Pinaceae Abies balsamea balsam fir Archips alberta Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips alberta
Pinaceae Larix sp. larch Archips alberta Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips alberta
Pinaceae Picea glauca white spruce Archips alberta Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips alberta
Pinaceae Picea mariana black spruce Archips alberta MacKay 1962a

MacKay 1962a

MacKay, M. R. 1962a. Larvae of the North American Tortricinae (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 28: 1-182.
; Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips alberta
Pinaceae Picea rubens red spruce Archips alberta Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips alberta
Pinaceae Picea sp. spruce Archips alberta Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips alberta
Pinaceae Tsuga canadensis eastern hemlock Archips alberta Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips alberta
Adoxaceae Viburnum sp. N/A Archips argyrospila Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips argyrospila
Amaryllidaceae Allium cepa common onion Archips argyrospila LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
Archips argyrospila
Anacardiaceae Cotinus obovatus American smoketree Archips argyrospila Gary Graves (image) Archips argyrospila
Anacardiaceae Rhus sp. sumac Archips argyrospila Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips argyrospila
Anacardiaceae Toxicodendron pubescens Atlantic poison oak Archips argyrospila LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
Archips argyrospila
Betulaceae Betula papyrifera paper birch Archips argyrospila Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips argyrospila
Betulaceae Carpinus sp. hornbeam Archips argyrospila Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips argyrospila
Boraginaceae Eriodictyon californicum California yerba santa Archips argyrospila Powell 1964b, 2006

Powell 1964b, 2006

Powell, J. A. 1964b. Biological and taxonomic studies on tortricine moths, with reference to the species in California. University of California Publications in Entomology. Vol. 32. 317 pp.

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.

Archips argyrospila
Boraginaceae Eriodictyon sp. yerba santa Archips argyrospila Powell 1964b

Powell 1964b

Powell, J. A. 1964b. Biological and taxonomic studies on tortricine moths, with reference to the species in California. University of California Publications in Entomology. Vol. 32. 317 pp.
Archips argyrospila
Cornaceae Cornus glabrata brown dogwood Archips argyrospila Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Archips argyrospila
Cornaceae Cornus sp. dogwood Archips argyrospila Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips argyrospila
Ericaceae Arbutus menziesii (ID uncertain) Pacific madrone Archips argyrospila Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Archips argyrospila
Ericaceae Arctostaphylos sp. manzanita Archips argyrospila Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Archips argyrospila
Ericaceae Rhododendron groenlandicum bog Labrador tea Archips argyrospila Ferguson 1975

Ferguson 1975

Ferguson, D. C. 1975. Host records for Lepidoptera reared in eastern North America. United States Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin 1521. 49 pp.
Archips argyrospila
Ericaceae Rhododendron sp. N/A Archips argyrospila Schaffner 1959

Schaffner 1959

Schaffner, J. V. 1959. Microlepidoptera and their parasites reared from field collections in the northeastern United States. USDA, Misc. Publ. 767. 97 pp.
Archips argyrospila
Ericaceae Vaccinium sp. N/A Archips argyrospila Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
; Wagner et al. 1995

Wagner et al. 1995

Wagner, D. L., Peacock, J. W., Carter, J. L., Talley, S. E. 1995. Spring caterpillar fauna of oak and blueberry in a Virginia deciduous forest. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 88: 416-426.
Archips argyrospila
Fabaceae Amorpha fruticosa desert false indigo Archips argyrospila Godfrey et al. 1987

Godfrey et al. 1987

Godfrey, G. L., Cashatt, E. D., Glenn, M. O. 1987. Microlepidoptera from the Sandy Creek and Illinois River Region: A annotated checklist of the suborders Dacnonypha, Monotrysia, and Ditrysia (in part) (Insecta). Spec. Publ. 7. Illinois Natural History Survey.
Archips argyrospila
Fabaceae Medicago sativa alfalfa Archips argyrospila LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
Archips argyrospila
Fabaceae Melilotus sp. sweet clover Archips argyrospila Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips argyrospila
Fabaceae Robinia pseudoacacia black locust Archips argyrospila LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
; Hargove 1986
Archips argyrospila
Fabaceae Vicia sp. vetch Archips argyrospila Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Archips argyrospila
Fagaceae Quercus agrifolia California live oak Archips argyrospila Powell 1964b, 2006

Powell 1964b, 2006

Powell, J. A. 1964b. Biological and taxonomic studies on tortricine moths, with reference to the species in California. University of California Publications in Entomology. Vol. 32. 317 pp.

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.

; Opler 1974

Opler 1974

Opler, P. A. 1974. Biology, ecology, and host specificity of microlepidoptera associated with Quercus agrifolia (Fagaceae). University of California Press. vol. 75. 83 pp.
Archips argyrospila
Fagaceae Quercus alba white oak Archips argyrospila Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips argyrospila
Fagaceae Quercus conccinea scarlet oak Archips argyrospila Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Archips argyrospila
Fagaceae Quercus douglasii blue oak Archips argyrospila Powell 1964b, 2006

Powell 1964b, 2006

Powell, J. A. 1964b. Biological and taxonomic studies on tortricine moths, with reference to the species in California. University of California Publications in Entomology. Vol. 32. 317 pp.

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.

Archips argyrospila
Fagaceae Quercus dumosa coastal sage scrub oak Archips argyrospila Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Archips argyrospila
Fagaceae Quercus garryana Oregon white oak Archips argyrospila Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Archips argyrospila
Fagaceae Quercus kelloggii California black oak Archips argyrospila Powell 1964b, 2006

Powell 1964b, 2006

Powell, J. A. 1964b. Biological and taxonomic studies on tortricine moths, with reference to the species in California. University of California Publications in Entomology. Vol. 32. 317 pp.

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.

Archips argyrospila
Fagaceae Quercus lobata valley oak Archips argyrospila Powell 1962a, 1964b, 2006

Powell 1962a, 1964b, 2006

Powell, J. A. 1962a. Host-parasite relationships of California Tortricinae. Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 38: 131-140.

Powell, J. A. 1964b. Biological and taxonomic studies on tortricine moths, with reference to the species in California. University of California Publications in Entomology. Vol. 32. 317 pp.

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.

Archips argyrospila
Fagaceae Quercus rubra northern red oak Archips argyrospila LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
; Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips argyrospila
Fagaceae Quercus sp. oak Archips argyrospila LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
; Dyar 1902

Dyar 1902

Dyar, H. G. 1902. Descriptions of the larvae of some moths from Colorado. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 25: 369-412.
; Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938. Unpublished manuscript by E. Meyrick at BMNH, data captured by Gaeden Robinson.
; Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
; Schaffner 1959

Schaffner 1959

Schaffner, J. V. 1959. Microlepidoptera and their parasites reared from field collections in the northeastern United States. USDA, Misc. Publ. 767. 97 pp.
; Wagner et al. 1995

Wagner et al. 1995

Wagner, D. L., Peacock, J. W., Carter, J. L., Talley, S. E. 1995. Spring caterpillar fauna of oak and blueberry in a Virginia deciduous forest. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 88: 416-426.
Archips argyrospila
Fagaceae Quercus wislizeni interior live oak Archips argyrospila Powell 1964b, 2006

Powell 1964b, 2006

Powell, J. A. 1964b. Biological and taxonomic studies on tortricine moths, with reference to the species in California. University of California Publications in Entomology. Vol. 32. 317 pp.

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.

Archips argyrospila
Grossulariaceae Ribes rubrum black currant Archips argyrospila LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
Archips argyrospila
Grossulariaceae Ribes sp. currant Archips argyrospila Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips argyrospila
Grossulariaceae Ribes uva-crispa European gooseberry Archips argyrospila LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
Archips argyrospila
Juglandaceae Carya sp. hickory Archips argyrospila LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
Archips argyrospila
Juglandaceae Juglans sp. walnut Archips argyrospila Powell 1962a

Powell 1962a

Powell, J. A. 1962a. Host-parasite relationships of California Tortricinae. Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 38: 131-140.
Archips argyrospila
Malvaceae Tilia americana American basswood Archips argyrospila Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips argyrospila
Myricaceae Comptonia peregrina sweetfern Archips argyrospila Schaffner 1959

Schaffner 1959

Schaffner, J. V. 1959. Microlepidoptera and their parasites reared from field collections in the northeastern United States. USDA, Misc. Publ. 767. 97 pp.
Archips argyrospila
Myricaceae Myrica sp. N/A Archips argyrospila McDunnough 1934

McDunnough 1934

McDunnough, J. 1934. The Canadian species of the tortricid genus Peronea. Canadian Journal of Research. 11: 290-332.
Archips argyrospila
Oleaceae Fraxinus oregona Oregon ash Archips argyrospila Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Archips argyrospila
Oleaceae Fraxinus sp. ash Archips argyrospila LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
; Dyar 1902

Dyar 1902

Dyar, H. G. 1902. Descriptions of the larvae of some moths from Colorado. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 25: 369-412.
; Schaffner 1959

Schaffner 1959

Schaffner, J. V. 1959. Microlepidoptera and their parasites reared from field collections in the northeastern United States. USDA, Misc. Publ. 767. 97 pp.
Archips argyrospila
Pinaceae Abies concolor white fir Archips argyrospila Powell & De Benedictis 1996

Powell & De Benedictis 1996

Powell, J. A., De Benedictis, J. A. 1996. Foliage-feeding Lepidoptera of Abies and Pseudotsuga associated with Choristoneura in California, pp. 167-216. In: Powell, J. A. (ed.), Biosystematic studies on conifer-feeding Choristoneura (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in the western United States. University of California Publications in Entomology 115.
; Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Archips argyrospila
Pinaceae Pseudotsuga macrocarpa bigcone spruce Archips argyrospila Powell & De Benedictis 1996

Powell & De Benedictis 1996

Powell, J. A., De Benedictis, J. A. 1996. Foliage-feeding Lepidoptera of Abies and Pseudotsuga associated with Choristoneura in California, pp. 167-216. In: Powell, J. A. (ed.), Biosystematic studies on conifer-feeding Choristoneura (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in the western United States. University of California Publications in Entomology 115.
; Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Archips argyrospila
Pinaceae Pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas fir Archips argyrospila Powell 1964b, 2006

Powell 1964b, 2006

Powell, J. A. 1964b. Biological and taxonomic studies on tortricine moths, with reference to the species in California. University of California Publications in Entomology. Vol. 32. 317 pp.

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.

; Powell & De Benedictis 1996

Powell & De Benedictis 1996

Powell, J. A., De Benedictis, J. A. 1996. Foliage-feeding Lepidoptera of Abies and Pseudotsuga associated with Choristoneura in California, pp. 167-216. In: Powell, J. A. (ed.), Biosystematic studies on conifer-feeding Choristoneura (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in the western United States. University of California Publications in Entomology 115.
Archips argyrospila
Platanaceae Platanus sp. sycamore Archips argyrospila Freeman 1959 Archips argyrospila
Rhamnaceae Ceanothus cuneatus buckbrush Archips argyrospila Powell 1964b

Powell 1964b

Powell, J. A. 1964b. Biological and taxonomic studies on tortricine moths, with reference to the species in California. University of California Publications in Entomology. Vol. 32. 317 pp.
Archips argyrospila
Rhamnaceae Ceanothus incanus coast whitethorn Archips argyrospila Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Archips argyrospila
Rhamnaceae Cercocarpus betuloides mountain mahogany Archips argyrospila Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Archips argyrospila
Rhamnaceae Cercocarpus sp. mountain mahogany Archips argyrospila Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Archips argyrospila
Rosaceae Cercocarpus montanus alder-leaf mountain-mahogany Archips argyrospila Powell 1964b

Powell 1964b

Powell, J. A. 1964b. Biological and taxonomic studies on tortricine moths, with reference to the species in California. University of California Publications in Entomology. Vol. 32. 317 pp.
Archips argyrospila
Rosaceae Crataegus sp. hawthorn Archips argyrospila Powell 1964b

Powell 1964b

Powell, J. A. 1964b. Biological and taxonomic studies on tortricine moths, with reference to the species in California. University of California Publications in Entomology. Vol. 32. 317 pp.
Archips argyrospila
Rosaceae Malus domestica apple Archips argyrospila Powell 1964b

Powell 1964b

Powell, J. A. 1964b. Biological and taxonomic studies on tortricine moths, with reference to the species in California. University of California Publications in Entomology. Vol. 32. 317 pp.
Archips argyrospila
Rosaceae Malus pumila apple Archips argyrospila Schaffner 1959

Schaffner 1959

Schaffner, J. V. 1959. Microlepidoptera and their parasites reared from field collections in the northeastern United States. USDA, Misc. Publ. 767. 97 pp.
Archips argyrospila
Rosaceae Malus sp. apple Archips argyrospila LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
; MacKay 1962a

MacKay 1962a

MacKay, M. R. 1962a. Larvae of the North American Tortricinae (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 28: 1-182.
; Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips argyrospila
Rosaceae Prunus armeniaca apricot Archips argyrospila LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
Archips argyrospila
Rosaceae Prunus avium sweet cherry Archips argyrospila LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
Archips argyrospila
Rosaceae Prunus ilicifolia hollyleaf cherry Archips argyrospila Dyar 1902

Dyar 1902

Dyar, H. G. 1902. Descriptions of the larvae of some moths from Colorado. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 25: 369-412.
Archips argyrospila
Rosaceae Prunus pensylvanica pin cherry Archips argyrospila Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips argyrospila
Rosaceae Prunus sp. N/A Archips argyrospila LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
; Dyar 1902

Dyar 1902

Dyar, H. G. 1902. Descriptions of the larvae of some moths from Colorado. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 25: 369-412.
; Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
; MacKay 1962a

MacKay 1962a

MacKay, M. R. 1962a. Larvae of the North American Tortricinae (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 28: 1-182.
Archips argyrospila
Rosaceae Prunus virginiana chokecherry Archips argyrospila Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips argyrospila
Rosaceae Pyrus communis European pear Archips argyrospila MacKay 1962a

MacKay 1962a

MacKay, M. R. 1962a. Larvae of the North American Tortricinae (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 28: 1-182.
; LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
Archips argyrospila
Rosaceae Pyrus sp. pear Archips argyrospila Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips argyrospila
Rosaceae Rosa californica California wild rose Archips argyrospila Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Archips argyrospila
Rosaceae Rosa sp. rose Archips argyrospila LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
; Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
; Schaffner 1959

Schaffner 1959

Schaffner, J. V. 1959. Microlepidoptera and their parasites reared from field collections in the northeastern United States. USDA, Misc. Publ. 767. 97 pp.
Archips argyrospila
Rosaceae Rubus deliciosus delicious blackberry Archips argyrospila LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
; Dyar 1902

Dyar 1902

Dyar, H. G. 1902. Descriptions of the larvae of some moths from Colorado. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 25: 369-412.
Archips argyrospila
Rosaceae Rubus sp. bramble Archips argyrospila Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
; LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
Archips argyrospila
Rutaceae Citrus sinensis sweet orange Archips argyrospila MacKay 1962a

MacKay 1962a

MacKay, M. R. 1962a. Larvae of the North American Tortricinae (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 28: 1-182.
Archips argyrospila
Rutaceae Citrus sp. citrus Archips argyrospila LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
; MacKay 1962a

MacKay 1962a

MacKay, M. R. 1962a. Larvae of the North American Tortricinae (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 28: 1-182.
Archips argyrospila
Salicaceae Populus balsamifera balsam poplar Archips argyrospila Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips argyrospila
Salicaceae Populus grandidentata bigtooth aspen Archips argyrospila Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips argyrospila
Salicaceae Populus sp. N/A Archips argyrospila LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
; Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Archips argyrospila
Salicaceae Populus tremuloides quaking aspen Archips argyrospila Schaffner 1959

Schaffner 1959

Schaffner, J. V. 1959. Microlepidoptera and their parasites reared from field collections in the northeastern United States. USDA, Misc. Publ. 767. 97 pp.
; MacKay 1962a

MacKay 1962a

MacKay, M. R. 1962a. Larvae of the North American Tortricinae (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 28: 1-182.
; Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips argyrospila
Salicaceae Salix lasiolepis arroyo willow Archips argyrospila Powell 1964b, 2006

Powell 1964b, 2006

Powell, J. A. 1964b. Biological and taxonomic studies on tortricine moths, with reference to the species in California. University of California Publications in Entomology. Vol. 32. 317 pp.

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.

Archips argyrospila
Salicaceae Salix sessilifolia northwest sandbar willow Archips argyrospila Powell 1964b

Powell 1964b

Powell, J. A. 1964b. Biological and taxonomic studies on tortricine moths, with reference to the species in California. University of California Publications in Entomology. Vol. 32. 317 pp.
Archips argyrospila
Salicaceae Salix sp. willow Archips argyrospila Dyar 1902

Dyar 1902

Dyar, H. G. 1902. Descriptions of the larvae of some moths from Colorado. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 25: 369-412.
; Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938. Unpublished manuscript by E. Meyrick at BMNH, data captured by Gaeden Robinson.
; Powell 1964b

Powell 1964b

Powell, J. A. 1964b. Biological and taxonomic studies on tortricine moths, with reference to the species in California. University of California Publications in Entomology. Vol. 32. 317 pp.
; LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
; Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
; Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Archips argyrospila
Sapindaceae Acer negundo boxelder maple Archips argyrospila LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
; Dyar 1902

Dyar 1902

Dyar, H. G. 1902. Descriptions of the larvae of some moths from Colorado. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 25: 369-412.
; Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Archips argyrospila
Sapindaceae Acer rubrum red maple Archips argyrospila Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips argyrospila
Sapindaceae Acer sp. maple Archips argyrospila LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
; Powell 1964b

Powell 1964b

Powell, J. A. 1964b. Biological and taxonomic studies on tortricine moths, with reference to the species in California. University of California Publications in Entomology. Vol. 32. 317 pp.
Archips argyrospila
Sapindaceae Acer spicatum mountain maple Archips argyrospila MacKay 1962a

MacKay 1962a

MacKay, M. R. 1962a. Larvae of the North American Tortricinae (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 28: 1-182.
Archips argyrospila
Sapindaceae Aesculus californica California buckeye Archips argyrospila Walsingham 1879

Walsingham 1879

Walsingham, Lord T. de G. 1879. Illustrations of Typical Specimens of Lepidoptera Heterocera in the Collection of the British Museum 4: 1-84. British Museum, London.
Archips argyrospila
Sapindaceae Aesculus hippocastanum horse chestnut Archips argyrospila LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
Archips argyrospila
Ulmaceae Ulmus americana American elm Archips argyrospila Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips argyrospila
Ulmaceae Ulmus sp. elm Archips argyrospila LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
; Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips argyrospila
Vitaceae Vitis sp. grape Archips argyrospila Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips argyrospila
Betulaceae Alnus incana grey alder Archips cerasivorana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips cerasivorana
Betulaceae Betula papyrifera paper birch Archips cerasivorana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips cerasivorana
Betulaceae Corylus sp. hazel Archips cerasivorana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips cerasivorana
Fagaceae Quercus macrocarpa bur oak Archips cerasivorana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips cerasivorana
Fagaceae Quercus palustris pin oak Archips cerasivorana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips cerasivorana
Malvaceae Tilia americana American basswood Archips cerasivorana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips cerasivorana
Oleaceae Fraxinus sp. ash Archips cerasivorana Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips cerasivorana
PInaceae Pinus sylvestris Scots pine Archips cerasivorana Atwood 1967

Atwood 1967

Atwood, C. E. 1967. A change in feeding habitat in Archips cerasivorana (Fitch) (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Ontario. 97: 115-117.
Archips cerasivorana
Rosaceae Amelanchier sp. serviceberry Archips cerasivorana MacKay 1962a

MacKay 1962a

MacKay, M. R. 1962a. Larvae of the North American Tortricinae (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 28: 1-182.
; Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips cerasivorana
Rosaceae Crataegus sp. hawthorn Archips cerasivorana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips cerasivorana
Rosaceae Prunus avium sweet cherry Archips cerasivorana LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
Archips cerasivorana
Rosaceae Prunus emarginata butter cherry Archips cerasivorana Powell 1962a, 1964b

Powell 1962a, 1964b

Powell, J. A. 1962a. Host-parasite relationships of California Tortricinae. Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 38: 131-140.

Powell, J. A. 1964b. Biological and taxonomic studies on tortricine moths, with reference to the species in California. University of California Publications in Entomology. Vol. 32. 317 pp.

Archips cerasivorana
Rosaceae Prunus ilicifolia hollyleaf cherry Archips cerasivorana Dyar 1902

Dyar 1902

Dyar, H. G. 1902. Descriptions of the larvae of some moths from Colorado. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 25: 369-412.
Archips cerasivorana
Rosaceae Prunus pensylvanica pin cherry Archips cerasivorana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips cerasivorana
Rosaceae Prunus pumila sand cherry Archips cerasivorana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips cerasivorana
Rosaceae Prunus serotina black cherry Archips cerasivorana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips cerasivorana
Rosaceae Prunus sp. N/A Archips cerasivorana Dyar 1902

Dyar 1902

Dyar, H. G. 1902. Descriptions of the larvae of some moths from Colorado. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 25: 369-412.
; Forbes 1923

Forbes 1923

Forbes, W. M. T. 1923. The Lepidoptera of New York and neighboring states. Primitive forms, Microlepidoptera, Pyraloids, Bombyces. Cornell Univ. Argic. Exp. Sta., Mem. 68. 729 pp.
; Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
; Schaffner 1959

Schaffner 1959

Schaffner, J. V. 1959. Microlepidoptera and their parasites reared from field collections in the northeastern United States. USDA, Misc. Publ. 767. 97 pp.
; Powell 1964b

Powell 1964b

Powell, J. A. 1964b. Biological and taxonomic studies on tortricine moths, with reference to the species in California. University of California Publications in Entomology. Vol. 32. 317 pp.
; Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips cerasivorana
Rosaceae Prunus virginiana chokecherry Archips cerasivorana Schaffner 1959

Schaffner 1959

Schaffner, J. V. 1959. Microlepidoptera and their parasites reared from field collections in the northeastern United States. USDA, Misc. Publ. 767. 97 pp.
; Powell 1964b, 2006

Powell 1964b, 2006

Powell, J. A. 1964b. Biological and taxonomic studies on tortricine moths, with reference to the species in California. University of California Publications in Entomology. Vol. 32. 317 pp.

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.

; LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
; Ferguson 1975

Ferguson 1975

Ferguson, D. C. 1975. Host records for Lepidoptera reared in eastern North America. United States Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin 1521. 49 pp.
Archips cerasivorana
Rosaceae Prunus virginiana var. demissa western chokecherry Archips cerasivorana Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Archips cerasivorana
Rosaceae Rosa sp. rose Archips cerasivorana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips cerasivorana
Salicaceae Populus balsamifera balsam poplar Archips cerasivorana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips cerasivorana
Salicaceae Populus sp. N/A Archips cerasivorana MacKay 1962a

MacKay 1962a

MacKay, M. R. 1962a. Larvae of the North American Tortricinae (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 28: 1-182.
Archips cerasivorana
Salicaceae Populus tremuloides quaking aspen Archips cerasivorana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips cerasivorana
Salicaceae Salix sp. willow Archips cerasivorana Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
; Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips cerasivorana
Sapindaceae Acer saccharinum sugar maple Archips cerasivorana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips cerasivorana
Betulaceae Alnus japonica Japanese alder Archips crataegana Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Archips crataegana
Betulaceae Betula platyphylla Asian white birch Archips crataegana Byun et al. 1998

Byun et al. 1998

Byun, B., Bae, Y., Park, K. 1998. Illustrated catalogue of Tortricidae of Korea (Lepidoptera). In: Park, K.-T. (ed.), Insects of Korea [2]. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology & Center for Insect Systematics. 317 pp.
Archips crataegana
Betulaceae Corylus sp. hazel Archips crataegana Ozdemir et al. 2005

Ozdemir et al. 2005

Özdemir, M., Özdemir, Y., Seven, S., Bozkurt, V. 2005. Orta anadolu bölgesinde kültür bitkilerinde zararlı Tortricidae (Lepidoptera) faunası Uzerine Araştırmalar1 [Investigations on pest Tortricidae fauna (Lepidoptera) on cultural plants in central Anatolia region]. Bitki Koruma Bülteni. 45(1): 17-44.
Archips crataegana
Fagaceae Quercus dalechampii N/A Archips crataegana Kulfan 2012

Kulfan 2012

Kulfan, M. 2012. Structure of lepidopterocenoses on oaks Quercus dalechampii and Q. cerris in Central Europe and estimation of the most important species. Munnis Entomology & Zoology. 7: 732-741.
Archips crataegana
Fagaceae Quercus dentata Japanese emperor oak Archips crataegana Byun et al. 1998

Byun et al. 1998

Byun, B., Bae, Y., Park, K. 1998. Illustrated catalogue of Tortricidae of Korea (Lepidoptera). In: Park, K.-T. (ed.), Insects of Korea [2]. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology & Center for Insect Systematics. 317 pp.
Archips crataegana
Fagaceae Quercus robur English oak Archips crataegana Disque 1908

Disque 1908

Disque, H. 1908. Versuch einer microlepidopterologischen Botanik. Deutsch Entomologische Zeitschrift Iris. 21: 34-147.
Archips crataegana
Fagaceae Quercus sp. oak Archips crataegana Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938. Unpublished manuscript by E. Meyrick at BMNH, data captured by Gaeden Robinson.
; Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Archips crataegana
Juglandaceae Juglans regia English walnut Archips crataegana Ozdemir et al. 2005

Ozdemir et al. 2005

Özdemir, M., Özdemir, Y., Seven, S., Bozkurt, V. 2005. Orta anadolu bölgesinde kültür bitkilerinde zararlı Tortricidae (Lepidoptera) faunası Uzerine Araştırmalar1 [Investigations on pest Tortricidae fauna (Lepidoptera) on cultural plants in central Anatolia region]. Bitki Koruma Bülteni. 45(1): 17-44.
Archips crataegana
Malvaceae Tilia sp. linden Archips crataegana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Archips crataegana
Moraceae Morus sp. mulberry Archips crataegana Byun et al. 1998

Byun et al. 1998

Byun, B., Bae, Y., Park, K. 1998. Illustrated catalogue of Tortricidae of Korea (Lepidoptera). In: Park, K.-T. (ed.), Insects of Korea [2]. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology & Center for Insect Systematics. 317 pp.
; Bae 2000a
Archips crataegana
Oleaceae Fraxinus excelsior European ash Archips crataegana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Archips crataegana
Rosaceae Crataegus pinnatifida Chinese hawthorn Archips crataegana Byun et al. 1998

Byun et al. 1998

Byun, B., Bae, Y., Park, K. 1998. Illustrated catalogue of Tortricidae of Korea (Lepidoptera). In: Park, K.-T. (ed.), Insects of Korea [2]. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology & Center for Insect Systematics. 317 pp.
Archips crataegana
Rosaceae Fragaria vesca wild strawberry Archips crataegana van der Geest et al. 1991

van der Geest et al. 1991

van der Geest, L. P. S., Wearing, C. H., Dugdale, J. S. 1991. Tortricids in miscellaneous crops, pp. 563-577. In: van der Geest, L. P. S., Evenhuis, H. H. (eds.), Tortricid pests, their biology, natural enemies and control. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Archips crataegana
Rosaceae Malus baccata Siberian crab apple Archips crataegana Byun et al. 1998

Byun et al. 1998

Byun, B., Bae, Y., Park, K. 1998. Illustrated catalogue of Tortricidae of Korea (Lepidoptera). In: Park, K.-T. (ed.), Insects of Korea [2]. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology & Center for Insect Systematics. 317 pp.
Archips crataegana
Rosaceae Malus pumila apple Archips crataegana Byun et al. 1998

Byun et al. 1998

Byun, B., Bae, Y., Park, K. 1998. Illustrated catalogue of Tortricidae of Korea (Lepidoptera). In: Park, K.-T. (ed.), Insects of Korea [2]. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology & Center for Insect Systematics. 317 pp.
Archips crataegana
Rosaceae Prunus avium sweet cherry Archips crataegana Ozdemir et al. 2005

Ozdemir et al. 2005

Özdemir, M., Özdemir, Y., Seven, S., Bozkurt, V. 2005. Orta anadolu bölgesinde kültür bitkilerinde zararlı Tortricidae (Lepidoptera) faunası Uzerine Araştırmalar1 [Investigations on pest Tortricidae fauna (Lepidoptera) on cultural plants in central Anatolia region]. Bitki Koruma Bülteni. 45(1): 17-44.
Archips crataegana
Rosaceae Prunus sargentii North Japanese hill cherry Archips crataegana Byun et al. 1998

Byun et al. 1998

Byun, B., Bae, Y., Park, K. 1998. Illustrated catalogue of Tortricidae of Korea (Lepidoptera). In: Park, K.-T. (ed.), Insects of Korea [2]. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology & Center for Insect Systematics. 317 pp.
Archips crataegana
Rosaceae Prunus sp. N/A Archips crataegana Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938. Unpublished manuscript by E. Meyrick at BMNH, data captured by Gaeden Robinson.
Archips crataegana
Rosaceae Prunus tomentosa Nanjing cherry Archips crataegana Byun et al. 1998

Byun et al. 1998

Byun, B., Bae, Y., Park, K. 1998. Illustrated catalogue of Tortricidae of Korea (Lepidoptera). In: Park, K.-T. (ed.), Insects of Korea [2]. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology & Center for Insect Systematics. 317 pp.
Archips crataegana
Rosaceae Prunus x yedoensis Yoshino cherry Archips crataegana Byun et al. 1998

Byun et al. 1998

Byun, B., Bae, Y., Park, K. 1998. Illustrated catalogue of Tortricidae of Korea (Lepidoptera). In: Park, K.-T. (ed.), Insects of Korea [2]. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology & Center for Insect Systematics. 317 pp.
Archips crataegana
Rosaceae Pyrus pyrifolia Asian pear Archips crataegana Byun et al. 1998

Byun et al. 1998

Byun, B., Bae, Y., Park, K. 1998. Illustrated catalogue of Tortricidae of Korea (Lepidoptera). In: Park, K.-T. (ed.), Insects of Korea [2]. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology & Center for Insect Systematics. 317 pp.
Archips crataegana
Rosaceae Pyrus sp. pear Archips crataegana Byun et al. 1998

Byun et al. 1998

Byun, B., Bae, Y., Park, K. 1998. Illustrated catalogue of Tortricidae of Korea (Lepidoptera). In: Park, K.-T. (ed.), Insects of Korea [2]. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology & Center for Insect Systematics. 317 pp.
Archips crataegana
Rutaceae Citrus sp. citrus Archips crataegana Byun et al. 1998

Byun et al. 1998

Byun, B., Bae, Y., Park, K. 1998. Illustrated catalogue of Tortricidae of Korea (Lepidoptera). In: Park, K.-T. (ed.), Insects of Korea [2]. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology & Center for Insect Systematics. 317 pp.
Archips crataegana
Salicaceae Populus maximoniczii Asian poplar Archips crataegana Byun et al. 1998

Byun et al. 1998

Byun, B., Bae, Y., Park, K. 1998. Illustrated catalogue of Tortricidae of Korea (Lepidoptera). In: Park, K.-T. (ed.), Insects of Korea [2]. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology & Center for Insect Systematics. 317 pp.
Archips crataegana
Salicaceae Populus sp. N/A Archips crataegana Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938. Unpublished manuscript by E. Meyrick at BMNH, data captured by Gaeden Robinson.
; Ozdemir et al. 2005

Ozdemir et al. 2005

Özdemir, M., Özdemir, Y., Seven, S., Bozkurt, V. 2005. Orta anadolu bölgesinde kültür bitkilerinde zararlı Tortricidae (Lepidoptera) faunası Uzerine Araştırmalar1 [Investigations on pest Tortricidae fauna (Lepidoptera) on cultural plants in central Anatolia region]. Bitki Koruma Bülteni. 45(1): 17-44.
Archips crataegana
Salicaceae Salix sp. willow Archips crataegana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
; Byun et al. 1998

Byun et al. 1998

Byun, B., Bae, Y., Park, K. 1998. Illustrated catalogue of Tortricidae of Korea (Lepidoptera). In: Park, K.-T. (ed.), Insects of Korea [2]. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology & Center for Insect Systematics. 317 pp.
Archips crataegana
Ulmaceae Ulmus sp. elm Archips crataegana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Archips crataegana
Fagaceae Quercus alba white oak Archips fervidana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips fervidana
Fagaceae Quercus macrocarpa bur oak Archips fervidana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips fervidana
Fagaceae Quercus palustris pin oak Archips fervidana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips fervidana
Fagaceae Quercus rubra northern red oak Archips fervidana LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
; Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips fervidana
Fagaceae Quercus sp. oak Archips fervidana Forbes 1923

Forbes 1923

Forbes, W. M. T. 1923. The Lepidoptera of New York and neighboring states. Primitive forms, Microlepidoptera, Pyraloids, Bombyces. Cornell Univ. Argic. Exp. Sta., Mem. 68. 729 pp.
; Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938. Unpublished manuscript by E. Meyrick at BMNH, data captured by Gaeden Robinson.
; Kimball & Jones 1943

Kimball & Jones 1943

Kimball, C. P. & F. M. Jones. 1943. The Lepidoptera of Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard Islands, Massachusetts. The Nantucket Maria Mitchell Association, vol. 4. 217 pp.
; Schaffner 1959

Schaffner 1959

Schaffner, J. V. 1959. Microlepidoptera and their parasites reared from field collections in the northeastern United States. USDA, Misc. Publ. 767. 97 pp.
; Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
; LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
Archips fervidana
Fagaceae Quercus velutina black oak Archips fervidana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips fervidana
Juglandaceae Carya sp. hickory Archips fervidana Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
; MacKay 1962a

MacKay 1962a

MacKay, M. R. 1962a. Larvae of the North American Tortricinae (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 28: 1-182.
Archips fervidana
Rosaceae Prunus sp. N/A Archips fervidana LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
Archips fervidana
Rosaceae Prunus virginiana chokecherry Archips fervidana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips fervidana
Salicaceae Populus tremuloides quaking aspen Archips fervidana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips fervidana
Aquifoliaceae Ilex verticillata winterberry Archips fuscocupreanus Maier 2003

