- The tribe Aphanasiini Lacordaire, 1868 currently contains 9 species in 6 genera. Photographs of exemplar specimens are coming soon.
Diagnostic Features of Adults
- Body moderate-sized, between 10-40 mm; generally elongate. Eyes generally reniform, complete (not completely divided into upper and lower lobes). Antennae variable, from filiform to serrate, flabellate, or expanded laterally, generally unarmed; antennae 11-segmented, long, extending beyond tip of abdomen. Pronotum variable, from generally elongate (distinctly longer than wide) to approximately subquadrate (about as long as wide); lateral margins of pronotum unarmed, without distinct spines or tubercles. Elytral apices without distinct spines.
Diagnostic Features of Larvae
- Not yet available for this taxon.
Geographic Distribution of Tribe
Biology and Economic Importance
- Biology unknown for members of this tribe. Species of this tribe are potentially invasive outside their native range.
Selected References to Adult Specimens
Selected References to Larvae Specimens
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