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Phytophthora amnicola
Phytophthora spp. in subclade 6b: portion of the seven-loci ML phylogeny featuring the type cultures of 212 described species (by T. Bourret). Notice the position of P. amnicola Ex-type CBS 131652 = S&T BL 100. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T.
Phytophthora amnicola
Phytophthora spp. in subclade 6b: Morphological Tabular key (PDF) and Tabular key legends (PDF) in IDphy2 KEY SECTION. Notice the data of P. amnicola Ex-type CBS 131652 = S&T BL 100. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T. 
Phytophthora amnicola

Phytophthora amnicola colonies of the ex-types grown for 7 days at 20°C on: (a) V8® agar, (b) carrot agar, (c) potato-dextrose agar.

Phytophthora amnicola

mature sporangia formed on V8 agar flooded with soil extract: (a) limoniform, (b) ovoid (c) internal nested proliferation (d) internal nested and extended proliferation (e) catenulate hyphal swellings; club-shaped knotty lateral hyphae; scale bar = 25 µm

Phytophthora andina
Phytophthora spp. in subclade 1c: portion of the seven-loci ML phylogeny featuring the type cultures of 212 described species (by T. Bourret). Notice the position of P. andina Ex-type CBS 115547 = S&T BL 32. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T.
Phytophthora andina
Phytophthora spp. in subclade 1c: Morphological Tabular key (PDF) and Tabular key legends (PDF) in IDphy2 KEY SECTION. Notice the data of P. andina Ex-type CBS 115547 = S&T BL 32. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T.
Phytophthora aquae-cooljarloo
Phytophthora spp. in subclade 6a: portion of the seven-loci ML phylogeny featuring the type cultures of 212 described species (by T. Bourret). Notice the position of P. aquae-cooljarloo Ex-type CBS 146550. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T.
Phytophthora aquae-cooljarloo
Phytophthora spp. in subclade 6a: Morphological Tabular key (PDF) and Tabular key legends (PDF) in IDphy2 KEY SECTION. Notice the data of P. aquae-cooljarloo Ex-type CBS 146550. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T.  

Phytophthora aquae-cooljarloo

colony morphology after 7 d growth at 20ºC on PDA, V8A, MEA, CA, and CMA

Phytophthora aquae-cooljarloo

typical persistent, non-papillate, ellipsoid and limoniform sporangia; aplerotic oogonia with paragynous antheridia; small chlamydospore; scale bar = 20µm

Phytophthora aquimorbida
Phytophthora spp. in subclade 9a: portion of the seven-loci ML phylogeny featuring the type cultures of 212 described species (by T. Bourret). Notice the position of P. aquimorbida Ex-type CBS 149820 = S&T BL 128. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T.
Phytophthora aquimorbida
Phytophthora spp. in subclade 9a: Morphological Tabular key (PDF) and Tabular key legends (PDF) in IDphy2 KEY SECTION. Notice the data of P. aquimorbida Ex-type NRRL 64365 = S&T BL 128. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T.

Phytophthora aquimorbida

Phytophthora aquimorbida (CPHST BL 128) colony of the ex-type grown for 7 days on (a) V8® Agar, (b) potato dextrose agar, and (c) malt extract agar. Photo by Clinton Greub, Krysta Jennings, and Leandra Knight, USDA-APHIS-PPQ

Phytophthora aquimorbida

Phytophthora aquimorbida (CPHST BL 128, ex-type) asexual phase (a-b) showing sporangium with direct germination (a) and hyphal swellings (b); sexual phase and hyphal swellings (c) and intercalary oogonium with thick-walled oospore (d); photos by Gloria Abad, USDA-APHIS-PPQ

Phytophthora arenaria
Phytophthora spp. in Clade 4: portion of the seven-loci ML phylogeny featuring the type cultures of 212 described species (by T. Bourret). Notice the position of P. arenaria Ex-type CBS 127950 = S&T BL 78. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T.
Phytophthora arenaria
Phytophthora spp. in Clade 4: Morphological Tabular key (PDF) and Tabular key legends (PDF) in IDphy2 KEY SECTION. Notice the data of P. arenaria Ex-type CBS 127950 = S&T BL 78. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T.

Phytophthora arenaria

Phytophthora arenaria colonies of the ex-type grown for 7 days at 20°C on (a) V8® agar (b) carrot agar (c) malt extract agar (d) potato-dextrose agar.

