Sternotomis amabilis
Diagnostic Features of Larvae
- Mature larva. Form elongate, rather slender, subcylindrical, scarcely tapering posteriorly. Length up to 44 mm; maximum breadth (at prothorax) 8.75 mm. Head strongly depressed, with sides parallel for anterior two-thirds and very strongly converging for posterior third (maximum head-width 5.2 mm); frons broadly and darkly ferruginous; frontal sutures distinct and abruptly angled; antennal foramen very narrowly open posteriorly. Temples with a conspicuous conical projection some distance behind antennal foramen. Mouthframe very strongly and broadly sclerotized and ferruginous; twelve to sixteen epistomal setae present. Mandible slender, about two and one-half times as long as basal width, with cutting edge broadly emarginate and bearing two long setae on middle of outer face. Two pairs of widely separated ocelli present; lens oval, strongly protuberant; pigmented spot indistinct. Hypostoma entirely and darkly ferruginous, smooth and with at least eight scattered setiferous pores; posterior margin very thick and raised; sutures dark, slightly curved. Gular sutures indistinct but a pale median cleavage line present. Antenna small, 3-segmented; segment 2 slightly transverse; segment 3 slightly elongate, less than half length of segment 2; supplementary process extremely short. Labrum transversely oval, densely fringed with setae anteriorly. Ventral mouthparts with strongly sclerotized ferruginous areas. Maxilla with segment 3 elongate, conical about half length of segment 2. Labial palpi with segment 2 elongate, conical, about half length of segment 1. Prothorax depressed subrectangular; pronotum entirely faintly rugose, bearing a few scattered pale setae; anterior third with a broad transverse pale ferruginous band; sublateral impressions distinct, ferruginous; posterior area testaceous, glabrous. Mesonotum smooth, glabrous. Metanotum with a single transverse furrow and two rows of glabrous shining, moniliform tubercles. Prosternum rugose, sparsely setose, extensively ferruginous sublaterally. Abdomen with each dorsal ampulla bearing a single transverse furrow, the extremities of which are curved anteriorly and surrounded by large, round, glabrous, shining tubercles which become smaller medially. Ventral ampullae with two transverse rows of tubercles. Tergite 9 bearing a narrow, transverse, ferruginous carina near posterior margin. Anus trilobed, the dorsal lobe slightly protuberant. Epipleurum protuberant on all segments. Pleural tubercle oval, without sclerotized pits; each bearing two very long setae and several minute setae. Legs vestigial, densely setose. Spiracles with peritreme broadly oval, moderately thick, ferruginous, the posterior half bearing a row of chambers.
Pupa. Length 26 mm; maximum breadth 8.5 mm. Head almost entirely visible from above, with vertex excavate between antennal tubercles and bearing two pairs of short setae; front with two pairs of stout spines between the inner margins of the eyes; clypeus with a pair of stout setae near basal margin. Antennae extending to abdominal segments 2 or 3, where they are strongly curved ventrally to form one to three coils, the apices terminating near middle coxae. Eyes feebly convex, with one or two stout setae. Mandibles strongly curved, each with two stout setae near middle of outer face; in male specimens there is a stout, strongly protuberant tubercle on the dorsal face near the base. Labrum bearing several (at least twelve) stout setae along outer margin. Pronotum strongly tuberculate laterally, bearing numerous spiniform setae, especially around apices of lateral tubercles. Mesonotum smooth, with a few scattered similar setae on scutellum which is slightly protuberant. Metanotum with two converging rows of spines which are tuberculate basally; scutellar groove distinct. Elytra and wings extending to abdominal segment 4 or 5. Abdomen with tergites 1-6 each with a transverse row (interrupted medially) of stout spines (each tuberculate basally), anterior to which is a second but very incomplete row of similar spines. Tergites 7 and 8 with scattered similar spines subapically. Tergite 9 very short and produced posteriorly into a subvertical, curved, spine-like tubercle which is strongly sclerotized apically. Sternites bearing a few scattered setae. Pleura scarcely protuberant, each with at least three slender setae. Legs with a transverse row of stout setae near apex of each femur; hind femora extending to abdominal segment 5; tibiae placed at right angles to longitudinal axis of body. Functional spiracles present on abdominal segments 1-6, but vestigial pairs present on segments 7 and 8; peritreme narrow, almost reniform, the anterior margin slightly enlarged and the posterior margin bearing at least ten subcontiguous chambers. Adapted from Duffy (1957).
Biology and Economic Importance
- Biology unknown for members of this tribe. Species of this tribe are potentially invasive outside their native range.
Selected References to Larvae Specimens
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