- The tribe Macrodontiini Thomson, 1861 currently contains 17 species in 5 genera. Photographs of 3 exemplar specimens are currently available for this tribe.
Diagnostic Features of Adults
- Diagnostic features for this taxon are coming soon.
Diagnostic Features of Larvae
- Mature larva. Form subcylindrical, very robust, slightly tapering posteriorly to abdominal segment 9. Thoracic and abdominal segments velvety (micro-pubescent). Head scarcely depressed, slightly transverse (head-width 18.5 mm). Genae very strongly shouldered, subcarinate, very strongly sclerotized, rugose and pitchy. Mouthframe very strongly sclerotized, rugose and pitchy. Frons with a broad, pitchy, rugose front margin comprising a strongly sclerotized ridge; upper boundary produced over lower boundary paramedially into a pair of rather small rounded lobes and laterally into a pair of very much larger acutely pointed lobes; lower boundary only very feebly produced at sides. Postcondylar carina extremely concave, strongly sclerotized and placed dorso-laterally, the outer part produced into a conical process immediately above the antennal foramen. Subfossal process extremely well developed, acutely conical. Antenna 2-segmented; segment 2 obliquely truncate apically and bearing sensory pores and setae. Six pairs of ocelli present, three pairs being placed subcontiguously in a row laterad and almost ventrad of antenna! foramen, the other three pairs, which are widely separated, being placed a short distance behind; lens small, round, convex, ferruginous; pigmented spot indistinct owing to sclerotization of lens. Mandibles very robust, pitchy, shining. Labrum cordate, leathery, ferruginous basally, fringed with dense reddish setae. Maxilla with palpal segment 3 as long as segment 2, stout, conical. Labial palpi with segment 2 as long as segment 1, stout, conical. Prothorax scarcely depressed, dorsally slightly obliquely sloping anteriorly, about twice as broad as long; pronotum rectangular, delimited laterally by a pair of grooves, almost entirely covered with short, dense, pale pubescence. Prosternum with lateral areas devoid of sclerotized processes or tubercles. Mesonotum and metanotum similarly velvety. Abdomen almost entirely velvety. Dorsal and ventral ampullae present on segments 1-7; each dorsal ampulla with two distinct transverse furrows. Pleural discs present on segments 1-7. Segment 9 slightly extended but scarcely longer than segment 8. Anus trilobed, each lobe strongly protuberant. Legs 3-segmented, distinctly shorter than maxillary palpi. Spiracles with peritreme broadly oval, pale, thick, and slightly raised above general level of cuticle. Length up to 215 mm. (averaging 180 mm); maximum breadth (at prothorax) 45 mm (averaging 28 mm).
The larva of this species is unique in having the thoracic and abdominal segments almost entirely densely velvety, the integument being brown instead of white.
Pupa. Cuticle extensively sclerotized. Head strongly bent beneath prothorax and concealed from above, glabrous. Front bearing two pairs of conical tubercles. Mandibles (particularly in male) extremely large and extending posteriorly, almost as far as apices of elytra (in the male). Antennae filiform, thick, slightly curved and converging ventrally but not recurved. Pronotum with disc transversely strigose, the posterior half with a broad median, semicircular impression; sides bearing a pair of large stout spine-like tubercles. Mesonotum and metanotum glabrous, transversely striate and rugose, the latter with a subconical protuberance near each anterior angle; scutellum strongly raised and flattened and transversely striate. Elytra and wings extending as far as abdominal segment 4, the former with margins strongly ridged. Abdomen with tergites rugose and each with a few scattered moniliform setose papillae, but devoid of spines; gin-traps present on abdominal segments 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-5 and possibly 5-6; each consisting of two transverse subcarinate, labiate protuberances. Abdominal segment 9 strongly explanate laterally and produced dorsally into a pair of stout urogomphi which are curved anteriorly. Sternites bearing a few inconspicuous setae. Legs glabrous; hind femora extending appreciably beyond sides of abdomen. Spiracles present on abdominal segments 1-6, the seventh pair being closed and probably non-functional; peritreme broadly oval to subcircular, thick and placed below general level of cuticle. Length up to 100 mm; maximum breadth (across abdomen) 40 mm. Adapted from Duffy (1960).
Geographic Distribution of Tribe
Biology and Economic Importance
- Biology and economic importance for this taxon coming soon.
Selected References to Adult Specimens
Selected References to Larvae Specimens
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Acanthinodera cumingii (Hope, 1833); dorsal ♀ specimen Cerambycidae:Prioninae:Macrodontiini Photograph © N.P. Lord
Acanthinodera cumingii (Hope, 1833); head ♀ specimen Cerambycidae:Prioninae:Macrodontiini Photograph © N.P. Lord
Acanthinodera cumingii (Hope, 1833); lateral ♀ specimen Cerambycidae:Prioninae:Macrodontiini Photograph © N.P. Lord
All Macrodontiini exemplar species images