Actinidiaceae Actinidia arguta hardy kiwi Epiphyas postvittana Wise 1956b

Wise 1956b

Wise, K. A. J. 1956b. Records of Lepidoptera. The New Zealand Entomologist. 2: 19-20.
Epiphyas postvittana
Actinidiaceae Actinidia deliciosa fuzzy kiwifruit Epiphyas postvittana Stevens 1997

Stevens 1997

Stevens, P. S. 1997. Host preferences of Trichogrammatoidea bactrae fumata (Hym.: Trichogrammatidae) an egg parasitoid of leafrollers (Lep.: Tortricidae). Entomophaga. 40: 379-385.
; Hoy & Whiting 1998

Hoy & Whiting 1998

Hoy, L. E., Whiting, D. C. 1998. Mortality responses of three leafroller (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) species on kiwifruit to a high-temperature controlled atmosphere treatment. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science. 26: 11-15.
Epiphyas postvittana
Aizoaceae Mesembryanthemum sp. N/A Epiphyas postvittana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Amaryllidaceae Allium sativa garlic Epiphyas postvittana CSIRO Collection

CSIRO Collection

CSIRO collection. Based on identified reared specimens in the collection of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Canberra, Australia.
Epiphyas postvittana
Apiaceae Apium graveolens celery Epiphyas postvittana Wise 1956a

Wise 1956a

Wise, K. A. J. 1956a. Records of three common leaf-rollers. The New Zealand Entomologist. 2: 15-18.
Epiphyas postvittana
Araliaceae Hedera helix English ivy Epiphyas postvittana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Asparagaceae Lomandra sp. spiny-head mat-rush Epiphyas postvittana Common 1990

Common 1990

Common, I. F. B. 1990. Moths of Australia. Melbourne University Publishing. 535 pp.
; Herbison-Evans & Crossley 2000

Herbison-Evans & Crossley 2000

Herbison-Evans, D. & S. Crossley. 1995-2020. Caterpillars: especially Australian ones. Web site: [accessed 15 October 2020]
Epiphyas postvittana
Asteraceae Arctotheca sp. N/A Epiphyas postvittana Common rearing files

Common rearing files

Common rearing files. Card catalogue of Lepidoptera reared by Ian F. B. Common, maintained at CSIRO, Canberra, Australia.
Epiphyas postvittana
Asteraceae Baccharis sp. N/A Epiphyas postvittana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Asteraceae Chrysanthemum sp. N/A Epiphyas postvittana Diakonoff 1939b

Diakonoff 1939b

Diakonoff, A. 1939b. On some Indian Tortricidae (Lepidoptera). Records of the Indian Museum. 41: 231-233.
; Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Asteraceae Pulicaria sp. false fleabane Epiphyas postvittana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Asteraceae Sonchus oleraceus common sowthistle Epiphyas postvittana Wise 1956a

Wise 1956a

Wise, K. A. J. 1956a. Records of three common leaf-rollers. The New Zealand Entomologist. 2: 15-18.
Epiphyas postvittana
Asteraceae Wilkesia sp. iliau Epiphyas postvittana Zimmerman 1978

Zimmerman 1978

Zimmerman, E. C. 1978. Insects of Hawaii, Volume 9, Microlepidoptera, Part 1. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, Hawaii. 881 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Blandfordiaceae Blandfordia grandiflora Christmas bells Epiphyas postvittana Herbison-Evans & Crossley 2000

Herbison-Evans & Crossley 2000

Herbison-Evans, D. & S. Crossley. 1995-2020. Caterpillars: especially Australian ones. Web site: [accessed 15 October 2020]
Epiphyas postvittana
Brassicaceae Brassica oleracea wild cabbage Epiphyas postvittana McQuillan 1992

McQuillan 1992

McQuillan, P. B. 1992. A checklist of the Tasmanian tortricid moths (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) and their host-plant relationships. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania. 126: 77-89.  
; Herbison-Evans & Crossley 2000

Herbison-Evans & Crossley 2000

Herbison-Evans, D. & S. Crossley. 1995-2020. Caterpillars: especially Australian ones. Web site: [accessed 15 October 2020]
Epiphyas postvittana
Brassicaceae Brassica sp. N/A Epiphyas postvittana Common 1990

Common 1990

Common, I. F. B. 1990. Moths of Australia. Melbourne University Publishing. 535 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Calycanthaceae Chimonanthus sp. winter flower Epiphyas postvittana Wise 1956a

Wise 1956a

Wise, K. A. J. 1956a. Records of three common leaf-rollers. The New Zealand Entomologist. 2: 15-18.
Epiphyas postvittana
Cannabaceae Humulus lupulus common hop Epiphyas postvittana Wise 1956a

Wise 1956a

Wise, K. A. J. 1956a. Records of three common leaf-rollers. The New Zealand Entomologist. 2: 15-18.
Epiphyas postvittana
Caprifoliaceae Centranthus ruber red valerian Epiphyas postvittana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Celastraceae Euonymus japonicus Japanese spindle Epiphyas postvittana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
; Emmet 1992

Emmet 1992

Emmet, A.M. 1992. Life history and habits of the British Lepidoptera. Pp. 61-300. In: Emmet, A.M., Heath, J. (eds.), The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland, 7. 400 pp., Harley Books, Colchester.
Epiphyas postvittana
Cucurbitaceae Cucurbita pepo field pumpkin Epiphyas postvittana Zimmerman 1978

Zimmerman 1978

Zimmerman, E. C. 1978. Insects of Hawaii, Volume 9, Microlepidoptera, Part 1. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, Hawaii. 881 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Cupressaceae Thuja plicata western redcedar Epiphyas postvittana Wise 1956a

Wise 1956a

Wise, K. A. J. 1956a. Records of three common leaf-rollers. The New Zealand Entomologist. 2: 15-18.
Epiphyas postvittana
Dennstaedtiaceae Pteridium sp. bracken Epiphyas postvittana Common 1990

Common 1990

Common, I. F. B. 1990. Moths of Australia. Melbourne University Publishing. 535 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Ebenaceae Diospyros kaki Japanese persimmon Epiphyas postvittana Wise 1956a

Wise 1956a

Wise, K. A. J. 1956a. Records of three common leaf-rollers. The New Zealand Entomologist. 2: 15-18.
Epiphyas postvittana
Ericaceae Vaccinium corymbosum highbush blueberry Epiphyas postvittana McQuillan 1992

McQuillan 1992

McQuillan, P. B. 1992. A checklist of the Tasmanian tortricid moths (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) and their host-plant relationships. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania. 126: 77-89.  
Epiphyas postvittana
Ericaceae Vaccinium sp. N/A Epiphyas postvittana Zimmerman 1978

Zimmerman 1978

Zimmerman, E. C. 1978. Insects of Hawaii, Volume 9, Microlepidoptera, Part 1. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, Hawaii. 881 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia sp. spurge Epiphyas postvittana Zimmerman 1978

Zimmerman 1978

Zimmerman, E. C. 1978. Insects of Hawaii, Volume 9, Microlepidoptera, Part 1. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, Hawaii. 881 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Fabaceae Acacia koa koa Epiphyas postvittana Zimmerman 1978

Zimmerman 1978

Zimmerman, E. C. 1978. Insects of Hawaii, Volume 9, Microlepidoptera, Part 1. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, Hawaii. 881 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Fabaceae Acacia melanoxylon Australian blackwood Epiphyas postvittana CSIRO Collection

CSIRO Collection

CSIRO collection. Based on identified reared specimens in the collection of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Canberra, Australia.
Epiphyas postvittana
Fabaceae Acacia nilotica gum arabic tree Epiphyas postvittana Diakonoff 1939b

Diakonoff 1939b

Diakonoff, A. 1939b. On some Indian Tortricidae (Lepidoptera). Records of the Indian Museum. 41: 231-233.
; Palmer 1996

Palmer 1996

Palmer, W. A. 1996. From Gaeden Robinson database (BMNH).
Epiphyas postvittana
Fabaceae Acacia sp. acacia Epiphyas postvittana Zimmerman 1978

Zimmerman 1978

Zimmerman, E. C. 1978. Insects of Hawaii, Volume 9, Microlepidoptera, Part 1. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, Hawaii. 881 pp.
; Common 1990

Common 1990

Common, I. F. B. 1990. Moths of Australia. Melbourne University Publishing. 535 pp.
; Herbison-Evans & Crossley 2000

Herbison-Evans & Crossley 2000

Herbison-Evans, D. & S. Crossley. 1995-2020. Caterpillars: especially Australian ones. Web site: [accessed 15 October 2020]
; CSIRO Collection

CSIRO Collection

CSIRO collection. Based on identified reared specimens in the collection of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Canberra, Australia.
Epiphyas postvittana
Fabaceae Dillwynia retorta eggs and bacon Epiphyas postvittana CSIRO Collection

CSIRO Collection

CSIRO collection. Based on identified reared specimens in the collection of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Canberra, Australia.
Epiphyas postvittana
Fabaceae Medicago sativa alfalfa Epiphyas postvittana Herbison-Evans & Crossley 2000

Herbison-Evans & Crossley 2000

Herbison-Evans, D. & S. Crossley. 1995-2020. Caterpillars: especially Australian ones. Web site: [accessed 15 October 2020]
Epiphyas postvittana
Fabaceae Medicago sp. N/A Epiphyas postvittana Common 1990

Common 1990

Common, I. F. B. 1990. Moths of Australia. Melbourne University Publishing. 535 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Fabaceae Phaseolus sp. bean Epiphyas postvittana Common 1990

Common 1990

Common, I. F. B. 1990. Moths of Australia. Melbourne University Publishing. 535 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Fabaceae Pisum sativum pea Epiphyas postvittana Wise 1956a

Wise 1956a

Wise, K. A. J. 1956a. Records of three common leaf-rollers. The New Zealand Entomologist. 2: 15-18.
Epiphyas postvittana
Fabaceae Psoralea sp. fountainbush Epiphyas postvittana CSIRO card file

CSIRO card file

CSIRO card file. Card catalogue of reared Lepidoptera, maintained at CSIRO, Canberra, Australia.
Epiphyas postvittana
Fabaceae Trifolium repens white clover Epiphyas postvittana McQuillan 1992

McQuillan 1992

McQuillan, P. B. 1992. A checklist of the Tasmanian tortricid moths (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) and their host-plant relationships. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania. 126: 77-89.  
Epiphyas postvittana
Fabaceae Ulex europaeus gorse Epiphyas postvittana Zimmerman 1978

Zimmerman 1978

Zimmerman, E. C. 1978. Insects of Hawaii, Volume 9, Microlepidoptera, Part 1. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, Hawaii. 881 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Geraniaceae Pelargonium sp. storksbill Epiphyas postvittana McQuillan 1992

McQuillan 1992

McQuillan, P. B. 1992. A checklist of the Tasmanian tortricid moths (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) and their host-plant relationships. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania. 126: 77-89.  
Epiphyas postvittana
Grossulariaceae Escallonia sp. N/A Epiphyas postvittana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Grossulariaceae Ribes nigrum black currant Epiphyas postvittana Wise 1956a

Wise 1956a

Wise, K. A. J. 1956a. Records of three common leaf-rollers. The New Zealand Entomologist. 2: 15-18.
; McQuillan 1992

