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Phytophthora kernoviae

Phytophthora kernoviae (selected specimen P10681) asexual phase: sporangia produced in close simple sympodial sporangiophores; photo by Gloria Abad, USDA-APHIS-PPQ.

Phytophthora kernoviae

Phytophthora kernoviae (selected specimen P10681) asexual phase: papillate ellipsoid sporangium with tapered top and medium-length pedicel, formed on V8 agar flooded with soil extract; photo by Gloria Abad, USDA-APHIS-PPQ.

Phytophthora kernoviae

Phytophthora kernoviae (selected specimen P10681) asexual phase: zoospores in sporangium; photo by Gloria Abad, USDA-APHIS-PPQ.

Phytophthora kernoviae

Phytophthora kernoviae (selected specimen P10681) asexual phase: papillate sporangia produced in unbranched sporangiophores; photo by Gloria Abad, USDA-APHIS-PPQ.

Phytophthora kernoviae

Phytophthora kernoviae (selected specimen P10681) asexual phase: papillate ovoid sporangium with medium-length pedicel, formed on V8 agar flooded with soil extract; photo by Gloria Abad, USDA-APHIS-PPQ.

Phytophthora kernoviae

Phytophthora kernoviae (selected specimen P10681) asexual phase: sporangium borne in simple sympodial sporangiophore; photo by Gloria Abad, USDA-APHIS-PPQ.

Phytophthora kernoviae

Phytophthora kernoviae (selected specimen P10681) asexual phase: papillate irregular shaped sporangium with medium-length pedicel, formed on V8 agar flooded with soil extract; photo by Gloria Abad, USDA-APHIS-PPQ.

Phytophthora kernoviae

Phytophthora kernoviae (selected specimen P10956) asexual phase: papillate sporangium with short pedicel; photo by Gloria Abad, USDA-APHIS-PPQ.

Phytophthora kernoviae

Phytophthora kernoviae (selected specimen P10956) asexual phase: papillate sporangia borne in simple sympodial sporangiophore; photo by Gloria Abad, USDA-APHIS-PPQ.

Phytophthora kernoviae

Phytophthora kernoviae (selected specimen P10956) sexual phase: medium thick-walled plerotic oospore smooth-walled oogonium and amphigynous antheridium; photo by Gloria Abad, USDA-APHIS-PPQ.

Phytophthora kernoviae

Phytophthora kernoviae (selected specimen P10956) sexual phase: smooth-walled oogonium with amphigynous antheridium; photo by Gloria Abad, USDA-APHIS-PPQ.

Phytophthora kernoviae

Phytophthora kernoviae (selected specimen P10956) asexual phase: papillate sporangium with short pedicel; photo by Gloria Abad, USDA-APHIS-PPQ.

Phytophthora kernoviae

Phytophthora kernoviae (selected specimen P10956) asexual phase: papillate sporangia borne in simple sympodial sporangiophore; photo by Gloria Abad, USDA-APHIS-PPQ.

Phytophthora kernoviae

Phytophthora kernoviae (selected specimen P10957) asexual phase: sporangium produced in unbranched sporangiophore; photo by Gloria Abad, USDA-APHIS-PPQ.

Phytophthora kernoviae

Phytophthora kernoviae (selected specimen P10957) asexual phase: sporangium with long pedicel formed on V8 agar flooded with soil extract; photo by Gloria Abad, USDA-APHIS-PPQ.

Phytophthora kernoviae

Phytophthora kernoviae (selected specimen P10957) asexual phase: sporangium with long pedicel formed on V8 agar flooded with soil extract; photo by Gloria Abad, USDA-APHIS-PPQ.

Phytophthora kernoviae

Phytophthora kernoviae (selected specimen P10957) asexual phase: sporangium with long pedicel formed on V8 agar flooded with soil extract; photo by Gloria Abad, USDA-APHIS-PPQ.

Phytophthora kernoviae
Phytophthora spp. in subclade 10a: portion of the seven-loci ML phylogeny featuring the type cultures of 212 described species (by T. Bourret). Notice the position of P. kernoviae Ex-type NRRL 64375 = S&T BL 91. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T.
Phytophthora kernoviae
Phytophthora spp. in subclade 10a: Morphological Tabular key (PDF) and Tabular key legends (PDF) in IDphy2 KEY SECTION. Notice the data of P. kernoviae Ex-type NRRL 64375 = S&T BL 91. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T.
Phytophthora kwongonina
Phytophthora spp. in subclade 6a: portion of the seven-loci ML phylogeny featuring the type cultures of 212 described species (by T. Bourret). Notice the position of P. kwongonina Ex-type CBS 143060 = S&T BL187. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T.

Phytophthora kwongonina
Phytophthora spp. in subclade 6a: Morphological Tabular key (PDF) and Tabular key legends (PDF) in IDphy2 KEY SECTION. Notice the data of P. kwongonina Ex-type CBS 143060 = S&T BL187. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T.
Phytophthora kwongonina

colony morphology after 5 d growth at 20ºC on carrot agar, V8 agar, malt extract agar, and potato-dextrose agar (from left to right)

Phytophthora kwongonina

persistent, nonpapillate, predominantly ovoid to elongated ovoid sporangia with nested and extended internal proliferation; scale bar = 25µm

Phytophthora kwongonina

oogonia with wavy walls containing aplerotic oospores, with large ooplasts and thick walls which were pale on maturity; antheridia exclusively paragynous generally situated adjacent to the oogonial stalk; scale bar = 25µm

Phytophthora kwongonina

spherical hyphal swellings with radiating hyphae which appear like small chlamydospores except that the wall doesn’t form; scale bar = 25µm

Phytophthora lactucae
Phytophthora spp. in subclade 8b: portion of the seven-loci ML phylogeny featuring the type cultures of 212 described species (by T. Bourret). Notice the position of P. lactucae Ex-type BPIC 1985 = S&T BL 113. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T.
Phytophthora lactucae
Phytophthora spp. in subclade 8b: Morphological Tabular key (PDF) and Tabular key legends (PDF) in IDphy2 KEY SECTION. Notice the data of P. lactucae Ex-type BPIC 1985 = S&T BL 113. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T.
Phytophthora lacustris
Phytophthora spp. in subclade 6d: portion of the seven-loci ML phylogeny featuring the type cultures of 212 described species (by T. Bourret). Notice the position of P. lacustris Ex-type CABI IMI389725 (PA) = S&T BL 69. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T.

Phytophthora lacustris
Phytophthora spp. in subclade 6d: Morphological Tabular key (PDF) and Tabular key legends (PDF) in IDphy2 KEY SECTION. Notice the data of P. lacustris Ex-type CABI IMI389725 (PA) = S&T BL 69. Gloria Abad, USDA S&T.
Phytophthora lacustris

Phytophthora lacustris in riparian ecosystems in Italy, morphology, and position in partial phylogenetic tree; slide provided by Santa Olga Cacciola, University of Catania, Italy from presentation on “Phytophthora diversity in cultivated and natural environments in Europe” at ICPP 2018 - 6th International Oomycetes Workshop, Boston, USA

Phytophthora lateralis

Phytophthora lateralis (P3888 WPC) colony of selected specimen grown for 7 days on (a) V8 agar and (b) potato dextrose agar; photos by Yilmaz Balci, USDA-APHIS-PPQ

Phytophthora lateralis

P. lateralis asexual phase of selected specimen P3888 (WPC) showing sporangia produced in sporangiophores: individual long (red arrows), simple sympodial (purple arrow), external proliferation (green arrows); hyphal swellings (blue arrows); photo by Gloria Abad, USDA-APHIS-PPQ.