Maier 2003

Maier, C. T. 2003. Distribution, hosts, abundance, and seasonal flight activity of the exotic leafroller, Archips fuscocupreanus Walsingham (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), in the northeastern United States. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 96: 660-666.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Asteraceae Erigeron annuus daisy fleabane Archips fuscocupreanus Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Betulaceae Alnus sp. alder Archips fuscocupreanus Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Betulaceae Betula platyphylla Asian white birch Archips fuscocupreanus Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Betulaceae Corylus sp. hazel Archips fuscocupreanus LaGasa database 2004

LaGasa database 2004

LaGasa database. 2004. Food plant data base and personal communications with E. LaGasa, Washington State Department of Agriculture.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Celastraceae Celastrus orbiculatus Oriental bittersweet Archips fuscocupreanus Maier 2003

Maier 2003

Maier, C. T. 2003. Distribution, hosts, abundance, and seasonal flight activity of the exotic leafroller, Archips fuscocupreanus Walsingham (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), in the northeastern United States. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 96: 660-666.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Cornaceae Cornus sp. dogwood Archips fuscocupreanus LaGasa database 2004

LaGasa database 2004

LaGasa database. 2004. Food plant data base and personal communications with E. LaGasa, Washington State Department of Agriculture.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Ebenaceae Diospyros kaki Japanese persimmon Archips fuscocupreanus Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Elaeagnaceae Elaeagnus umbellata autumn olive Archips fuscocupreanus Maier 2003

Maier 2003

Maier, C. T. 2003. Distribution, hosts, abundance, and seasonal flight activity of the exotic leafroller, Archips fuscocupreanus Walsingham (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), in the northeastern United States. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 96: 660-666.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Ericaceae Rhododendron sp. N/A Archips fuscocupreanus LaGasa database 2004

LaGasa database 2004

LaGasa database. 2004. Food plant data base and personal communications with E. LaGasa, Washington State Department of Agriculture.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Euphorbiaceae Ricinus communis castor bean Archips fuscocupreanus Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Fabaceae Glycine max soybean Archips fuscocupreanus Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
; Tuck 1990

Tuck 1990

Tuck, K. 1990. A taxonomic revision of the Malaysian and Indonesian species of Archips Hübner (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Entomologica Scandinavica. 21: 179-196.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Fabaceae Phaseolus sp. bean Archips fuscocupreanus Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Fagaceae Castanea crenata Japanese chestnut Archips fuscocupreanus Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Fagaceae Castanea sp. chestnut Archips fuscocupreanus Teramoto 1996

Teramoto 1996

Teramoto, N. 1996. Studies on lepidopterous insect fauna on fagaceous plants, as the food plants of the wild silk moth, Antheraea yamamai. Bulletin of the Shiga Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station 19: 1-216. [plus additional records given to Gaeden Robinson in DB form]
Archips fuscocupreanus
Fagaceae Quercus acutissima sawtooth oak Archips fuscocupreanus Teramoto 1996

Teramoto 1996

Teramoto, N. 1996. Studies on lepidopterous insect fauna on fagaceous plants, as the food plants of the wild silk moth, Antheraea yamamai. Bulletin of the Shiga Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station 19: 1-216. [plus additional records given to Gaeden Robinson in DB form]
Archips fuscocupreanus
Fagaceae Quercus glauca Japanese blue oak Archips fuscocupreanus Funakoshi 2008

Funakoshi 2008

Funakoshi, S. 2008. Tortricid moths feeding on Quercus glauca Thunb. Japan Heterocerists’ Journal. 247: 399-401.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Fagaceae Quercus mongolica Mongolian oak Archips fuscocupreanus Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
; Teramoto 1996

Teramoto 1996

Teramoto, N. 1996. Studies on lepidopterous insect fauna on fagaceous plants, as the food plants of the wild silk moth, Antheraea yamamai. Bulletin of the Shiga Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station 19: 1-216. [plus additional records given to Gaeden Robinson in DB form]
Archips fuscocupreanus
Fagaceae Quercus serrata jolcham oak Archips fuscocupreanus Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
; Teramoto 1996

Teramoto 1996

Teramoto, N. 1996. Studies on lepidopterous insect fauna on fagaceous plants, as the food plants of the wild silk moth, Antheraea yamamai. Bulletin of the Shiga Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station 19: 1-216. [plus additional records given to Gaeden Robinson in DB form]
Archips fuscocupreanus
Fagaceae Quercus variabilis Chinese cork oak Archips fuscocupreanus Teramoto 1996

Teramoto 1996

Teramoto, N. 1996. Studies on lepidopterous insect fauna on fagaceous plants, as the food plants of the wild silk moth, Antheraea yamamai. Bulletin of the Shiga Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station 19: 1-216. [plus additional records given to Gaeden Robinson in DB form]
Archips fuscocupreanus
Hydrangeaceae Deutzia sp. N/A Archips fuscocupreanus LaGasa database 2004

LaGasa database 2004

LaGasa database. 2004. Food plant data base and personal communications with E. LaGasa, Washington State Department of Agriculture.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Juglandaceae Juglans sp. walnut Archips fuscocupreanus Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Moraceae Morus alba white mulberry Archips fuscocupreanus Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938. Unpublished manuscript by E. Meyrick at BMNH, data captured by Gaeden Robinson.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Moraceae Morus bombycis Korean mulberry Archips fuscocupreanus Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Pinaceae Larix sp. larch Archips fuscocupreanus Suzuki & Komai 1984

Suzuki & Komai 1984

Suzuki, S., Komai, F. 1984. Microlepidoptera feeding on conifer trees in Hokkaido. Bull. Hokkaido For. Exp. Sta. 22: 85-129.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Pinaceae Picea sp. spruce Archips fuscocupreanus Suzuki & Komai 1984

Suzuki & Komai 1984

Suzuki, S., Komai, F. 1984. Microlepidoptera feeding on conifer trees in Hokkaido. Bull. Hokkaido For. Exp. Sta. 22: 85-129.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Rhamnaceae Rhamnus sp. buckthorn Archips fuscocupreanus LaGasa database 2004

LaGasa database 2004

LaGasa database. 2004. Food plant data base and personal communications with E. LaGasa, Washington State Department of Agriculture.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Rosaceae Amelanchier canadensis Canadian serviceberry Archips fuscocupreanus Maier 2003

Maier 2003

Maier, C. T. 2003. Distribution, hosts, abundance, and seasonal flight activity of the exotic leafroller, Archips fuscocupreanus Walsingham (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), in the northeastern United States. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 96: 660-666.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Rosaceae Cydonia oblonga quince Archips fuscocupreanus Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Rosaceae Fragaria sp. strawberry Archips fuscocupreanus Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Rosaceae Malus baccata Siberian crab apple Archips fuscocupreanus Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Rosaceae Malus pumila apple Archips fuscocupreanus BMNH collection

BMNH collection

BMNH collection. Based on identified reared specimens in the collection of The Natural History Museum, London; identifications by staff of the Lepidoptera Section.
; Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Rosaceae Malus sp. apple Archips fuscocupreanus Ohira & Oku 1996

Ohira & Oku 1996

Ohira, Y., Oku, T. 1996. A trial to promote the effect of natural control agents, especially of Trichogramma sp. on the apple tortrix, Archips fuscocupreanus Walsingham, by disrupting the mating of the pest. FFTC Book Series. 47: 131-136.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Rosaceae Prunus armeniaca apricot Archips fuscocupreanus Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Rosaceae Prunus avium sweet cherry Archips fuscocupreanus Byun et al. 1998

Byun et al. 1998

Byun, B., Bae, Y., Park, K. 1998. Illustrated catalogue of Tortricidae of Korea (Lepidoptera). In: Park, K.-T. (ed.), Insects of Korea [2]. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology & Center for Insect Systematics. 317 pp.
; LaGasa database 2004

LaGasa database 2004

LaGasa database. 2004. Food plant data base and personal communications with E. LaGasa, Washington State Department of Agriculture.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Rosaceae Prunus laurocerasus Cherry laurel Archips fuscocupreanus LaGasa database 2004

LaGasa database 2004

LaGasa database. 2004. Food plant data base and personal communications with E. LaGasa, Washington State Department of Agriculture.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Rosaceae Prunus mume Japanese plum Archips fuscocupreanus Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Rosaceae Prunus persica peach Archips fuscocupreanus Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Rosaceae Prunus salicina Chinese plum Archips fuscocupreanus Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Rosaceae Prunus sargentii North Japanese hill cherry Archips fuscocupreanus Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Rosaceae Prunus serotina black cherry Archips fuscocupreanus BMNH collection

BMNH collection

BMNH collection. Based on identified reared specimens in the collection of The Natural History Museum, London; identifications by staff of the Lepidoptera Section.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Rosaceae Prunus x yedoensis Yoshino cherry Archips fuscocupreanus Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Rosaceae Pyrus pyrifolia Asian pear Archips fuscocupreanus Byun et al. 1998

Byun et al. 1998

Byun, B., Bae, Y., Park, K. 1998. Illustrated catalogue of Tortricidae of Korea (Lepidoptera). In: Park, K.-T. (ed.), Insects of Korea [2]. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology & Center for Insect Systematics. 317 pp.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Rosaceae Pyrus sp. pear Archips fuscocupreanus Byun et al. 1998

Byun et al. 1998

Byun, B., Bae, Y., Park, K. 1998. Illustrated catalogue of Tortricidae of Korea (Lepidoptera). In: Park, K.-T. (ed.), Insects of Korea [2]. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology & Center for Insect Systematics. 317 pp.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Rosaceae Pyrus ussuriensis Chinese pear Archips fuscocupreanus Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Rosaceae Rosa multiflora multiflora rose Archips fuscocupreanus Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Rosaceae Rosa rugosa rugosa rose Archips fuscocupreanus Kamijo et al. 1983

Kamijo et al. 1983

Kamijo, K., Komai, F., Suzuki, S. 1983. [Pests of Rosa rugosa Thunberg.] Koshunai-Kihou. 55: 17-21.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Rosaceae Rubus sp. bramble Archips fuscocupreanus Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Rosaceae Sorbus sp. N/A Archips fuscocupreanus Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Salicaceae Salix sp. willow Archips fuscocupreanus Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Sapindaceae Acer sp. maple Archips fuscocupreanus Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Ulmaceae Ulmus sp. elm Archips fuscocupreanus Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
; LaGasa database 2004

LaGasa database 2004

LaGasa database. 2004. Food plant data base and personal communications with E. LaGasa, Washington State Department of Agriculture.
Archips fuscocupreanus
Ericaceae Vaccinium sp. N/A Archips georgiana Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips georgiana
Fagaceae Quercus sp. oak Archips georgiana Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips georgiana
Juglandaceae Carya sp. hickory Archips georgiana MacKay 1962a

MacKay 1962a

MacKay, M. R. 1962a. Larvae of the North American Tortricinae (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 28: 1-182.
Archips georgiana
Asteraceae Rudbeckia sp. coneflower Archips grisea Forbes 1923

Forbes 1923

Forbes, W. M. T. 1923. The Lepidoptera of New York and neighboring states. Primitive forms, Microlepidoptera, Pyraloids, Bombyces. Cornell Univ. Argic. Exp. Sta., Mem. 68. 729 pp.
; Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips grisea
Fagaceae Quercus sp. oak Archips grisea Forbes 1923

Forbes 1923

Forbes, W. M. T. 1923. The Lepidoptera of New York and neighboring states. Primitive forms, Microlepidoptera, Pyraloids, Bombyces. Cornell Univ. Argic. Exp. Sta., Mem. 68. 729 pp.
; Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
; Wagner et al. 1995

Wagner et al. 1995

Wagner, D. L., Peacock, J. W., Carter, J. L., Talley, S. E. 1995. Spring caterpillar fauna of oak and blueberry in a Virginia deciduous forest. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 88: 416-426.
Archips grisea
Juglandaceae Carya sp. hickory Archips grisea Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips grisea
Rosaceae Crataegus sp. hawthorn Archips grisea Chapman & Lienk 1971

