Tetrops praeustus
Diagnostic Features of Larvae
- Mature larva. Form elongate, slender, cylindrical. Length up to 7 mm; maximum breadth (at prothorax), 1.5 mm. Head rather thick but slightly depressed, widest across posterior limit of frons (maximum head-width, 1.1 mm), with sides slightly constricted at middle and narrowing posteriorly; antennal foramen closed (or very narrowly open?) behind; mouthframe feebly sclerotized, testaceous and bearing a few long setae. One pair of ocelli present; lens round, protuberant; pigmented spot very distinct. Clypeus glabrous. Hypostoma feebly transversely rugose, testaceous; sutures slightly darker, curved. Gula indiscernible. Labrum transversely semicircular. Antenna two-segmented; second segment bearing a digitiform, hyaline process. Maxilla feebly sclerotized, with a two-segmented palp; second segment elongate, as long as first; lobe rather short and stout. Labial palp with third segment cylindrical, much longer than second. Mentum setose, distinct from submentum. Prothorax obliquely slanting, with sides straight and diverging posteriorly; anterior part of pronotum rather densely setose; posterior area glabrous and faintly rugose; sublateral impressions and asperities absent. Metanotum tuberculate; presternum setose; eusternum setose, distinct, protuberant. Abdomen rather densely setose and distinctly pale yellowish green. Each dorsal ampulla with two transverse rows of regular glabrous tubercles. Segments four to seven with postero-dorsal and dorsolateral regions with scattered irregular spicules. Ninth segment simple but rather densely setose. Anus trilobate, strongly protuberant and setose. Epipleurum slightly protuberant on all segments. Pleural tubercle with numerous setae but no sclerotized pits. Legs absent. Spiracles with peritreme thick, ferruginous, very broadly oval; inner margin produced into several digitiform processes which are inclined upward to support (?) a crescentic membrane. Adapted from Duffy (1953).
Biology and Economic Importance
- Biology unknown for most members of this tribe. Species of this tribe are potentially invasive outside their native range.
Selected References to Larvae Specimens
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