Amaranthaceae Amaranthus sp. amaranth Platynota stultana Miller & Hodges 1995

Miller & Hodges 1995

Miller, S. E., Hodges, R. W. 1995. Platynota stultana, the omnivorous leaf-roller, established in the Hawaiian Islands (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Bishop Museum Occasional Papers. 42: 36-39.
; Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Platynota stultana
Amaranthaceae Atriplex calotheca N/A Platynota stultana Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Platynota stultana
Amaranthaceae Beta sp. beet Platynota stultana Powell 1983

Powell 1983

Powell, J. A. 1983. Expanding geographical and ecological range of Platynota stultana in California (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 59: 233-239.
Platynota stultana
Amaranthaceae Beta vulgaris beet Platynota stultana Powell & Brown 2012

Powell & Brown 2012

Powell, J. A., Brown, J. W. 2012. Tortricoidea, Tortricidae (part): Tortricinae (part): Sparganothini and Atteriini. In: Hodges, R. W. (ed.). The Moths of North America, fascicle 8.1. Wedge Entomological Research Foundation, Washington, D.C., 230 pp.
Platynota stultana
Amaranthaceae Chenopodium sp. goosefoot Platynota stultana Powell 1983

Powell 1983

Powell, J. A. 1983. Expanding geographical and ecological range of Platynota stultana in California (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 59: 233-239.
Platynota stultana
Amaranthaceae Kali tragus tumbleweed Platynota stultana Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Platynota stultana
Apiaceae Apium graveolens celery Platynota stultana MacKay 1962a

MacKay 1962a

MacKay, M. R. 1962a. Larvae of the North American Tortricinae (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 28: 1-182.
Platynota stultana
Apiaceae Conium maculatum poison hemlock Platynota stultana Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Platynota stultana
Asparagaceae Asparagus officinalis asparagus Platynota stultana Powell & Brown 2012

Powell & Brown 2012

Powell, J. A., Brown, J. W. 2012. Tortricoidea, Tortricidae (part): Tortricinae (part): Sparganothini and Atteriini. In: Hodges, R. W. (ed.). The Moths of North America, fascicle 8.1. Wedge Entomological Research Foundation, Washington, D.C., 230 pp.
Platynota stultana
Asteraceae Ambrosia dumosa white bursage Platynota stultana Goeden & Riker 1976a, b

Goeden & Riker 1976a, b

Goeden, R. D., Riker, D. W. 1976a. The phytophagous insect fauna of ragweed Ambrosia dumosa in southern California. Environmental Entomology. 5: 45-50.

Platynota stultana
Asteraceae Ambrosia psilostachya western ragweed Platynota stultana Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Platynota stultana
Asteraceae Aster sp. aster Platynota stultana Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Platynota stultana
Asteraceae Baccharis pilularis coyote brush Platynota stultana Keifer 1933

Keifer 1933

Keifer, H. H. 1933. California Microlepidoptera. VI. Calif. Dept. Agric. Month. Bull. 22: 351-365.
; Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938. Unpublished manuscript by E. Meyrick at BMNH, data captured by Gaeden Robinson.
Platynota stultana
Asteraceae Bidens laevis smooth beggarticks Platynota stultana Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Platynota stultana
Asteraceae Conyza bilbaoana N/A Platynota stultana Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Platynota stultana
Asteraceae Grindelia camporum Great Valley gumweed Platynota stultana Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Platynota stultana
Asteraceae Grindelia hirsutula hairy gumweed Platynota stultana Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Platynota stultana
Asteraceae Parthenium hysterophorus Santa Maria feverfew Platynota stultana BMNH collection

BMNH collection

BMNH collection. Based on identified reared specimens in the collection of The Natural History Museum, London; identifications by staff of the Lepidoptera Section.
; McClay et al. 1995

McClay et al. 1995

McClay, A. S., Palmer, W. A., Bennett, F. D., Pullen, K. R. 1995. Phytophagous arthropods associated with Parthenium hysterophorus (Asteraceae) in North America. Annual Review of Entomology. 24: 796-809.
Platynota stultana
Asteraceae Senecio jacobaea common ragwort Platynota stultana Frick & Hawkes 1970

Frick & Hawkes 1970

Frick, K. E., Hawkes, R. B.. 1970. Additional insects that feed upon tansy ragwort, Senecio jacobaea, an introduced weedy plant, in the western United States. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 63: 1085-1090.
Platynota stultana
Asteraceae Solidago californica California goldenrod Platynota stultana Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Platynota stultana
Asteraceae Wyethia angustifolia California compassplant Platynota stultana Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Platynota stultana
Caryophyllaceae Dianthus caryophyllus carnation Platynota stultana Miller & Hodges 1995