Phytophthora arenaria

papillate sporangia formed on V8 agar flooded with soil extract: (a) ovoid; (b) ovoid, sporangiophore laterally attached; (c) obpyriform, with pointed apex; (d) bipapillate, with large vacuole; (e) empty ovoid sporangium after release of zoospores; (f) catenulate, globose to subglobose hyphal swellings, some with radiating hyphae; scale bar = 25 µm

Phytophthora arenaria

(a) semi-mature oogonia with aplerotic thick-walled oospores containing ooplasts and coarsely granulated cytoplasm; (b-c) mature oogonia with slightly wavy-edged, bronze-brown walls and thick-walled oospores containing ooplasts; scale bar = 25 µm

Phytophthora asiatica
Phytophthora spp. in subclade 7b: portion of the seven-loci ML phylogeny featuring the type cultures of 212 described species (by T. Bourret). Notice the position of P. asiatica Ex-type CBS 133347 = S&T BL 124. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T.

Phytophthora asiatica
Phytophthora spp. in subclade 7b: Morphological Tabular key (PDF) and Tabular key legends (PDF) in IDphy2 KEY SECTION. Notice the data of P. asiatica Ex-type CBS 133347 = S&T BL 124. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T.
Phytophthora asiatica

Phytophthora asiatica (CPHST BL 124) colonies of the ex-type grown for 7 days on (a) V8® Agar, (b) potato dextrose agar, and (c) malt extract agar; photo by Krysta Jennings and Leandra Knight, USDA-APHIS-PPQ

Phytophthora asiatica

Phytophthora asiatica (ex-type Toku1); slide provided by Mohamed Rahman and Koji Kageyama, Gifu University, Japan

Phytophthora asiatica

Phytophthora asiatica (ex-type Toku1) asexual phase: (a-e) nonpapillate sporangia, (f-h) internal proliferation, (f,g) extended proliferation, (h) nested proliferation, (i) catenulate lobate hyphal swellings; photos by Mohamed Rahman and Koji Kageyama, Gifu University, Japan

Phytophthora asiatica

Phytophthora asiatica (ex-type Toku1) sexual phase: (a-c) smooth-walled oogonia with amphigynous antheridia and aplerotic oospores, (b,c) antheridia with digitated projections, (d,e) oogonia with both amphigynous and paragynous antheridia, (f) oogonium with two oospores and amphigynous antheridium; photos by Mohamed Rahman and Koji Kageyama, Gifu University, Japan

Phytophthora asiatica

leaf bight of kudzu (Pueraria lobata) caused by Phytophthora asiatica; photo by Mohamed Rahman and Koji Kageyama, Gifu University, Japan

Phytophthora asparagi
Phytophthora spp. in subclade 6e: portion of the seven-loci ML phylogeny featuring the type cultures of 212 described species (by T. Bourret). Notice the position of P. asparagi Ex-type CBS 132095 = S&T BL 206. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T.
Phytophthora asparagi
Phytophthora spp. in subclade 6e: Morphological Tabular key (PDF) and Tabular key legends (PDF) in IDphy2 KEY SECTION. Notice the data of P. asparagi Ex-type CBS 132095 = S&T BL 206. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T.

Phytophthora attenuata
Phytophthora spp. in subclade 7a: portion of the seven-loci ML phylogeny featuring the type cultures of 212 described species (by T. Bourret). Notice the position of P. attenuata Ex-type CBS 141199 = S&T BL 207. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T.
Phytophthora attenuata
Phytophthora spp. in subclade 7a: Morphological Tabular key (PDF) and Tabular key legends (PDF) in IDphy2 KEY SECTION. Notice the data of P. attenuata Ex-type CBS 141199 = S&T BL 207. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T.
Phytophthora austrocedri
Phytophthora spp. in subclade 8d: portion of the seven-loci ML phylogeny featuring the type cultures of 212 described species (by T. Bourret). Notice the position of P. austrocedri Ex-type CBS 122911 = S&T BL 5. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T.
Phytophthora austrocedri
Phytophthora spp. in subclade 8d: Morphological Tabular key (PDF) and Tabular key legends (PDF) in IDphy2 KEY SECTION. Notice the data of P. austrocedri Ex-type CBS 122911 = S&T BL 5. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T.