Oncideres cingulata
Diagnostic Features of Larvae
- Larva. Form cylindrical semi-robust; integument smooth, shining, sparsely clothed with whitish silky hairs. Head rather thick, somewhat salient, sides converging behind, often slightly constricted; epistoma abruptly raised, bearing a transverse row of short longitudinal carinae; clypeus and labrum thin, latter broadly oval, narrowed behind; anterior margin finely ciliate; mandibles short, little longer than basal width, shining, cutting edge very obliquely truncate; antennal cavity angulate behind; one pair of small black ocelli. Ventral mouth-parts rather fleshy; mentum distinct, narrowly transverse, very slightly sunken; maxillary palpi very slender, last joint acute, slender, longer than second, shorter than last labial; anterior edge of hypostoma not distinct in middle, transversely slightly bulging; gula indistinct. Prothorax subrectangular, thick; pronotum not well defined at sides, posterior area elliptical, embossed, white and finely striate, anteriorly smooth, shining, laterally with a few fine silky hairs; eusternum shining, well defined, triangular; sternellum well defined, shining. Mesonotum dull granulate; metanotum, mesosternum, and metasternum bearing two regular rows of distinct small tubercles. Abdominal segments nearly cylindrical; ampullae very narrow, protuberant, bearing two regular rows of small beadlike tubercles; epipleurum more or less protuberant on seven segments, tubercles oval, abruptly protuberant, several slender setae and no chitinous pits; spiracles very small, orbicular, peritreme thin. Pupa. Form as in adult; front of head bearing numerous fine hairs, and a dense group at base of antennae and on mandibles; scape of antennae bearing a recurved fleshy process; pronotum thickly beset with slender hairs as are also the mesonotum and metanotum; abdominal terga rather densely covered with small, chitinous, setose points, much thicker on caudal segments. Adapted from Craighead (1923).
Biology and Economic Importance
- Adult females of several genera in this tribe (e.g., Ecthoea, Lochmaeocles, Oncideres, Psyllotoxus) girdle branches of various host trees.
Selected References to Larvae Specimens
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