Chapman & Lienk 1971

Chapman, P. J., Lienk, S. E. 1971. Tortricid fauna of apple in New York (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae); including an account of apple's occurrence in the state, especially as a naturalized plant. Spec. Publ. Geneva, NY: New York State Agricultural Experiment Station. 122 pp.
Archips grisea
Rosaceae Malus sp. apple Archips grisea Chapman & Lienk 1971

Chapman & Lienk 1971

Chapman, P. J., Lienk, S. E. 1971. Tortricid fauna of apple in New York (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae); including an account of apple's occurrence in the state, especially as a naturalized plant. Spec. Publ. Geneva, NY: New York State Agricultural Experiment Station. 122 pp.
Archips grisea
Rosaceae Prunus virginiana chokecherry Archips grisea Chapman & Lienk 1971

Chapman & Lienk 1971

Chapman, P. J., Lienk, S. E. 1971. Tortricid fauna of apple in New York (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae); including an account of apple's occurrence in the state, especially as a naturalized plant. Spec. Publ. Geneva, NY: New York State Agricultural Experiment Station. 122 pp.
Archips grisea
Rosaceae Pyrus sp. pear Archips grisea Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips grisea
Apiaceae Cicuta sp. water hemlock Archips mortuana Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips mortuana
Betulaceae Alnus sp. alder Archips mortuana Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
; MacKay 1962a

MacKay 1962a

MacKay, M. R. 1962a. Larvae of the North American Tortricinae (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 28: 1-182.
Archips mortuana
Rosaceae Crataegus sp. hawthorn Archips mortuana Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips mortuana
Rosaceae Malus sp. apple Archips mortuana Chapman & Lienk 1971

Chapman & Lienk 1971

Chapman, P. J., Lienk, S. E. 1971. Tortricid fauna of apple in New York (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae); including an account of apple's occurrence in the state, especially as a naturalized plant. Spec. Publ. Geneva, NY: New York State Agricultural Experiment Station. 122 pp.
Archips mortuana
Rosaceae Prunus virginiana chokecherry Archips mortuana Chapman & Lienk 1971

Chapman & Lienk 1971

Chapman, P. J., Lienk, S. E. 1971. Tortricid fauna of apple in New York (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae); including an account of apple's occurrence in the state, especially as a naturalized plant. Spec. Publ. Geneva, NY: New York State Agricultural Experiment Station. 122 pp.
Archips mortuana
Rosaceae Spiraea sp. meadowsweet Archips mortuana Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips mortuana
Salicaceae Populus balsamifera balsam poplar Archips mortuana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips mortuana
Salicaceae Populus tremuloides quaking aspen Archips mortuana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips mortuana
Salicaceae Salix bebbiana Bebb's willow Archips mortuana Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips mortuana
Salicaceae Salix sp. willow Archips mortuana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips mortuana
Betulaceae Alnus incana grey alder Archips negundana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips negundana
Betulaceae Alnus incana ssp. tenuifolia mountain alder Archips negundana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips negundana
Caprifoliaceae Lonicera sp. honeysuckle Archips negundana Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips negundana
Rosaceae Rubus sp. bramble Archips negundana Parker & Moyer 1972

Parker & Moyer 1972

Parker D. L., Moyer M. W. 1972. Biology of a leafroller, Archips negundanus, in Utah (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 65(6): 1415-1418.
Archips negundana
Sapindaceae Acer negundo boxelder maple Archips negundana LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
; Dyar 1902

Dyar 1902

Dyar, H. G. 1902. Descriptions of the larvae of some moths from Colorado. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 25: 369-412.
; Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips negundana
Sapindaceae Acer sp. maple Archips negundana Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938. Unpublished manuscript by E. Meyrick at BMNH, data captured by Gaeden Robinson.
Archips negundana
Ulmaceae Ulmus americana American elm Archips negundana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips negundana
Urticaceae Urtica sp. nettle Archips negundana Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips negundana
Pinaceae Abies amabilis Pacific silver fir Archips packardiana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips packardiana
Pinaceae Abies balsamea balsam fir Archips packardiana LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
; Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938. Unpublished manuscript by E. Meyrick at BMNH, data captured by Gaeden Robinson.
; Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips packardiana
Pinaceae Abies lasiocarpa subalpine fir Archips packardiana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips packardiana
Pinaceae Abies sp. fir Archips packardiana Forbes 1923

Forbes 1923

Forbes, W. M. T. 1923. The Lepidoptera of New York and neighboring states. Primitive forms, Microlepidoptera, Pyraloids, Bombyces. Cornell Univ. Argic. Exp. Sta., Mem. 68. 729 pp.
; Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
; MacKay 1962a

MacKay 1962a

MacKay, M. R. 1962a. Larvae of the North American Tortricinae (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 28: 1-182.
Archips packardiana
Pinaceae Larix occidentalis western larch Archips packardiana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips packardiana
Pinaceae Larix sp. larch Archips packardiana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips packardiana
Pinaceae Picea abies Norway spruce Archips packardiana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips packardiana
Pinaceae Picea engelmannii Engelmann spruce Archips packardiana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
; LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
Archips packardiana
Pinaceae Picea glauca white spruce Archips packardiana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
; LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
Archips packardiana
Pinaceae Picea mariana black spruce Archips packardiana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
; LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
Archips packardiana
Pinaceae Picea pungens blue spruce Archips packardiana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips packardiana
Pinaceae Picea rubens red spruce Archips packardiana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips packardiana
Pinaceae Picea sitchensis Sitka spruce Archips packardiana LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
Archips packardiana
Pinaceae Picea sp. spruce Archips packardiana Forbes 1923

Forbes 1923

Forbes, W. M. T. 1923. The Lepidoptera of New York and neighboring states. Primitive forms, Microlepidoptera, Pyraloids, Bombyces. Cornell Univ. Argic. Exp. Sta., Mem. 68. 729 pp.
; Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
; MacKay 1962a

MacKay 1962a

MacKay, M. R. 1962a. Larvae of the North American Tortricinae (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 28: 1-182.
Archips packardiana
Pinaceae Pinus banksiana Jack pine Archips packardiana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips packardiana
Pinaceae Pinus contorta lodgepole pine Archips packardiana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips packardiana
Pinaceae Tsuga canadensis eastern hemlock Archips packardiana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips packardiana
Pinaceae Tsuga heterophylla western hemlock Archips packardiana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips packardiana
Asteraceae Arctium sp. burdock Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Asteraceae Hieracium sp. hawkweed Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Betulaceae Alnus glutinosa black alder Archips podana Jaros & Spitzer 2002

Jaros & Spitzer 2002

Jaros, J., Spitzer K. 2002. Food plants of Lepidoptera associated with an alder carr forest in South Bohemia (Central Europe). Zoological Studies in the Vrbenske Rybniky Reserve (South Bohemia, CZ). Rocnik 42(Supplement): 5–60.
Archips podana
Betulaceae Alnus sp. alder Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Betulaceae Betula sp. birch Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Betulaceae Corylus sp. hazel Archips podana Trematerra & Baldizzone 2004

Trematerra & Baldizzone 2004

Trematerra, P., Baldizzone, G. 2004. Records of Tortricidae (Lepidoptera) from Krk Island (Croatia). Entomologia Croatica. 8: 25-44.
Archips podana
Cannabaceae Humulus sp. hop Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Caprifoliaceae Lonicera periclymenum common honeysuckle Archips podana Fox 2004

Fox 2004

Fox, B. W. 2004. A study of the guild of Lepidoptera foraging on honeysuckle, Lonicera periclymenum L. Entomologist’s Gazette. 55: 35-43.
Archips podana
Celastraceae Euonymus japonicus Japanese spindle Archips podana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Archips podana
Cornaceae Cornus mas cornel Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Dennstaedtiaceae Pteridium aquilinum bracken fern Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Ericaceae Rhododendron sp. N/A Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Ericaceae Vaccinium sp. N/A Archips podana Trematerra & Baldizzone 2004

Trematerra & Baldizzone 2004

Trematerra, P., Baldizzone, G. 2004. Records of Tortricidae (Lepidoptera) from Krk Island (Croatia). Entomologia Croatica. 8: 25-44.
Archips podana
Fabaceae Trifolium sp. clover Archips podana Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938. Unpublished manuscript by E. Meyrick at BMNH, data captured by Gaeden Robinson.
Archips podana
Fagaceae Fagus sp. beech Archips podana Trematerra & Baldizzone 2004

Trematerra & Baldizzone 2004

Trematerra, P., Baldizzone, G. 2004. Records of Tortricidae (Lepidoptera) from Krk Island (Croatia). Entomologia Croatica. 8: 25-44.
Archips podana
Fagaceae Fagus sylvatica European beech Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Fagaceae Quercus robur English oak Archips podana Disque 1908

Disque 1908

Disque, H. 1908. Versuch einer microlepidopterologischen Botanik. Deutsch Entomologische Zeitschrift Iris. 21: 34-147.
Archips podana
Fagaceae Quercus sp. oak Archips podana Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938. Unpublished manuscript by E. Meyrick at BMNH, data captured by Gaeden Robinson.
Archips podana
Grossulariaceae Ribes nigrum black currant Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Grossulariaceae Ribes sp. currant Archips podana Trematerra & Baldizzone 2004

Trematerra & Baldizzone 2004

Trematerra, P., Baldizzone, G. 2004. Records of Tortricidae (Lepidoptera) from Krk Island (Croatia). Entomologia Croatica. 8: 25-44.
Archips podana
Malvaceae Tilia sp. linden Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Oleaceae Fraxinus sp. ash Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Pinaceae Picea sp. spruce Archips podana Trematerra & Baldizzone 2004

Trematerra & Baldizzone 2004

Trematerra, P., Baldizzone, G. 2004. Records of Tortricidae (Lepidoptera) from Krk Island (Croatia). Entomologia Croatica. 8: 25-44.
Archips podana
Primulaceae Primula sp. primrose Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Ranunculaceae Clematis sp. clematis Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Rosaceae Cydonia oblonga quince Archips podana Cravedi & Ughini 1992 Archips podana
Rosaceae Filipendula ulmaria meadowsweet Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Rosaceae Malus domestica apple Archips podana Sylven 1958

Sylven 1958

Sylven, E. 1958. Studies on fruit leaf tortricids (Lepidoptera), with special reference to the periodicity of the adult moths. Statens Vaxtskyddsanstalt, Meddelanden [Swedish State Plant Protection Institute Contributions] 11: 74, pp. 135-296. Stockholm.
Archips podana
Rosaceae Malus sp. apple Archips podana Frerot et al. 1982

Frerot et al. 1982

Frerot, B., Boniface, B., Chambon, J.-P., Meritan, Y. 1982. Emploi du piegeage sexuel avec des attractifs de synthese pour l’etude de la repartition dans la region parisienne de trois especes de tordeuses des verger. Agronomie, Paris 2(9): 885-893 [In French].
Archips podana
Rosaceae Malus sylvestris European crab apple Archips podana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Archips podana
Rosaceae Prunus avium sweet cherry Archips podana Jaros & Spitzer 2002

Jaros & Spitzer 2002

Jaros, J., Spitzer K. 2002. Food plants of Lepidoptera associated with an alder carr forest in South Bohemia (Central Europe). Zoological Studies in the Vrbenske Rybniky Reserve (South Bohemia, CZ). Rocnik 42(Supplement): 5–60.
; Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Rosaceae Prunus cerasus sour cherry Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Rosaceae Prunus domestica common plum Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Rosaceae Prunus padus bird cherry Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Rosaceae Prunus sp. N/A Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Rosaceae Prunus spinosa blackthorn Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Rosaceae Pyrus communis European pear Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Rosaceae Pyrus sp. pear Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Rosaceae Rosa rugosa rugosa rose Archips podana Ziarkiewicz & Kozlowska 1973