McQuillan 1992

McQuillan, P. B. 1992. A checklist of the Tasmanian tortricid moths (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) and their host-plant relationships. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania. 126: 77-89.  
Epiphyas postvittana
Hypericaceae Hypericum sp. St. John's wort Epiphyas postvittana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Iridaceae Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora montbretia Epiphyas postvittana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Lamiaceae Lavandula sp. lavender Epiphyas postvittana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Lamiaceae Mentha sp. mint Epiphyas postvittana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Lamiaceae Mentha x piperita peppermint Epiphyas postvittana McQuillan 1992

McQuillan 1992

McQuillan, P. B. 1992. A checklist of the Tasmanian tortricid moths (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) and their host-plant relationships. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania. 126: 77-89.  
Epiphyas postvittana
Lamiaceae Salvia officinalis common sage Epiphyas postvittana Herbison-Evans & Crossley 2000

Herbison-Evans & Crossley 2000

Herbison-Evans, D. & S. Crossley. 1995-2020. Caterpillars: especially Australian ones. Web site: [accessed 15 October 2020]
Epiphyas postvittana
Myrtaceae Eucalyptus obliqua messmate Epiphyas postvittana McQuillan 1992

McQuillan 1992

McQuillan, P. B. 1992. A checklist of the Tasmanian tortricid moths (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) and their host-plant relationships. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania. 126: 77-89.  
Epiphyas postvittana
Myrtaceae Eucalyptus pauciflora snow gum Epiphyas postvittana McQuillan 1992

McQuillan 1992

McQuillan, P. B. 1992. A checklist of the Tasmanian tortricid moths (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) and their host-plant relationships. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania. 126: 77-89.  
Epiphyas postvittana
Myrtaceae Eucalyptus sp. gum Epiphyas postvittana Common 1990

Common 1990

Common, I. F. B. 1990. Moths of Australia. Melbourne University Publishing. 535 pp.
; Herbison-Evans & Crossley 2000

Herbison-Evans & Crossley 2000

Herbison-Evans, D. & S. Crossley. 1995-2020. Caterpillars: especially Australian ones. Web site: [accessed 15 October 2020]
Epiphyas postvittana
Myrtaceae Melaleuca quinquenervia paperbark Epiphyas postvittana Balciunas et al. 1995

Balciunas et al. 1995

Balciunas, J. K., Burrows, D. W., Horak, M. 1995. Herbivorous insects associated with the paperbark Melaleuca quinquenervia and its allies. 4. Tortricidae. Australian Entomologist. 22: 125-135.
Epiphyas postvittana
Myrtaceae Melaleuca sp. paperbark Epiphyas postvittana Common 1990

Common 1990

Common, I. F. B. 1990. Moths of Australia. Melbourne University Publishing. 535 pp.
; Herbison-Evans & Crossley 2000

Herbison-Evans & Crossley 2000

Herbison-Evans, D. & S. Crossley. 1995-2020. Caterpillars: especially Australian ones. Web site: [accessed 15 October 2020]
Epiphyas postvittana
Myrtaceae Metrosideros polymorpha ʻōhiʻa lehua Epiphyas postvittana UHIM collection

UHIM collection

UHIM collection. Based on identified reared specimens in the collection of the University of Hawaii Insect Museum, Honolulu, HI
Epiphyas postvittana
Oleaceae Jasminum sp. jasmine Epiphyas postvittana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Oleaceae Ligustrum sp. privet Epiphyas postvittana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Onagraceae Fuchsia sp. N/A Epiphyas postvittana CSIRO card file

CSIRO card file

CSIRO card file. Card catalogue of reared Lepidoptera, maintained at CSIRO, Canberra, Australia.
Epiphyas postvittana
Pinaceae Abies sp. fir Epiphyas postvittana Common 1990

Common 1990

Common, I. F. B. 1990. Moths of Australia. Melbourne University Publishing. 535 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Pinaceae Pinus muricata Bishop pine Epiphyas postvittana Winter 1985

