Asteraceae Arctium sp. burdock Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Asteraceae Hieracium sp. hawkweed Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Betulaceae Alnus glutinosa black alder Archips podana Jaros & Spitzer 2002

Jaros & Spitzer 2002

Jaros, J., Spitzer K. 2002. Food plants of Lepidoptera associated with an alder carr forest in South Bohemia (Central Europe). Zoological Studies in the Vrbenske Rybniky Reserve (South Bohemia, CZ). Rocnik 42(Supplement): 5–60.
Archips podana
Betulaceae Alnus sp. alder Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Betulaceae Betula sp. birch Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Betulaceae Corylus sp. hazel Archips podana Trematerra & Baldizzone 2004

Trematerra & Baldizzone 2004

Trematerra, P., Baldizzone, G. 2004. Records of Tortricidae (Lepidoptera) from Krk Island (Croatia). Entomologia Croatica. 8: 25-44.
Archips podana
Cannabaceae Humulus sp. hop Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Caprifoliaceae Lonicera periclymenum common honeysuckle Archips podana Fox 2004

Fox 2004

Fox, B. W. 2004. A study of the guild of Lepidoptera foraging on honeysuckle, Lonicera periclymenum L. Entomologist’s Gazette. 55: 35-43.
Archips podana
Celastraceae Euonymus japonicus Japanese spindle Archips podana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Archips podana
Cornaceae Cornus mas cornel Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Dennstaedtiaceae Pteridium aquilinum bracken fern Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Ericaceae Rhododendron sp. N/A Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Ericaceae Vaccinium sp. N/A Archips podana Trematerra & Baldizzone 2004

Trematerra & Baldizzone 2004

Trematerra, P., Baldizzone, G. 2004. Records of Tortricidae (Lepidoptera) from Krk Island (Croatia). Entomologia Croatica. 8: 25-44.
Archips podana
Fabaceae Trifolium sp. clover Archips podana Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938. Unpublished manuscript by E. Meyrick at BMNH, data captured by Gaeden Robinson.
Archips podana
Fagaceae Fagus sp. beech Archips podana Trematerra & Baldizzone 2004

Trematerra & Baldizzone 2004

Trematerra, P., Baldizzone, G. 2004. Records of Tortricidae (Lepidoptera) from Krk Island (Croatia). Entomologia Croatica. 8: 25-44.
Archips podana
Fagaceae Fagus sylvatica European beech Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Fagaceae Quercus robur English oak Archips podana Disque 1908

Disque 1908

Disque, H. 1908. Versuch einer microlepidopterologischen Botanik. Deutsch Entomologische Zeitschrift Iris. 21: 34-147.
Archips podana
Fagaceae Quercus sp. oak Archips podana Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938. Unpublished manuscript by E. Meyrick at BMNH, data captured by Gaeden Robinson.
Archips podana
Grossulariaceae Ribes nigrum black currant Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Grossulariaceae Ribes sp. currant Archips podana Trematerra & Baldizzone 2004

Trematerra & Baldizzone 2004

Trematerra, P., Baldizzone, G. 2004. Records of Tortricidae (Lepidoptera) from Krk Island (Croatia). Entomologia Croatica. 8: 25-44.
Archips podana
Malvaceae Tilia sp. linden Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Oleaceae Fraxinus sp. ash Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Pinaceae Picea sp. spruce Archips podana Trematerra & Baldizzone 2004

Trematerra & Baldizzone 2004

Trematerra, P., Baldizzone, G. 2004. Records of Tortricidae (Lepidoptera) from Krk Island (Croatia). Entomologia Croatica. 8: 25-44.
Archips podana
Primulaceae Primula sp. primrose Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Ranunculaceae Clematis sp. clematis Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Rosaceae Cydonia oblonga quince Archips podana Cravedi & Ughini 1992 Archips podana
Rosaceae Filipendula ulmaria meadowsweet Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Rosaceae Malus domestica apple Archips podana Sylven 1958

Sylven 1958

Sylven, E. 1958. Studies on fruit leaf tortricids (Lepidoptera), with special reference to the periodicity of the adult moths. Statens Vaxtskyddsanstalt, Meddelanden [Swedish State Plant Protection Institute Contributions] 11: 74, pp. 135-296. Stockholm.
Archips podana
Rosaceae Malus sp. apple Archips podana Frerot et al. 1982

Frerot et al. 1982

Frerot, B., Boniface, B., Chambon, J.-P., Meritan, Y. 1982. Emploi du piegeage sexuel avec des attractifs de synthese pour l’etude de la repartition dans la region parisienne de trois especes de tordeuses des verger. Agronomie, Paris 2(9): 885-893 [In French].
Archips podana
Rosaceae Malus sylvestris European crab apple Archips podana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Archips podana
Rosaceae Prunus avium sweet cherry Archips podana Jaros & Spitzer 2002

Jaros & Spitzer 2002

Jaros, J., Spitzer K. 2002. Food plants of Lepidoptera associated with an alder carr forest in South Bohemia (Central Europe). Zoological Studies in the Vrbenske Rybniky Reserve (South Bohemia, CZ). Rocnik 42(Supplement): 5–60.
; Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Rosaceae Prunus cerasus sour cherry Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Rosaceae Prunus domestica common plum Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Rosaceae Prunus padus bird cherry Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Rosaceae Prunus sp. N/A Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Rosaceae Prunus spinosa blackthorn Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Rosaceae Pyrus communis European pear Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Rosaceae Pyrus sp. pear Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Rosaceae Rosa rugosa rugosa rose Archips podana Ziarkiewicz & Kozlowska 1973

Ziarkiewicz & Kozlowska 1973

Ziarkiewicz, T., Kozlowska, A. 1973. Szkodliwe gatunki z rodziny Tortricidae (Lepidoptera) zerujace na rozach - Die auf den Rosen lebenden schladlichen Arten aus der Familie Tortricidae (Lepidoptera). Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 43: 627-630 [in Polish].
Archips podana
Rosaceae Rosa sp. rose Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Rosaceae Rubus fructicosus blackberry Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Rosaceae Rubus idaeus red raspberry Archips podana Jaros & Spitzer 2002

Jaros & Spitzer 2002

Jaros, J., Spitzer K. 2002. Food plants of Lepidoptera associated with an alder carr forest in South Bohemia (Central Europe). Zoological Studies in the Vrbenske Rybniky Reserve (South Bohemia, CZ). Rocnik 42(Supplement): 5–60.
Archips podana
Rosaceae Rubus sp. bramble Archips podana Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938. Unpublished manuscript by E. Meyrick at BMNH, data captured by Gaeden Robinson.
Archips podana
Rosaceae Sorbus sp. N/A Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Rosaceae Spiraea salicifolia bridewort Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Salicaceae Populus sp. N/A Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Salicaceae Salix sp. willow Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Vitaceae Vitis sp. grape Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana