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Phytophthora palmivora (in progress - Abad et al. 2023b)

plant debris in a cacao (Theobroma cacao) orchard resulting from black pod rot caused by Phytophthora palmivora; photo by Scot Nelson, University of Hawaii at Manoa

Phytophthora panamensis
Phytophthora spp. in Clade 4: portion of the seven-loci ML phylogeny featuring the type cultures of 212 described species (by T. Bourret). Notice the position of P. panamensis Ex-type CBS 147925. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T.
Phytophthora panamensis
Phytophthora spp. in Clade 4: Morphological Tabular key (PDF) and Tabular key legends (PDF) in IDphy2 KEY SECTION. Notice the data of P. panamensis Ex-type CBS 147925. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T.  

Phytophthora parsiana
Phytophthora spp. in subclade 9a: portion of the seven-loci ML phylogeny featuring the type cultures of 212 described species (by T. Bourret). Notice the position of P. parsiana Ex-type SUC25. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T.
Phytophthora parsiana
Phytophthora spp. in subclade 9a: Morphological Tabular key (PDF) and Tabular key legends (PDF) in IDphy2 KEY SECTION. Notice the data of P. parsiana Ex-type SUC25. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T.
Phytophthora parvispora
Phytophthora spp. in subclade 7c: portion of the seven-loci ML phylogeny featuring the type cultures of 212 described species (by T. Bourret). Notice the position of P. parvispora Ex-type CBS 132772 = S&T BL 98. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T.
Phytophthora parvispora
Phytophthora spp. in subclade 7c: Morphological Tabular key (PDF) and Tabular key legends (PDF) in IDphy2 KEY SECTION. Notice the data of P. parvispora Ex-type CBS 132772 = S&T BL 98. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T.

Phytophthora parvispora

Phytophthora parvispora colonies grown for 7 days on (a) V8® Agar, (b) potato dextrose agar, and (c) malt extract agar; photo by Krysta Jennings and Leandra Knight, USDA-APHIS-PPQ

Phytophthora parvispora

Phytophthora parvispora colony morphology of the ex-type (PH072 – Bruno Scanu) grown for 5 days at 20°C on (a) carrot agar, (b) potato dextrose agar; photos by Bruno Scanu and Antonio Franceschini, Università degli Studi di Sassari, Italy

Phytophthora parvispora

Phytophthora parvispora morphology of ex-type (PH072 – Bruno Scanu) asexual and sexual phases: (a) sporangium, (b) hyphal swellings, (c) gametangia (oogonia and amphigynous antheridia) with plerotic oospores; photos by Bruno Scanu and Antonio Franceschini, Università degli Studi di Sassari, Italy

Phytophthora parvispora

Arbutus unedo in an ornamental planting showing symptoms caused by Phytophthora parvispora in Sardinia, Italy; photo by Bruno Scanu and Antonio Franceschini, Università degli Studi di Sassari, Italy

Phytophthora parvispora

Arbutus unedo in nursery with shoot dieback and wilting caused by Phytophthora parvispora in Sardinia, Italy; photo by Bruno Scanu and Antonio Franceschini, Università degli Studi di Sassari, Italy

Phytophthora personensis
Phytophthora spp. in subclade 6a: portion of the seven-loci ML phylogeny featuring the type cultures of 212 described species (by T. Bourret). Notice the position of P. personensis Ex-type CBS 146549. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T.
Phytophthora personensis
Phytophthora spp. in subclade 6a: Morphological Tabular key (PDF) and Tabular key legends (PDF) in IDphy2 KEY SECTION. Notice the data of P. personensis Ex-type CBS 146549. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T.
Phytophthora personensis

colony morphology after 5 d growth at 20ºC on CA, MEA, PDA, and V8A (from left to right)

Phytophthora personensis

persistent, non-papillate, predominantly ovoid sporangia; scale bar = 20µm

Phytophthora phaseoli (in progress - Abad et al. 2023b)
Phytophthora spp. in subclade 1c: portion of the seven-loci ML phylogeny featuring the type cultures of 212 described species (by T. Bourret). Notice the position of P. phaseoli selected specimen CBS 114105 = S&T BL 28. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T.
Phytophthora phaseoli (in progress - Abad et al. 2023b)
Phytophthora spp. in subclade 1c: Morphological Tabular key (PDF) and Tabular key legends (PDF) in IDphy2 KEY SECTION. Notice the data of P. phaseoli selected specimen CBS 114105 = S&T BL 28. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T.

Phytophthora pini
Phytophthora spp. in subclade 2c: portion of the seven-loci ML phylogeny featuring the type cultures of 212 described species (by T. Bourret). Notice the position of P. pini Ex-type CBS 181.25 = S&T BL 48. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T.
Phytophthora pini
Phytophthora spp. in subclade 2c: Morphological Tabular key (PDF) and Tabular key legends (PDF) in IDphy2 KEY SECTION. Notice the data of P. pini Ex-type CBS 181.25 = S&T BL 48. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T.
Phytophthora pini

Phytophthora pini (CPHST BL 48) colonies of the ex-type grown for 7 days on (a) V8® Agar, (b) potato dextrose agar, and (c) malt extract agar; photo by Krysta Jennings and Leandra Knight, USDA-APHIS-PPQ

Phytophthora pini

Phytophthora pini (ex-type CPHST BL 48) asexual phase formed on V8 agar flooded with soil extract: (a) sporangium originated in single long sporangiophore, oospores at bottom, (b) semipapillate persistent sporangium in single long sporangiophore; photos by G.Abad, USDA-APHIS-PPQ.

Phytophthora pini

Phytophthora pini (ex-type CPHST BL 48) sexual phase formed on V8 agar flooded with soil extract: (a) smooth-walled oogonium with comma-like oogonial stalk, paragynous antheridium, and semi-aplerotic oospore, (b) plerotic oospore in smooth-wall oogonium with paragynous antheridium; photos by Gloria Abad, USDA-APHIS-PPQ.

Phytophthora pini

Phytophthora pini (ex-type CPHST BL 48) sexual phase formed on V8 agar flooded with soil extract: plerotic oospore in smooth-wall oogonium with paragynous antheridium; photo by Gloria Abad, USDA-APHIS-PPQ.

Phytophthora pini

Phytophthora pini (ex-type CPHST BL 48) sexual phase formed on V8 agar flooded with soil extract: smooth-walled oogonium with comma-like oogonial stalk, paragynous antheridium, and semi-aplerotic oospore; photo by Gloria Abad, USDA-APHIS-PPQ.

Phytophthora pini

Phytophthora pini (ex-type CPHST BL 48) asexual phase formed on V8 agar flooded with soil extract: semipapillate persistent sporangium in single long sporangiophore; photo by G.Abad, USDA-APHIS-PPQ.