Winter 1985

Winter, T. G. 1985. A new larval food plant for Epiphyas postvittana (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in Cornwall. Entomologist’s Gazette. 36: 1.
Epiphyas postvittana
Pinaceae Pinus sp. pine Epiphyas postvittana Common 1990

Common 1990

Common, I. F. B. 1990. Moths of Australia. Melbourne University Publishing. 535 pp.
; Herbison-Evans & Crossley 2000

Herbison-Evans & Crossley 2000

Herbison-Evans, D. & S. Crossley. 1995-2020. Caterpillars: especially Australian ones. Web site: [accessed 15 October 2020]
Epiphyas postvittana
Pittosporaceae Bursaria sp. N/A Epiphyas postvittana Common 1990

Common 1990

Common, I. F. B. 1990. Moths of Australia. Melbourne University Publishing. 535 pp.
; Herbison-Evans & Crossley 2000

Herbison-Evans & Crossley 2000

Herbison-Evans, D. & S. Crossley. 1995-2020. Caterpillars: especially Australian ones. Web site: [accessed 15 October 2020]
Epiphyas postvittana
Plantaginaceae Veronica sp. speedwell Epiphyas postvittana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Poaceae Zea mays corn Epiphyas postvittana Wise 1956a

Wise 1956a

Wise, K. A. J. 1956a. Records of three common leaf-rollers. The New Zealand Entomologist. 2: 15-18.
Epiphyas postvittana
Polygonaceae Polygonum sp. knotweed Epiphyas postvittana Common 1990

Common 1990

Common, I. F. B. 1990. Moths of Australia. Melbourne University Publishing. 535 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Polygonaceae Rumex sp. sorrel Epiphyas postvittana Common rearing files

Common rearing files

Common rearing files. Card catalogue of Lepidoptera reared by Ian F. B. Common, maintained at CSIRO, Canberra, Australia.
Epiphyas postvittana
Proteaceae Banksia sp. N/A Epiphyas postvittana Common 1990

Common 1990

Common, I. F. B. 1990. Moths of Australia. Melbourne University Publishing. 535 pp.
; Herbison-Evans & Crossley 2000

Herbison-Evans & Crossley 2000

Herbison-Evans, D. & S. Crossley. 1995-2020. Caterpillars: especially Australian ones. Web site: [accessed 15 October 2020]
Epiphyas postvittana
Proteaceae Grevillea sp. spider flower Epiphyas postvittana Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938. Unpublished manuscript by E. Meyrick at BMNH, data captured by Gaeden Robinson.
; Common 1990

Common 1990

Common, I. F. B. 1990. Moths of Australia. Melbourne University Publishing. 535 pp.
; Herbison-Evans & Crossley 2000

Herbison-Evans & Crossley 2000

Herbison-Evans, D. & S. Crossley. 1995-2020. Caterpillars: especially Australian ones. Web site: [accessed 15 October 2020]
Epiphyas postvittana
Proteaceae Persoonia sp. geebung Epiphyas postvittana Common 1990

Common 1990

Common, I. F. B. 1990. Moths of Australia. Melbourne University Publishing. 535 pp.
; Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938. Unpublished manuscript by E. Meyrick at BMNH, data captured by Gaeden Robinson.
Epiphyas postvittana
Rhamnaceae Alphitonia excelsa red ash Epiphyas postvittana Jackson 1996

Jackson 1996

Jackson, R. V. 1996. Lepidoptera breeding records from Alphitonia species (Rhamnaceae) at Paluma, North Queensland. Australian Entomologist. 23: 75-76.
Epiphyas postvittana
Rhamnaceae Alphitonia petriei white ash Epiphyas postvittana Jackson 1996

Jackson 1996

Jackson, R. V. 1996. Lepidoptera breeding records from Alphitonia species (Rhamnaceae) at Paluma, North Queensland. Australian Entomologist. 23: 75-76.
Epiphyas postvittana
Rosaceae Crataegus sp. hawthorn Epiphyas postvittana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Rosaceae Fragaria sp. strawberry Epiphyas postvittana Wise 1956b

Wise 1956b

Wise, K. A. J. 1956b. Records of Lepidoptera. The New Zealand Entomologist. 2: 19-20.
; Common 1990

Common 1990

Common, I. F. B. 1990. Moths of Australia. Melbourne University Publishing. 535 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Rosaceae Malus domestica apple Epiphyas postvittana Wise 1956a

Wise 1956a

Wise, K. A. J. 1956a. Records of three common leaf-rollers. The New Zealand Entomologist. 2: 15-18.
; McQuillan 1992

McQuillan 1992

McQuillan, P. B. 1992. A checklist of the Tasmanian tortricid moths (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) and their host-plant relationships. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania. 126: 77-89.  
; Whiting et al. 1997

Whiting et al. 1997

Whiting, D. C., O’Connor, G. M., Maindonald, J. H. 1997. Density and time effects on distribution and survival of lightbrown apple moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) larvae on Granny Smith apples. Environmental Entomology. 26: 277-284.
; CSIRO card file

CSIRO card file

CSIRO card file. Card catalogue of reared Lepidoptera, maintained at CSIRO, Canberra, Australia.
Epiphyas postvittana
Rosaceae Malus sp. apple Epiphyas postvittana Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938. Unpublished manuscript by E. Meyrick at BMNH, data captured by Gaeden Robinson.
; Common 1990

Common 1990

Common, I. F. B. 1990. Moths of Australia. Melbourne University Publishing. 535 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Rosaceae Malus sylvestris European crab apple Epiphyas postvittana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Rosaceae Prunus armeniaca apricot Epiphyas postvittana Wise 1956a

Wise 1956a

Wise, K. A. J. 1956a. Records of three common leaf-rollers. The New Zealand Entomologist. 2: 15-18.
; McQuillan 1992

McQuillan 1992

McQuillan, P. B. 1992. A checklist of the Tasmanian tortricid moths (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) and their host-plant relationships. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania. 126: 77-89.  
Epiphyas postvittana
Rosaceae Prunus domestica common plum Epiphyas postvittana McQuillan 1992

McQuillan 1992

McQuillan, P. B. 1992. A checklist of the Tasmanian tortricid moths (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) and their host-plant relationships. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania. 126: 77-89.  
Epiphyas postvittana
Rosaceae Prunus persica peach Epiphyas postvittana Wise 1956b

Wise 1956b

Wise, K. A. J. 1956b. Records of Lepidoptera. The New Zealand Entomologist. 2: 19-20.
Epiphyas postvittana
Rosaceae Prunus sp. N/A Epiphyas postvittana Wise 1956a

Wise 1956a

Wise, K. A. J. 1956a. Records of three common leaf-rollers. The New Zealand Entomologist. 2: 15-18.
; Common 1990

Common 1990

Common, I. F. B. 1990. Moths of Australia. Melbourne University Publishing. 535 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Rosaceae Pyracantha sp. firethorn Epiphyas postvittana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Rosaceae Pyrus communis European pear Epiphyas postvittana Herbison-Evans & Crossley 2000

Herbison-Evans & Crossley 2000

Herbison-Evans, D. & S. Crossley. 1995-2020. Caterpillars: especially Australian ones. Web site: [accessed 15 October 2020]
Epiphyas postvittana
Rosaceae Pyrus sp. pear Epiphyas postvittana Common 1990

Common 1990

Common, I. F. B. 1990. Moths of Australia. Melbourne University Publishing. 535 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Rosaceae Rosa sp. rose Epiphyas postvittana Wise 1956a

Wise 1956a

Wise, K. A. J. 1956a. Records of three common leaf-rollers. The New Zealand Entomologist. 2: 15-18.
Epiphyas postvittana
Rosaceae Rubus fructicosus blackberry Epiphyas postvittana Wise 1956a

