Cloniocerus kraussii
Diagnostic Features of Larvae
- Mature larva. Form very elongate, slender, cylindrical. Length up to 26 mm; maximum breadth (at prothorax) 3.4 mm. Head thick, subovate in cross section; widest across posterior limit of frons, with sides strongly converging posteriorly. Antennal foramen open posteriorly; mouthframe strongly sclerotized, pitchy; frons with a row of eight setae; six epistomal setae present. One pair of ocelli present; lens round, strongly convex. Mandibles short, less than twice as long as basal width. Clypeus glabrous. Hypostoma smooth, pitchy anteriorly. Gula very broad, with sutures distinct. Labrum transversely oval. Antenna 2-segmented; segment 2 bearing a hyaline process. Mentum distinct from submentum. Prothorax with a pair of sublateral linear impressions; pronotum smooth, shining and sparsely setose anteriorly; dull, extremely finely and longitudinally striate posteriorly, devoid of asperities. Prosternum sparsely setose, devoid of spicules and asperities. Abdomen with tergites each with a single transverse furrow (the ampullae cannot at present be described owing to the desiccated condition of the larval material). Tergite 9 bearing an extremely long, horizontal, spine-like process. Anus trilobate. Legs absent. Spiracles with peritreme very thick and subcircular. Adapted from Duffy (1957).
Biology and Economic Importance
- Biology unknown for members of this tribe. Species of this tribe are potentially invasive outside their native range.
Selected References to Larvae Specimens
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