Miller & Hodges 1995

Miller, S. E., Hodges, R. W. 1995. Platynota stultana, the omnivorous leaf-roller, established in the Hawaiian Islands (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Bishop Museum Occasional Papers. 42: 36-39.
Platynota stultana
Caryophyllaceae Dianthus sp. N/A Platynota stultana Bohart 1942

Bohart 1942

Bohart, R. M. 1942. Platynota stultana as a pest of field-grown carnations. Journal of Economic Entomology. 35: 399-403.
Platynota stultana
Convolvulaceae Convolvulus sp. morning glory Platynota stultana Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Platynota stultana
Crassulaceae Dudleya virens green liveforever Platynota stultana LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
Platynota stultana
Cupressaceae Juniperus sp. juniper Platynota stultana Powell 1983

Powell 1983

Powell, J. A. 1983. Expanding geographical and ecological range of Platynota stultana in California (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 59: 233-239.
Platynota stultana
Fabaceae Albizia sp. albizia Platynota stultana Powell 1983

Powell 1983

Powell, J. A. 1983. Expanding geographical and ecological range of Platynota stultana in California (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 59: 233-239.
Platynota stultana
Fabaceae Arachis sp. N/A Platynota stultana Powell 1983

Powell 1983

Powell, J. A. 1983. Expanding geographical and ecological range of Platynota stultana in California (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 59: 233-239.
Platynota stultana
Fabaceae Delonix regia royal poinciana Platynota stultana CSIRO Mexican Field Station

CSIRO Mexican Field Station

CSIRO Mexican Field Station. Based on identified reared specimens in the collection of CSIRO Mexican Field Station, Veracruz; identifications by staff of the CSIRO Mexican Field Station.
Platynota stultana
Fabaceae Glycine max soybean Platynota stultana MacKay 1962a

MacKay 1962a

MacKay, M. R. 1962a. Larvae of the North American Tortricinae (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 28: 1-182.
Platynota stultana
Fabaceae Leucaena leucocephala koa haole Platynota stultana Miller & Hodges 1995

Miller & Hodges 1995

Miller, S. E., Hodges, R. W. 1995. Platynota stultana, the omnivorous leaf-roller, established in the Hawaiian Islands (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Bishop Museum Occasional Papers. 42: 36-39.
Platynota stultana
Fabaceae Leucaena leucocephala white leadtree Platynota stultana CSIRO Mexican Field Station

CSIRO Mexican Field Station

CSIRO Mexican Field Station. Based on identified reared specimens in the collection of CSIRO Mexican Field Station, Veracruz; identifications by staff of the CSIRO Mexican Field Station.
Platynota stultana
Fabaceae Lotus scoparius deerweed Platynota stultana Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Platynota stultana
Fabaceae Medicago sativa alfalfa Platynota stultana MacKay 1962a

MacKay 1962a

MacKay, M. R. 1962a. Larvae of the North American Tortricinae (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 28: 1-182.
Platynota stultana
Fabaceae Melilotus officinalis yellow sweet clover Platynota stultana Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Platynota stultana
Fabaceae Mimosa asperata shameplant Platynota stultana CSIRO Mexican Field Station

CSIRO Mexican Field Station

CSIRO Mexican Field Station. Based on identified reared specimens in the collection of CSIRO Mexican Field Station, Veracruz; identifications by staff of the CSIRO Mexican Field Station.
Platynota stultana
Fabaceae Parkinsonia aculeata palo verde Platynota stultana USNM collection

USNM collection

USNM collection. Based on identified reared specimens in the collection of the National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C.
Platynota stultana
Fabaceae Phaseolus sp. bean Platynota stultana Powell 1983

Powell 1983

Powell, J. A. 1983. Expanding geographical and ecological range of Platynota stultana in California (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 59: 233-239.
Platynota stultana
Fabaceae Tamarindus indica tamarind Platynota stultana CSIRO Mexican Field Station

CSIRO Mexican Field Station

CSIRO Mexican Field Station. Based on identified reared specimens in the collection of CSIRO Mexican Field Station, Veracruz; identifications by staff of the CSIRO Mexican Field Station.
Platynota stultana
Fabaceae Trifolium sp. clover Platynota stultana Powell 1983