Wise 1956a

Wise, K. A. J. 1956a. Records of three common leaf-rollers. The New Zealand Entomologist. 2: 15-18.
Epiphyas postvittana
Rosaceae Rubus hawaiensis ʻākala Epiphyas postvittana Zimmerman 1978

Zimmerman 1978

Zimmerman, E. C. 1978. Insects of Hawaii, Volume 9, Microlepidoptera, Part 1. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, Hawaii. 881 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Rosaceae Rubus idaeus red raspberry Epiphyas postvittana Wise 1956a

Wise 1956a

Wise, K. A. J. 1956a. Records of three common leaf-rollers. The New Zealand Entomologist. 2: 15-18.
Epiphyas postvittana
Rosaceae Rubus sp. bramble Epiphyas postvittana Wise 1956a

Wise 1956a

Wise, K. A. J. 1956a. Records of three common leaf-rollers. The New Zealand Entomologist. 2: 15-18.
; Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Rutaceae Boronia sp. N/A Epiphyas postvittana Common 1990

Common 1990

Common, I. F. B. 1990. Moths of Australia. Melbourne University Publishing. 535 pp.
; Herbison-Evans & Crossley 2000

Herbison-Evans & Crossley 2000

Herbison-Evans, D. & S. Crossley. 1995-2020. Caterpillars: especially Australian ones. Web site: [accessed 15 October 2020]
Epiphyas postvittana
Rutaceae Citrus sp. citrus Epiphyas postvittana Wise 1956a

Wise 1956a

Wise, K. A. J. 1956a. Records of three common leaf-rollers. The New Zealand Entomologist. 2: 15-18.
; Zimmerman 1978

Zimmerman 1978

Zimmerman, E. C. 1978. Insects of Hawaii, Volume 9, Microlepidoptera, Part 1. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, Hawaii. 881 pp.
; Common 1990

Common 1990

Common, I. F. B. 1990. Moths of Australia. Melbourne University Publishing. 535 pp.
; Herbison-Evans & Crossley 2000

Herbison-Evans & Crossley 2000

Herbison-Evans, D. & S. Crossley. 1995-2020. Caterpillars: especially Australian ones. Web site: [accessed 15 October 2020]
; Jianhua et al. 2006

Jianhua et al. 2006

Jianhua, M., Glover, M., Munro, S. Beattie, G. A. C. 2006. Development of Epiphyas postvittana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) on leaves and fruit of orange trees. Journal of Economic Entomology. 99: 1321-1326.
Epiphyas postvittana
Rutaceae Correa sp. N/A Epiphyas postvittana Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938. Unpublished manuscript by E. Meyrick at BMNH, data captured by Gaeden Robinson.
; Common 1990

Common 1990

Common, I. F. B. 1990. Moths of Australia. Melbourne University Publishing. 535 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Rutaceae Fortunella japonica kumquat Epiphyas postvittana McQuillan 1992

McQuillan 1992

McQuillan, P. B. 1992. A checklist of the Tasmanian tortricid moths (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) and their host-plant relationships. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania. 126: 77-89.  
Epiphyas postvittana
Santalaceae Santalum sp. sandalwood Epiphyas postvittana Zimmerman 1978

Zimmerman 1978

Zimmerman, E. C. 1978. Insects of Hawaii, Volume 9, Microlepidoptera, Part 1. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, Hawaii. 881 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Sapindaceae Dodonaea viscosa ‘a‘ali‘i Epiphyas postvittana Zimmerman 1978

Zimmerman 1978

Zimmerman, E. C. 1978. Insects of Hawaii, Volume 9, Microlepidoptera, Part 1. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, Hawaii. 881 pp.
; CSIRO Collection

CSIRO Collection

CSIRO collection. Based on identified reared specimens in the collection of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Canberra, Australia.
Epiphyas postvittana
Scrophulariaceae Buddleja davidii summer lilac Epiphyas postvittana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Solanaceae Capsicum frutescens tabasco pepper Epiphyas postvittana Wise 1956a