Ziarkiewicz & Kozlowska 1973

Ziarkiewicz, T., Kozlowska, A. 1973. Szkodliwe gatunki z rodziny Tortricidae (Lepidoptera) zerujace na rozach - Die auf den Rosen lebenden schladlichen Arten aus der Familie Tortricidae (Lepidoptera). Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 43: 627-630 [in Polish].
Archips podana
Rosaceae Rosa sp. rose Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Rosaceae Rubus fructicosus blackberry Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Rosaceae Rubus idaeus red raspberry Archips podana Jaros & Spitzer 2002

Jaros & Spitzer 2002

Jaros, J., Spitzer K. 2002. Food plants of Lepidoptera associated with an alder carr forest in South Bohemia (Central Europe). Zoological Studies in the Vrbenske Rybniky Reserve (South Bohemia, CZ). Rocnik 42(Supplement): 5–60.
Archips podana
Rosaceae Rubus sp. bramble Archips podana Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938. Unpublished manuscript by E. Meyrick at BMNH, data captured by Gaeden Robinson.
Archips podana
Rosaceae Sorbus sp. N/A Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Rosaceae Spiraea salicifolia bridewort Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Salicaceae Populus sp. N/A Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Salicaceae Salix sp. willow Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Vitaceae Vitis sp. grape Archips podana Ellis 2020

Ellis 2020

Ellis, W. N. 2020. Plant Parasites of Europe: leafminers, galls and fungi. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Accessed 19 November 2020]
Archips podana
Adoxaceae Viburnum sp. N/A Archips purpurana Ferguson 1975

Ferguson 1975

Ferguson, D. C. 1975. Host records for Lepidoptera reared in eastern North America. United States Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin 1521. 49 pp.
Archips purpurana
Anacardiaceae Rhus sp. sumac Archips purpurana Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips purpurana
Asparagaceae Maianthemum racemosum false Solomon's seal Archips purpurana LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
Archips purpurana
Asteraceae Erigeron annuus daisy fleabane Archips purpurana LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
Archips purpurana
Asteraceae Solidago sp. goldenrod Archips purpurana Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
; Schaffner 1959

Schaffner 1959

Schaffner, J. V. 1959. Microlepidoptera and their parasites reared from field collections in the northeastern United States. USDA, Misc. Publ. 767. 97 pp.
; MacKay 1962a

MacKay 1962a

MacKay, M. R. 1962a. Larvae of the North American Tortricinae (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 28: 1-182.
Archips purpurana
Betulaceae Betula papyrifera paper birch Archips purpurana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips purpurana
Betulaceae Betula sp. birch Archips purpurana Ferguson 1975

Ferguson 1975

Ferguson, D. C. 1975. Host records for Lepidoptera reared in eastern North America. United States Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin 1521. 49 pp.
Archips purpurana
Cornaceae Cornus canadensis creeping dogwood Archips purpurana Ferguson 1975

Ferguson 1975

Ferguson, D. C. 1975. Host records for Lepidoptera reared in eastern North America. United States Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin 1521. 49 pp.
Archips purpurana
Crassulaceae Sedum sp. stonecrop Archips purpurana Schaffner 1959

Schaffner 1959

Schaffner, J. V. 1959. Microlepidoptera and their parasites reared from field collections in the northeastern United States. USDA, Misc. Publ. 767. 97 pp.
Archips purpurana
Crassulaceae Sempervivum tectorum common houseleek Archips purpurana Schaffner 1959

Schaffner 1959

Schaffner, J. V. 1959. Microlepidoptera and their parasites reared from field collections in the northeastern United States. USDA, Misc. Publ. 767. 97 pp.
Archips purpurana
Ericaceae Vaccinium sp. N/A Archips purpurana Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips purpurana
Fabaceae Lupinus sp. lupine Archips purpurana Chapman & Lienk 1971

Chapman & Lienk 1971

Chapman, P. J., Lienk, S. E. 1971. Tortricid fauna of apple in New York (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae); including an account of apple's occurrence in the state, especially as a naturalized plant. Spec. Publ. Geneva, NY: New York State Agricultural Experiment Station. 122 pp.
Archips purpurana
Fagaceae Quercus macrocarpa bur oak Archips purpurana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips purpurana
Geraniaceae Geranium sp. cranesbill Archips purpurana Forbes 1923

Forbes 1923

Forbes, W. M. T. 1923. The Lepidoptera of New York and neighboring states. Primitive forms, Microlepidoptera, Pyraloids, Bombyces. Cornell Univ. Argic. Exp. Sta., Mem. 68. 729 pp.
; Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips purpurana
Grossulariaceae Ribes sp. currant Archips purpurana Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips purpurana
Lauraceae Sassafras sp. N/A Archips purpurana Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips purpurana
Malvaceae Tilia americana American basswood Archips purpurana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips purpurana
Oleaceae Fraxinus sp. ash Archips purpurana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips purpurana
Rosaceae Fragaria sp. strawberry Archips purpurana Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips purpurana
Rosaceae Malus sp. apple Archips purpurana Chapman & Lienk 1971

Chapman & Lienk 1971

Chapman, P. J., Lienk, S. E. 1971. Tortricid fauna of apple in New York (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae); including an account of apple's occurrence in the state, especially as a naturalized plant. Spec. Publ. Geneva, NY: New York State Agricultural Experiment Station. 122 pp.
Archips purpurana
Rosaceae Prunus pensylvanica pin cherry Archips purpurana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips purpurana
Rosaceae Prunus sp. N/A Archips purpurana Schaffner 1959

Schaffner 1959

Schaffner, J. V. 1959. Microlepidoptera and their parasites reared from field collections in the northeastern United States. USDA, Misc. Publ. 767. 97 pp.
; Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips purpurana
Rosaceae Prunus virginiana chokecherry Archips purpurana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips purpurana
Rosaceae Rubus plicatus N/A Archips purpurana Schaffner 1959

Schaffner 1959

Schaffner, J. V. 1959. Microlepidoptera and their parasites reared from field collections in the northeastern United States. USDA, Misc. Publ. 767. 97 pp.
Archips purpurana
Rosaceae Rubus sp. bramble Archips purpurana Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
; Ferguson 1975

Ferguson 1975

Ferguson, D. C. 1975. Host records for Lepidoptera reared in eastern North America. United States Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin 1521. 49 pp.
Archips purpurana
Rosaceae Spiraea sp. meadowsweet Archips purpurana Ferguson 1975

Ferguson 1975

Ferguson, D. C. 1975. Host records for Lepidoptera reared in eastern North America. United States Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin 1521. 49 pp.
Archips purpurana
Salicaceae Populus tremuloides quaking aspen Archips purpurana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips purpurana
Salicaceae Salix sp. willow Archips purpurana Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
; Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips purpurana
Solanaceae Mandragora sp. mandrake Archips purpurana Chapman & Lienk 1971

Chapman & Lienk 1971

Chapman, P. J., Lienk, S. E. 1971. Tortricid fauna of apple in New York (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae); including an account of apple's occurrence in the state, especially as a naturalized plant. Spec. Publ. Geneva, NY: New York State Agricultural Experiment Station. 122 pp.
Archips purpurana
Violaceae Viola sp. violet Archips purpurana Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips purpurana
Asteraceae Vernonia sp. ironweed Archips rileyana Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips rileyana
Caprifoliaceae Symphoricarpos sp. snowberry Archips rileyana Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938. Unpublished manuscript by E. Meyrick at BMNH, data captured by Gaeden Robinson.
; Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips rileyana
Cornaceae Cornus sp. dogwood Archips rileyana MacKay 1962a

MacKay 1962a

MacKay, M. R. 1962a. Larvae of the North American Tortricinae (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 28: 1-182.
Archips rileyana
Fagaceae Castanea sp. chestnut Archips rileyana Kearfott 1907b

Kearfott 1907b

Kearfott, W.D. 1907b. Microlepidoptera from the Black Mountain Region of North Carolina, with descriptions of new species. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 23: 153-167.
Archips rileyana
Juglandaceae Carya sp. hickory Archips rileyana LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
; Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938. Unpublished manuscript by E. Meyrick at BMNH, data captured by Gaeden Robinson.
; Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips rileyana
Juglandaceae Juglans sp. walnut Archips rileyana Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips rileyana
Rosaceae Prunus sp. N/A Archips rileyana Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips rileyana
Sapindaceae Aesculus californica California buckeye Archips rileyana USNM collection

USNM collection

USNM collection. Based on identified reared specimens in the collection of the National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C.
; MacKay 1962a

MacKay 1962a

MacKay, M. R. 1962a. Larvae of the North American Tortricinae (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 28: 1-182.
Archips rileyana
Sapindaceae Aesculus flava yellow buckeye Archips rileyana USNM collection

USNM collection

USNM collection. Based on identified reared specimens in the collection of the National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C.
Archips rileyana
Sapindaceae Aesculus pavia red buckeye Archips rileyana USNM collection

USNM collection

USNM collection. Based on identified reared specimens in the collection of the National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C.
Archips rileyana
Sapindaceae Aesculus sp. buckeye Archips rileyana Forbes 1923

Forbes 1923

Forbes, W. M. T. 1923. The Lepidoptera of New York and neighboring states. Primitive forms, Microlepidoptera, Pyraloids, Bombyces. Cornell Univ. Argic. Exp. Sta., Mem. 68. 729 pp.
; Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips rileyana
Adoxaceae Viburnum opulus guelder rose Archips rosana Jaros & Spitzer 2002

Jaros & Spitzer 2002

Jaros, J., Spitzer K. 2002. Food plants of Lepidoptera associated with an alder carr forest in South Bohemia (Central Europe). Zoological Studies in the Vrbenske Rybniky Reserve (South Bohemia, CZ). Rocnik 42(Supplement): 5–60.
Archips rosana
Adoxaceae Viburnum sp. N/A Archips rosana Ferguson 1975

Ferguson 1975

Ferguson, D. C. 1975. Host records for Lepidoptera reared in eastern North America. United States Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin 1521. 49 pp.
Archips rosana
Betulaceae Alnus glutinosa black alder Archips rosana Jaros & Spitzer 2002

Jaros & Spitzer 2002

Jaros, J., Spitzer K. 2002. Food plants of Lepidoptera associated with an alder carr forest in South Bohemia (Central Europe). Zoological Studies in the Vrbenske Rybniky Reserve (South Bohemia, CZ). Rocnik 42(Supplement): 5–60.
Archips rosana
Betulaceae Alnus incana grey alder Archips rosana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips rosana
Betulaceae Alnus rhombifolia white alder Archips rosana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips rosana
Betulaceae Alnus rubra red alder Archips rosana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips rosana
Betulaceae Alnus sp. alder Archips rosana Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips rosana
Betulaceae Corylus avellana common hazel Archips rosana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Archips rosana
Betulaceae Corylus cornuta var. californica beaked hazelnut Archips rosana Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Archips rosana
Betulaceae Corylus sp. hazel Archips rosana Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938. Unpublished manuscript by E. Meyrick at BMNH, data captured by Gaeden Robinson.
; LaGasa database 2004

LaGasa database 2004

LaGasa database. 2004. Food plant data base and personal communications with E. LaGasa, Washington State Department of Agriculture.
Archips rosana
Cornaceae Cornus nuttallii Pacific dogwood Archips rosana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips rosana
Cornaceae Cornus racemosa gray dogwood Archips rosana LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
Archips rosana
Cornaceae Cornus sericea red osier dogwood Archips rosana Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Archips rosana
Ericaceae Vaccinium sp. N/A Archips rosana LaGasa database 2004

