Pyrodes nitidus
Diagnostic Features of Larvae
- Mature larva. Unfortunately only a larval head-capsule is available for study; consequently it is not possible to give the larval characteristics of this genus (but see next species). Head with frons narrowly pitchy anteriorly; upper boundary of front margin crenulate but not projecting beyond lower boundary, which is moderately produced over clypeus at sides. Postcondylar carina shallow, placed dorsally; subfossal process feebly produced, blunt. Antenna 2-segmented; segment 2 obliquely truncate apically and bearing sensory pores and setae. Three pairs of subcontiguous ocelli present. Clypeus fringed laterally with numerous bristly setae. Pupa. Head visible from above, glabrous. Antennae filiform, slightly curved beneath body and terminating near apices of elytra. Pronotum glabrous or almost so; sides very broadly explanate and produced medially into a small tubercle. Mesonotum and metanotum glabrous or almost so; scutellum very large and attenuated. Elytra and wings extending to between abdominal segments 3 and 4. Abdomen glabrous; gin-traps present on segments 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-5 and 5-6, the first pair feebly sclerotized. Segment 9 bearing a pair of very widely separated urogomphi which are attenuated and vertical. Sternites glabrous. Legs glabrous; hind femora extending as far as abdominal segment 4. Spiracles present on abdominal segments 1-6, the seventh and eighth pairs being closed and probably non-functional; peritreme broadly oval, very thin and slightly raised above general level of cuticle. Length up to 50 mm; maximum breadth 18 mm. Adapted from Duffy (1960).
Biology and Economic Importance
- Biology and economic importance for this taxon coming soon.
Selected References to Larvae Specimens
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