Wise 1956a

Wise, K. A. J. 1956a. Records of three common leaf-rollers. The New Zealand Entomologist. 2: 15-18.
Epiphyas postvittana
Solanaceae Capsicum sp. pepper Epiphyas postvittana Common 1990

Common 1990

Common, I. F. B. 1990. Moths of Australia. Melbourne University Publishing. 535 pp.
; Herbison-Evans & Crossley 2000

Herbison-Evans & Crossley 2000

Herbison-Evans, D. & S. Crossley. 1995-2020. Caterpillars: especially Australian ones. Web site: [accessed 15 October 2020]
Epiphyas postvittana
Solanaceae Lycopersicon esculentum tomato Epiphyas postvittana Wise 1956a

Wise 1956a

Wise, K. A. J. 1956a. Records of three common leaf-rollers. The New Zealand Entomologist. 2: 15-18.
Epiphyas postvittana
Theaceae Camellia japonica common camellia Epiphyas postvittana Foster & Howard 1998

Foster & Howard 1998

Foster, S. P., Howard, A. J. 1998. Influence of stimuli from Camellia japonica on oviposition behavior of generalist herbivore Epiphyas postvittana. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 24: 1251-1275.
Epiphyas postvittana
Thymelaeaceae Wikstroemia oahuensis ʻākia Epiphyas postvittana Zimmerman 1978

Zimmerman 1978

Zimmerman, E. C. 1978. Insects of Hawaii, Volume 9, Microlepidoptera, Part 1. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, Hawaii. 881 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Urticaceae Pipturus sp. māmaki Epiphyas postvittana Zimmerman 1978

Zimmerman 1978

Zimmerman, E. C. 1978. Insects of Hawaii, Volume 9, Microlepidoptera, Part 1. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, Hawaii. 881 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Urticaceae Urtica sp. nettle Epiphyas postvittana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Verbenaceae Lantana camara lantana Epiphyas postvittana Common rearing files

Common rearing files

Common rearing files. Card catalogue of Lepidoptera reared by Ian F. B. Common, maintained at CSIRO, Canberra, Australia.
Epiphyas postvittana
Verbenaceae Lantana sp. lantana Epiphyas postvittana Common 1990

Common 1990

Common, I. F. B. 1990. Moths of Australia. Melbourne University Publishing. 535 pp.
Epiphyas postvittana
Vitaceae Vitis sp. grape Epiphyas postvittana Wise 1956a

Wise 1956a

Wise, K. A. J. 1956a. Records of three common leaf-rollers. The New Zealand Entomologist. 2: 15-18.
; Common 1990

Common 1990

Common, I. F. B. 1990. Moths of Australia. Melbourne University Publishing. 535 pp.
; Madge & Stirrat 1991

Madge & Stirrat 1991

Madge, D. G., Stirrat, S. C. 1991. Development of a day-degree model to predict generation events for lightbrown apple moth Epiphyas postvittana Walker (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) on grapevines in Australia. Plant Prot. Q. 6(1): 39-42.
; Retallack et al. 2018

Retallack et al. 2018

Retallack, M., Mackay, D., Thomson, L., Keller, M. 2018. Which species of Tortricidae leafrollers are key insect pests in South Australian vineyards? Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia. 142: 1-13.
Epiphyas postvittana
Vitaceae Vitis vinifera common grape vine Epiphyas postvittana Buchanan 1977

Buchanan 1977

Buchanan, G. A. 1977. The seasonal abundance and control of light brown apple moth, Epiphyas postvittana (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), on grapevines in Victoria. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 28: 125-132.
; McQuillan 1992

McQuillan 1992

McQuillan, P. B. 1992. A checklist of the Tasmanian tortricid moths (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) and their host-plant relationships. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania. 126: 77-89.  
Epiphyas postvittana