree, or monkey bread tree, is the most commonly cultivated species and the probable source of this potpourri ingredient. Fruits are velvety capsules, 7-30 cm long, angular-ribbed, woody when dried, and filled with large, woody seeds.

Nativity and distribution

Adansonia digitata is native to Sub-Saharan Africa but cultivated elsewhere in the tropics for the unusual shape of the tree and also for the somewhat edible fruits.


Malvaceae, also placed in Bombacaceae


 two fruits, dyed green; photo by Lyndon Photography

two fruits, dyed green; photo by Lyndon Photography

 fruits, left fruit dyed orange, right dyed green; photo by Indira Singh

fruits, left fruit dyed orange, right dyed green; photo by Indira Singh

 fruit sliced open showing inner surface (dyed orange); photo by Indira Singh

fruit sliced open showing inner surface (dyed orange); photo by Indira Singh