LaGasa database 2004

LaGasa database. 2004. Food plant data base and personal communications with E. LaGasa, Washington State Department of Agriculture.
Archips rosana
Fabaceae Caragana arborescens Siberian peashrub Archips rosana LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
Archips rosana
Fagaceae Quercus robur English oak Archips rosana Disque 1908

Disque 1908

Disque, H. 1908. Versuch einer microlepidopterologischen Botanik. Deutsch Entomologische Zeitschrift Iris. 21: 34-147.
Archips rosana
Fagaceae Quercus rubra northern red oak Archips rosana LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
Archips rosana
Fagaceae Quercus sp. oak Archips rosana Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
; Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
; Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Archips rosana
Grossulariaceae Ribes nigrum black currant Archips rosana Piekarska-Boneicka 1997

Piekarska-Boneicka 1997

Piekarska-Boniecka, H. 1997. The leaf-rollers (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) and their parasitoids (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) occurring in plantations of black currant (Ribes nigrum L.) In the evirons of Poznan. Wiadomosci Entomologiczne. 15(4): 241-247.
Archips rosana
Grossulariaceae Ribes sp. currant Archips rosana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
; Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Archips rosana
Juglandaceae Carya sp. hickory Archips rosana Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips rosana
Oleaceae Ligustrum sp. privet Archips rosana LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
; Schaffner 1959

Schaffner 1959

Schaffner, J. V. 1959. Microlepidoptera and their parasites reared from field collections in the northeastern United States. USDA, Misc. Publ. 767. 97 pp.
Archips rosana
Oleaceae Ligustrum vulgare wild privet Archips rosana MacKay 1962a

MacKay 1962a

MacKay, M. R. 1962a. Larvae of the North American Tortricinae (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 28: 1-182.
Archips rosana
Oleaceae Syringa sp. lilac Archips rosana Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
; Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips rosana
Pinaceae [unspecified] N/A Archips rosana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Archips rosana
Rhamnaceae Rhamnus sp. buckthorn Archips rosana LaGasa database 2004

LaGasa database 2004

LaGasa database. 2004. Food plant data base and personal communications with E. LaGasa, Washington State Department of Agriculture.
Archips rosana
Rosaceae Crataegus douglasii black hawthorn Archips rosana Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Archips rosana
Rosaceae Crataegus sp. hawthorn Archips rosana LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
; Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
; Ferguson 1975

Ferguson 1975

Ferguson, D. C. 1975. Host records for Lepidoptera reared in eastern North America. United States Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin 1521. 49 pp.
Archips rosana
Rosaceae Malus domestica apple Archips rosana Baggiolini 1956

Baggiolini 1956

Baggiolini, M. 1956. Contribution a l’etude de Cacoecia rosana L. lépidoptère tortricide nuisible aux vergers de Suisse Romande. Ann. Agric. Suisse 57: 593-598 [in French].
; Sylven 1958

Sylven 1958

Sylven, E. 1958. Studies on fruit leaf tortricids (Lepidoptera), with special reference to the periodicity of the adult moths. Statens Vaxtskyddsanstalt, Meddelanden [Swedish State Plant Protection Institute Contributions] 11: 74, pp. 135-296. Stockholm.
; Farahbakhsh 1961

Farahbakhsh 1961

Farahbakhsh, G. 1961. Checklist of economically important insects and other enemies of plants and agricultural products in Iran. Department of Plant Protection, Ministry of Agriculture, Publication No. 1. 153 pp.
Archips rosana
Rosaceae Malus sp. apple Archips rosana BMNH collection

BMNH collection

BMNH collection. Based on identified reared specimens in the collection of The Natural History Museum, London; identifications by staff of the Lepidoptera Section.
; MacKay 1962a

MacKay 1962a

MacKay, M. R. 1962a. Larvae of the North American Tortricinae (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 28: 1-182.
; Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips rosana
Rosaceae Malus sylvestris European crab apple Archips rosana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Archips rosana
Rosaceae Prunus armeniaca apricot Archips rosana BMNH collection

BMNH collection

BMNH collection. Based on identified reared specimens in the collection of The Natural History Museum, London; identifications by staff of the Lepidoptera Section.
; Farahbakhsh 1961

Farahbakhsh 1961

Farahbakhsh, G. 1961. Checklist of economically important insects and other enemies of plants and agricultural products in Iran. Department of Plant Protection, Ministry of Agriculture, Publication No. 1. 153 pp.
Archips rosana
Rosaceae Prunus avium sweet cherry Archips rosana BMNH collection

BMNH collection

BMNH collection. Based on identified reared specimens in the collection of The Natural History Museum, London; identifications by staff of the Lepidoptera Section.
Archips rosana
Rosaceae Prunus domestica common plum Archips rosana BMNH collection

BMNH collection

BMNH collection. Based on identified reared specimens in the collection of The Natural History Museum, London; identifications by staff of the Lepidoptera Section.
; Farahbakhsh 1961

Farahbakhsh 1961

Farahbakhsh, G. 1961. Checklist of economically important insects and other enemies of plants and agricultural products in Iran. Department of Plant Protection, Ministry of Agriculture, Publication No. 1. 153 pp.
Archips rosana
Rosaceae Prunus persica peach Archips rosana BMNH collection

BMNH collection

BMNH collection. Based on identified reared specimens in the collection of The Natural History Museum, London; identifications by staff of the Lepidoptera Section.
Archips rosana
Rosaceae Prunus sp. N/A Archips rosana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Archips rosana
Rosaceae Prunus virginiana chokecherry Archips rosana Schaffner 1959

Schaffner 1959

Schaffner, J. V. 1959. Microlepidoptera and their parasites reared from field collections in the northeastern United States. USDA, Misc. Publ. 767. 97 pp.
Archips rosana
Rosaceae Pyrus communis European pear Archips rosana Farahbakhsh 1961

Farahbakhsh 1961

Farahbakhsh, G. 1961. Checklist of economically important insects and other enemies of plants and agricultural products in Iran. Department of Plant Protection, Ministry of Agriculture, Publication No. 1. 153 pp.
Archips rosana
Rosaceae Pyrus sp. pear Archips rosana Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
; Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Archips rosana
Rosaceae Rosa rugosa rugosa rose Archips rosana Semyanov & Ryliskiene 1983

Semyanov & Ryliskiene 1983

Semyanov, V. P., Ryliskiene, M. A. 1983. Study of the abundance and harmfulness of rose-flies in rose plantations in Lithuania, pp. 140-144. In: Semyanov, V. P. (ed.), [The latest achievements of agricultural entomology based on materials from Ush-sesed] VEO, Vilnius [In Russian].
Archips rosana
Rosaceae Rosa sp. rose Archips rosana Disque 1908

Disque 1908

Disque, H. 1908. Versuch einer microlepidopterologischen Botanik. Deutsch Entomologische Zeitschrift Iris. 21: 34-147.
; Farahbakhsh 1961

Farahbakhsh 1961

Farahbakhsh, G. 1961. Checklist of economically important insects and other enemies of plants and agricultural products in Iran. Department of Plant Protection, Ministry of Agriculture, Publication No. 1. 153 pp.
; Schaffner 1959

Schaffner 1959

Schaffner, J. V. 1959. Microlepidoptera and their parasites reared from field collections in the northeastern United States. USDA, Misc. Publ. 767. 97 pp.
; LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
Archips rosana
Rosaceae Rubus idaeus red raspberry Archips rosana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
; Jaros & Spitzer 2002

Jaros & Spitzer 2002

Jaros, J., Spitzer K. 2002. Food plants of Lepidoptera associated with an alder carr forest in South Bohemia (Central Europe). Zoological Studies in the Vrbenske Rybniky Reserve (South Bohemia, CZ). Rocnik 42(Supplement): 5–60.
Archips rosana
Rosaceae Rubus parviflorus thimbleberry Archips rosana Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Archips rosana
Rosaceae Rubus sp. bramble Archips rosana Busck 1920

Busck 1920

Busck, A. 1920. A new tortricid moth from Nova Scotia, (Lepidoptera). Canadian Entomologist 52: 125.
; Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938. Unpublished manuscript by E. Meyrick at BMNH, data captured by Gaeden Robinson.
; Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
; LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
; Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Archips rosana
Rutaceae Citrus sp. citrus Archips rosana Mourikis & Vassilaina-Alexopoulou 1974

Mourikis & Vassilaina-Alexopoulou 1974

Mourikis, P. A., Vassilaina-Alexopoulou, P. 1974. Infestation of citrus-trees in Greece by Archips rosanus (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Annales Inst. Phytopath. Benaki. 11: 69-70.
; Lykouressis & Eastop 1997

Lykouressis & Eastop 1997

Lykouressis, D. P., Eastop, V. F. 1997. Larval and pupal parasitoids of Archips rosanus L. on citrus: new associations. Entomologist. 116: 33-36.
Archips rosana
Salicaceae Populus sp. N/A Archips rosana Farahbakhsh 1961

Farahbakhsh 1961

Farahbakhsh, G. 1961. Checklist of economically important insects and other enemies of plants and agricultural products in Iran. Department of Plant Protection, Ministry of Agriculture, Publication No. 1. 153 pp.
; Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips rosana
Salicaceae Salix sp. willow Archips rosana Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
; Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips rosana
Sapindaceae Acer circinatum vine maple Archips rosana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips rosana
Sapindaceae Acer macrophyllum bigleaf maple Archips rosana Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Archips rosana
Sapindaceae Acer rubrum red maple Archips rosana Prentice 1966

Prentice 1966

Prentice, R. M. 1966. Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Dept. For. Canada Publ. 1142: 543-840.
Archips rosana
Sapindaceae Acer sp. maple Archips rosana MacKay 1962a

MacKay 1962a

MacKay, M. R. 1962a. Larvae of the North American Tortricinae (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 28: 1-182.
Archips rosana
Ulmaceae Ulmus sp. elm Archips rosana Farahbakhsh 1961

Farahbakhsh 1961

Farahbakhsh, G. 1961. Checklist of economically important insects and other enemies of plants and agricultural products in Iran. Department of Plant Protection, Ministry of Agriculture, Publication No. 1. 153 pp.
; LaGasa database 2004

LaGasa database 2004

LaGasa database. 2004. Food plant data base and personal communications with E. LaGasa, Washington State Department of Agriculture.
; Powell 2006

Powell 2006

Powell, J. A. 2006. Database of Lepidoptera rearing lots, 1960-2005. University of California Berkeley, CA.
Archips rosana
Urticaceae Urtica dioica stinging nettle Archips rosana Jaros & Spitzer 2002

Jaros & Spitzer 2002

Jaros, J., Spitzer K. 2002. Food plants of Lepidoptera associated with an alder carr forest in South Bohemia (Central Europe). Zoological Studies in the Vrbenske Rybniky Reserve (South Bohemia, CZ). Rocnik 42(Supplement): 5–60.
Archips rosana
Fagaceae Quercus rubra northern red oak Archips semiferanus Ellenberger & Cameron 1977

Ellenberger & Cameron 1977

Ellenberger, J. S., Cameron, E. A. 1977. The spatial distribution of oak leafroller egg masses on primary host trees. Environmental Entomology. 6: 101-106.
Archips semiferanus
Fagaceae Quercus sp. oak Archips semiferanus LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
; Dyar 1902

Dyar 1902

Dyar, H. G. 1902. Descriptions of the larvae of some moths from Colorado. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 25: 369-412.
; Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938. Unpublished manuscript by E. Meyrick at BMNH, data captured by Gaeden Robinson.
; Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
; Schaffner 1959

Schaffner 1959

Schaffner, J. V. 1959. Microlepidoptera and their parasites reared from field collections in the northeastern United States. USDA, Misc. Publ. 767. 97 pp.
; Mumma & Zettle 1977a, b

Mumma & Zettle 1977a, b

Mumma, R. O., Zettle, A. S. 1977a. Observations on immature oak leafroller, Archips semiferanus. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 70: 641-646.

; Wagner et al. 1995

Wagner et al. 1995

Wagner, D. L., Peacock, J. W., Carter, J. L., Talley, S. E. 1995. Spring caterpillar fauna of oak and blueberry in a Virginia deciduous forest. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 88: 416-426.
Archips semiferanus
Hamamelidaceae Hamamelis sp. witch-hazel Archips semiferanus Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips semiferanus
Oleaceae Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Archips semiferanus USNM collection

USNM collection

USNM collection. Based on identified reared specimens in the collection of the National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C.
Archips semiferanus
Polygonaceae Polygonum sp. knotweed Archips semiferanus LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
Archips semiferanus
Rosaceae Malus sp. apple Archips semiferanus Chapman & Lienk 1971

Chapman & Lienk 1971

Chapman, P. J., Lienk, S. E. 1971. Tortricid fauna of apple in New York (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae); including an account of apple's occurrence in the state, especially as a naturalized plant. Spec. Publ. Geneva, NY: New York State Agricultural Experiment Station. 122 pp.
Archips semiferanus
Rosaceae Malus sylvestris European crab apple Archips semiferanus Freeman 1958

Freeman 1958

Freeman, T. N. 1958. The Archipinae of North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist, Supplement 7 (Vol. 90): 1-89.
Archips semiferanus
Sapindaceae Acer negundo boxelder maple Archips semiferanus LACM Index

LACM Index

LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
Archips semiferanus
Sapindaceae Acer sp. maple Archips semiferanus Forbes 1923

Forbes 1923

Forbes, W. M. T. 1923. The Lepidoptera of New York and neighboring states. Primitive forms, Microlepidoptera, Pyraloids, Bombyces. Cornell Univ. Argic. Exp. Sta., Mem. 68. 729 pp.
Archips semiferanus
Betulaceae Alnus sp. alder Archips xylosteana Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Archips xylosteana
Betulaceae Betula sp. birch Archips xylosteana Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Archips xylosteana
Betulaceae Corylus avellana common hazel Archips xylosteana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Archips xylosteana
Caprifoliaceae Lonicera periclymenum common honeysuckle Archips xylosteana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
; Fox 2004

Fox 2004

Fox, B. W. 2004. A study of the guild of Lepidoptera foraging on honeysuckle, Lonicera periclymenum L. Entomologist’s Gazette. 55: 35-43.
Archips xylosteana
Caprifoliaceae Lonicera sp. honeysuckle Archips xylosteana Byun et al. 1998

Byun et al. 1998

Byun, B., Bae, Y., Park, K. 1998. Illustrated catalogue of Tortricidae of Korea (Lepidoptera). In: Park, K.-T. (ed.), Insects of Korea [2]. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology & Center for Insect Systematics. 317 pp.
Archips xylosteana
Cornaceae Cornus controversa wedding cake tree Archips xylosteana Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Archips xylosteana
Fagaceae Castanea crenata Japanese chestnut Archips xylosteana Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Archips xylosteana
Fagaceae Castanea sp. chestnut Archips xylosteana Park 1983b

Park 1983b

Park, K. T. 1983b. Microlepidoptera of Korea. Insecta Koreana. 3: 8-24.
; Teramoto 1996

Teramoto 1996

Teramoto, N. 1996. Studies on lepidopterous insect fauna on fagaceous plants, as the food plants of the wild silk moth, Antheraea yamamai. Bulletin of the Shiga Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station 19: 1-216. [plus additional records given to Gaeden Robinson in DB form]
Archips xylosteana
Fagaceae Quercus acutissima sawtooth oak Archips xylosteana Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
; Teramoto 1996

Teramoto 1996

Teramoto, N. 1996. Studies on lepidopterous insect fauna on fagaceous plants, as the food plants of the wild silk moth, Antheraea yamamai. Bulletin of the Shiga Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station 19: 1-216. [plus additional records given to Gaeden Robinson in DB form]
Archips xylosteana
Fagaceae Quercus cerris Austrian oak Archips xylosteana Teramoto 1996

Teramoto 1996

Teramoto, N. 1996. Studies on lepidopterous insect fauna on fagaceous plants, as the food plants of the wild silk moth, Antheraea yamamai. Bulletin of the Shiga Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station 19: 1-216. [plus additional records given to Gaeden Robinson in DB form]
Archips xylosteana
Fagaceae Quercus dentata Japanese emperor oak Archips xylosteana Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Archips xylosteana
Fagaceae Quercus robur English oak Archips xylosteana Disque 1908

Disque 1908

Disque, H. 1908. Versuch einer microlepidopterologischen Botanik. Deutsch Entomologische Zeitschrift Iris. 21: 34-147.
Archips xylosteana
Fagaceae Quercus serrata jolcham oak Archips xylosteana Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
; Teramoto 1996

Teramoto 1996

Teramoto, N. 1996. Studies on lepidopterous insect fauna on fagaceous plants, as the food plants of the wild silk moth, Antheraea yamamai. Bulletin of the Shiga Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station 19: 1-216. [plus additional records given to Gaeden Robinson in DB form]
Archips xylosteana
Fagaceae Quercus sp. oak Archips xylosteana Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938. Unpublished manuscript by E. Meyrick at BMNH, data captured by Gaeden Robinson.
; Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Archips xylosteana
Hypericaceae Hypericum sp. St. John's wort Archips xylosteana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Archips xylosteana
Malvaceae Tilia sp. linden Archips xylosteana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Archips xylosteana
Oleaceae Fraxinus excelsior European ash Archips xylosteana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Archips xylosteana
Pinaceae Abies sp. fir Archips xylosteana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
; Byun et al. 1998

Byun et al. 1998

Byun, B., Bae, Y., Park, K. 1998. Illustrated catalogue of Tortricidae of Korea (Lepidoptera). In: Park, K.-T. (ed.), Insects of Korea [2]. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology & Center for Insect Systematics. 317 pp.
Archips xylosteana
Rosaceae Crataegus sp. hawthorn Archips xylosteana Byun et al. 1998

Byun et al. 1998

Byun, B., Bae, Y., Park, K. 1998. Illustrated catalogue of Tortricidae of Korea (Lepidoptera). In: Park, K.-T. (ed.), Insects of Korea [2]. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology & Center for Insect Systematics. 317 pp.
Archips xylosteana
Rosaceae Malus domestica apple Archips xylosteana Alfaro 1950

Alfaro 1950

Alfaro, A. 1950. Orugas de Archips en el arbolado frutal de la ribera del Jalón. Bol. Pat. Veg. Entomol. Agric. (Madrid) 17: 37-59.
; Sylven 1958

Sylven 1958

Sylven, E. 1958. Studies on fruit leaf tortricids (Lepidoptera), with special reference to the periodicity of the adult moths. Statens Vaxtskyddsanstalt, Meddelanden [Swedish State Plant Protection Institute Contributions] 11: 74, pp. 135-296. Stockholm.
Archips xylosteana
Rosaceae Malus pumila apple Archips xylosteana Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Archips xylosteana
Rosaceae Prunus armeniaca apricot Archips xylosteana BMNH collection

BMNH collection

BMNH collection. Based on identified reared specimens in the collection of The Natural History Museum, London; identifications by staff of the Lepidoptera Section.
Archips xylosteana
Rosaceae Prunus avium sweet cherry Archips xylosteana BMNH collection

BMNH collection

BMNH collection. Based on identified reared specimens in the collection of The Natural History Museum, London; identifications by staff of the Lepidoptera Section.
Archips xylosteana
Rosaceae Prunus serrulata Japanese cherry Archips xylosteana Park 1983a

Park 1983a

Park, K. T. 1983a. Tortricidae and Cochylidae, pp. 592-603, 942-988. In: Shin, Y. S et al. (ed.), Illustrated Flora and Fuana of Korea, 27, Insecta IX.
Archips xylosteana
Rosaceae Prunus sp. N/A Archips xylosteana Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938. Unpublished manuscript by E. Meyrick at BMNH, data captured by Gaeden Robinson.
; Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
; Park 1983a

Park 1983a

Park, K. T. 1983a. Tortricidae and Cochylidae, pp. 592-603, 942-988. In: Shin, Y. S et al. (ed.), Illustrated Flora and Fuana of Korea, 27, Insecta IX.
Archips xylosteana
Rosaceae Pyrus pyrifolia Asian pear Archips xylosteana Park 1983a

Park 1983a

Park, K. T. 1983a. Tortricidae and Cochylidae, pp. 592-603, 942-988. In: Shin, Y. S et al. (ed.), Illustrated Flora and Fuana of Korea, 27, Insecta IX.
Archips xylosteana
Rosaceae Pyrus ussuriensis Chinese pear Archips xylosteana Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Archips xylosteana
Rosaceae Rubus sp. bramble Archips xylosteana Disque 1908

Disque 1908

Disque, H. 1908. Versuch einer microlepidopterologischen Botanik. Deutsch Entomologische Zeitschrift Iris. 21: 34-147.
; Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938

Meyrick MS 1938. Unpublished manuscript by E. Meyrick at BMNH, data captured by Gaeden Robinson.
; Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Archips xylosteana
Rosaceae Sorbus aucuparia rowan Archips xylosteana Jaros & Spitzer 2002

Jaros & Spitzer 2002

Jaros, J., Spitzer K. 2002. Food plants of Lepidoptera associated with an alder carr forest in South Bohemia (Central Europe). Zoological Studies in the Vrbenske Rybniky Reserve (South Bohemia, CZ). Rocnik 42(Supplement): 5–60.
Archips xylosteana
Rutaceae Citrus sp. citrus Archips xylosteana Park 1983a

Park 1983a

Park, K. T. 1983a. Tortricidae and Cochylidae, pp. 592-603, 942-988. In: Shin, Y. S et al. (ed.), Illustrated Flora and Fuana of Korea, 27, Insecta IX.
Archips xylosteana
Salicaceae Salix cinerea grey sallow Archips xylosteana Jaros & Spitzer 2002

Jaros & Spitzer 2002

Jaros, J., Spitzer K. 2002. Food plants of Lepidoptera associated with an alder carr forest in South Bohemia (Central Europe). Zoological Studies in the Vrbenske Rybniky Reserve (South Bohemia, CZ). Rocnik 42(Supplement): 5–60.
Archips xylosteana
Salicaceae Salix sp. willow Archips xylosteana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
; Park 1983a

Park 1983a

Park, K. T. 1983a. Tortricidae and Cochylidae, pp. 592-603, 942-988. In: Shin, Y. S et al. (ed.), Illustrated Flora and Fuana of Korea, 27, Insecta IX.
Archips xylosteana
Sapindaceae Acer sp. maple Archips xylosteana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
; Razowski 1977

Razowski 1977

Razowski, J. 1977. Monograph of the genus Archips Hubner (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae). Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia. 22: 55-206.
Archips xylosteana
Ulmaceae Ulmus davidiana David elm Archips xylosteana Yasuda 1975

Yasuda 1975

Yasuda, T. 1975. The Tortricinae and Sparganothinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Part II. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series B. 27: 79-251.
Archips xylosteana
Ulmaceae Ulmus sp. elm Archips xylosteana Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley et al. 1973

Bradley, J. D., Tremewan, W. G., Smith, A. 1973. British Tortricoid Moths, Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. The Ray Society, London. 251 pp.
Archips xylosteana