Powell 1983

Powell, J. A. 1983. Expanding geographical and ecological range of Platynota stultana in California (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 59: 233-239.
Platynota stultana
Ginkgoaceae Ginkgo sp. ginkgo Platynota stultana Powell 1983

Powell 1983

Powell, J. A. 1983. Expanding geographical and ecological range of Platynota stultana in California (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 59: 233-239.
Platynota stultana
Juglandaceae Juglans sp. walnut Platynota stultana Powell 1983

Powell 1983

Powell, J. A. 1983. Expanding geographical and ecological range of Platynota stultana in California (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 59: 233-239.
; Powell & Brown 2012

Powell & Brown 2012

Powell, J. A., Brown, J. W. 2012. Tortricoidea, Tortricidae (part): Tortricinae (part): Sparganothini and Atteriini. In: Hodges, R. W. (ed.). The Moths of North America, fascicle 8.1. Wedge Entomological Research Foundation, Washington, D.C., 230 pp.
Platynota stultana
Lauraceae Persea americana avocado Platynota stultana Powell 1983

Powell 1983

Powell, J. A. 1983. Expanding geographical and ecological range of Platynota stultana in California (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 59: 233-239.
Platynota stultana
Lythraceae Punica granatum pomegranate Platynota stultana MacKay 1962a

MacKay 1962a

MacKay, M. R. 1962a. Larvae of the North American Tortricinae (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 28: 1-182.
Platynota stultana
Malvaceae Gossypium hirsutum var. hirsutum Mexican cotton Platynota stultana Atkins et al. 1957a, b

Atkins et al. 1957a, b

Atkins, E. L., Frost, M. H., Anderson, L. D. Deal, A. S. 1957a. The omnivorous leaf roller, Platynota stultana Wlshm., on cotton in California: nomenclature, life history, and bionomics (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 50: 251-259.

; MacKay 1962a

MacKay 1962a

MacKay, M. R. 1962a. Larvae of the North American Tortricinae (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 28: 1-182.
; Powell 1983

Powell 1983

Powell, J. A. 1983. Expanding geographical and ecological range of Platynota stultana in California (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 59: 233-239.
Platynota stultana
Malvaceae Malva sp. mallow Platynota stultana Powell 1983

Powell 1983

Powell, J. A. 1983. Expanding geographical and ecological range of Platynota stultana in California (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 59: 233-239.
Platynota stultana
Onagraceae Epilobium brachycarpum tall willowherb Platynota stultana Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Platynota stultana
Pinaceae Pinus sp. pine Platynota stultana Powell 1983

Powell 1983

Powell, J. A. 1983. Expanding geographical and ecological range of Platynota stultana in California (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 59: 233-239.
Platynota stultana
Poaceae Sorghum sp. broomcorn Platynota stultana Powell 1983

Powell 1983

Powell, J. A. 1983. Expanding geographical and ecological range of Platynota stultana in California (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 59: 233-239.
Platynota stultana
Poaceae Zea mays corn Platynota stultana Powell 1983

Powell 1983

Powell, J. A. 1983. Expanding geographical and ecological range of Platynota stultana in California (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 59: 233-239.
Platynota stultana
Polygonaceae Eriogonum grande redflower buckwheat Platynota stultana Powell 1983

Powell 1983

Powell, J. A. 1983. Expanding geographical and ecological range of Platynota stultana in California (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 59: 233-239.
Platynota stultana
Polygonaceae Eriogonum latifolium seaside buckwheat Platynota stultana Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Platynota stultana
Polygonaceae Rumex crispus curly dock Platynota stultana Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Platynota stultana
Portulaceae Portulaca oleracea common purslane Platynota stultana Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Platynota stultana
Portulaceae Portulaca sp. purslane Platynota stultana Powell 1983

Powell 1983

Powell, J. A. 1983. Expanding geographical and ecological range of Platynota stultana in California (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 59: 233-239.
Platynota stultana
Primulaceae Cyclamen sp. sowbread Platynota stultana Powell 1983

Powell 1983

Powell, J. A. 1983. Expanding geographical and ecological range of Platynota stultana in California (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 59: 233-239.
Platynota stultana
Rosaceae Rosa sp. rose Platynota stultana Nelson 1936

Nelson 1936

Nelson, R. H. 1936. Observations on the life history of Platynota stultana Wlshm. on greenhouse rose. Journal of Economic Entomology. 29: 306-312.
; Miller & Hodges 1995

Miller & Hodges 1995

Miller, S. E., Hodges, R. W. 1995. Platynota stultana, the omnivorous leaf-roller, established in the Hawaiian Islands (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Bishop Museum Occasional Papers. 42: 36-39.
Platynota stultana
Rosaceae Rubus sp. bramble Platynota stultana Powell 1983

Powell 1983

Powell, J. A. 1983. Expanding geographical and ecological range of Platynota stultana in California (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 59: 233-239.
Platynota stultana
Rutaceae Citrus sp. citrus Platynota stultana Woglum 1920

Woglum 1920

Woglum, R. S. 1920. A recently discovered citrus pest, Platynota tinctana (Walk.) in California. California Department of Agriculture Monthly Bulletin. 9: 341-343.
; McGregor 1934

McGregor 1934

McGregor, E. A. 1934. Platynota stultana Walsh. damaging green oranges in southern California. Journal of Economic Entomology. 27: 974-977.
; Basinger 1936

Basinger 1936

Basinger, A. J. 1936. Notes on the orange worms Argyrotaenia (Tortrix) citrana Fern. and Platynota stultana Wlsm. Journal of Economic Entomology 29: 131-134.
Platynota stultana
Rutaceae Citrus x limon lemon Platynota stultana MacKay 1962a

MacKay 1962a

MacKay, M. R. 1962a. Larvae of the North American Tortricinae (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 28: 1-182.
Platynota stultana
Rutaceae Citrus x sinensis sweet orange Platynota stultana MacKay 1962a

MacKay 1962a

MacKay, M. R. 1962a. Larvae of the North American Tortricinae (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 28: 1-182.
; USNM collection

USNM collection

USNM collection. Based on identified reared specimens in the collection of the National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C.
Platynota stultana
Salicaceae Salix sp. willow Platynota stultana Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Platynota stultana
Solanaceae Capsicum sp. pepper Platynota stultana MacKay 1962a

MacKay 1962a

MacKay, M. R. 1962a. Larvae of the North American Tortricinae (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 28: 1-182.
Platynota stultana
Solanaceae Solanum lycopersicum var. lycopersicum cultivated tomato Platynota stultana Okumura 1974

Okumura 1974

Okumura, G. T. 1974. Illustrated key to the identification of lepidopterous larvae attacking tomatoes in Mexico and the United States, excluding Alaska. National Pest Control Operators News. 34(7): 13-18.
; Powell 1983

Powell 1983

Powell, J. A. 1983. Expanding geographical and ecological range of Platynota stultana in California (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 59: 233-239.
Platynota stultana
Taxaceae Taxus sp. yew Platynota stultana Powell 1983

Powell 1983

Powell, J. A. 1983. Expanding geographical and ecological range of Platynota stultana in California (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 59: 233-239.
Platynota stultana
Verbenaceae Citharexylum spinosum spiny fiddlewood Platynota stultana Miller & Hodges 1995

Miller & Hodges 1995

Miller, S. E., Hodges, R. W. 1995. Platynota stultana, the omnivorous leaf-roller, established in the Hawaiian Islands (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Bishop Museum Occasional Papers. 42: 36-39.
Platynota stultana
Vitaceae Vitis sp. grape Platynota stultana Lynn 1969

Lynn 1969

Lynn, C. D. 1969. Omnivorous leaf roller, an important new grape pest in the San Joaquin Valley. California Agriculture. 23(4): 16-17.
; Shaw et al. 1983

Shaw et al. 1983

Shaw, P. B., Kido, H., Flaherty, D. L., Barnett, W. W., Andris, H. L. 1983. Spatial distribution of infestations of Platynota stultana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in California vineyards and a plan for sequential sampling. Environmental Entomology. 12: 60-65.
Platynota stultana
Vitaceae Vitis vinifera common grape vine Platynota stultana AliNiazee et al. 1971 ; AliNiazee & Stafford 1971, 1972a, 1972b

AliNiazee & Stafford 1971, 1972a, 1972b

AliNiazee, M. T., Stafford, E. M. 1971. Evidence of a sex pheromone in the omnivorous leaf roller: laboratory and field testing of male attraction to virgin females. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 64: 1330-1335.

AliNiazee, M. T., Stafford, E. M. 1972a. Seasonal flight patterns of the omnivorous leaf roller and grape leaffolder in central California vineyards as determined by blacklight traps. Environmental Entomology. 1: 65-68.

AliNiazee, M. T., Stafford, E. M. 1972b. Notes on the biology, ecology, and damage of Platynota stultana on grapes. Journal of Economic Entomology. 65: 1042-1044.

Platynota stultana