Asteraceae Anaphalis margaritacea western pearly everlasting Clepsis fucana De Benedictis et al. 1990

De Benedictis et al. 1990

De Benedictis, J. A., Wagner, D. L., Whitfield, J. B. 1990. Larval hosts of Microlepidoptera of the San Bruno Mountains, California. Atala. 16: 14-35.
Clepsis fucana
Asteraceae Anaphalis sp. pearly everlasting Clepsis fucana Powell 1964b

Powell 1964b

Powell, J. A. 1964b. Biological and taxonomic studies on tortricine moths, with reference to the species in California. University of California Publications in Entomology. Vol. 32. 317 pp.
Clepsis fucana
Asteraceae Gnaphalium sp. cudweed Clepsis fucana De Benedictis et al. 1990

De Benedictis et al. 1990

De Benedictis, J. A., Wagner, D. L., Whitfield, J. B. 1990. Larval hosts of Microlepidoptera of the San Bruno Mountains, California. Atala. 16: 14-35.
; Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Clepsis fucana
Asteraceae Senecio jacobaea common ragwort Clepsis fucana Frick & Hawkes 1970

Frick & Hawkes 1970

Frick, K. E., Hawkes, R. B.. 1970. Additional insects that feed upon tansy ragwort, Senecio jacobaea, an introduced weedy plant, in the western United States. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 63: 1085-1090.
Clepsis fucana
Boraginaceae [unspecified] N/A Clepsis fucana De Benedictis et al. 1990

De Benedictis et al. 1990

De Benedictis, J. A., Wagner, D. L., Whitfield, J. B. 1990. Larval hosts of Microlepidoptera of the San Bruno Mountains, California. Atala. 16: 14-35.
Clepsis fucana
Boraginaceae Phacelia californica California scorpionweed Clepsis fucana De Benedictis et al. 1990

De Benedictis et al. 1990

De Benedictis, J. A., Wagner, D. L., Whitfield, J. B. 1990. Larval hosts of Microlepidoptera of the San Bruno Mountains, California. Atala. 16: 14-35.
Clepsis fucana
Cucurbitaceae Marah oreganus Oregon manroot Clepsis fucana De Benedictis et al. 1990

De Benedictis et al. 1990

De Benedictis, J. A., Wagner, D. L., Whitfield, J. B. 1990. Larval hosts of Microlepidoptera of the San Bruno Mountains, California. Atala. 16: 14-35.
Clepsis fucana
Fagaceae Quercus agrifolia California live oak Clepsis fucana Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Clepsis fucana
Lamiaceae Stachys bullata California hedgenettle Clepsis fucana Keifer 1933

Keifer 1933

Keifer, H. H. 1933. California Microlepidoptera. VI. Calif. Dept. Agric. Month. Bull. 22: 351-365.
; Powell 1964b

Powell 1964b

Powell, J. A. 1964b. Biological and taxonomic studies on tortricine moths, with reference to the species in California. University of California Publications in Entomology. Vol. 32. 317 pp.
; Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Clepsis fucana
Lamiaceae Stachys sp. N/A Clepsis fucana Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938. Unpublished manuscript by E. Meyrick at BMNH, data captured by Gaeden Robinson.
Clepsis fucana
Primulaceae Cyclamen sp. sowbread Clepsis fucana Keifer 1935

Keifer 1935

Keifer, H. H. 1935. California Microlepidoptera. VII. Calif. Dept. Agric. Month. Bull. 24: 195-218.
; MacKay 1962a

MacKay 1962a

MacKay, M. R. 1962a. Larvae of the North American Tortricinae (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 28: 1-182.
; Powell 1964b

Powell 1964b

Powell, J. A. 1964b. Biological and taxonomic studies on tortricine moths, with reference to the species in California. University of California Publications in Entomology. Vol. 32. 317 pp.
Clepsis fucana
Rhamnaceae Frangula californica California coffeeberry Clepsis fucana Powell 1964b

Powell 1964b

Powell, J. A. 1964b. Biological and taxonomic studies on tortricine moths, with reference to the species in California. University of California Publications in Entomology. Vol. 32. 317 pp.
Clepsis fucana
Rosaceae Fragaria chiloensis beach strawberry Clepsis fucana De Benedictis et al. 1990

De Benedictis et al. 1990

De Benedictis, J. A., Wagner, D. L., Whitfield, J. B. 1990. Larval hosts of Microlepidoptera of the San Bruno Mountains, California. Atala. 16: 14-35.
; Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Clepsis fucana
Rosaceae Horkelia californica California horkelia Clepsis fucana De Benedictis et al. 1990

De Benedictis et al. 1990

De Benedictis, J. A., Wagner, D. L., Whitfield, J. B. 1990. Larval hosts of Microlepidoptera of the San Bruno Mountains, California. Atala. 16: 14-35.
; Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Clepsis fucana
Rosaceae Rubus parviflorus thimbleberry Clepsis fucana Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Clepsis fucana
Rosaceae Rubus sp. bramble Clepsis fucana Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Clepsis fucana
Scrophulariaceae Scrophularia californica California figwort Clepsis fucana Keifer 1933

Keifer 1933

Keifer, H. H. 1933. California Microlepidoptera. VI. Calif. Dept. Agric. Month. Bull. 22: 351-365.
; Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
; Powell 1964b

Powell 1964b

Powell, J. A. 1964b. Biological and taxonomic studies on tortricine moths, with reference to the species in California. University of California Publications in Entomology. Vol. 32. 317 pp.
; De Benedictis et al. 1990

De Benedictis et al. 1990

De Benedictis, J. A., Wagner, D. L., Whitfield, J. B. 1990. Larval hosts of Microlepidoptera of the San Bruno Mountains, California. Atala. 16: 14-35.
; Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Clepsis fucana
Scrophulariaceae Scrophularia sp. figwort Clepsis fucana Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938. Unpublished manuscript by E. Meyrick at BMNH, data captured by Gaeden Robinson.
; Powell 1964b

Powell 1964b

Powell, J. A. 1964b. Biological and taxonomic studies on tortricine moths, with reference to the species in California. University of California Publications in Entomology. Vol. 32. 317 pp.
Clepsis fucana
Urticaceae Urtica dioica ssp. holosericea stinging nettle Clepsis fucana Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Clepsis fucana