Xylotrechus aceris
Diagnostic Features of Larvae
- Larva. Posterior pronotum and entire ampullae covered with asperate velvety pubescence, this very dark on pronotum; hairs on lateral region of pronotum stiff, subulate, dark castaneous: joints of maxillary palpi subequal or last slightly longer than second; second and last antennal joints subequal, first transverse, second about as long as thick; labium suborbicular; spiracles narrowly oval, peritreme thick, dark castaneous. Pupa: Anterior half and sides of pronotum armed with short, acute, chitinous points ; those on abdominal terga becoming larger and more slender to seventh, which bears six acuminate recurved ones. Adapted from Craighead (1923).
Biology and Economic Importance
- This species infests the trunks of small red maples (Acer rubrum), causing a gall-like swelling in which the larvae feed. Before pupation a straight burrow is extended into the heartwood, above or below the gall. At the extremity of this the larva pupates, the adult crawling back and emerging through the gall. Adapted from Craighead (1923).
Selected References to Larvae Specimens
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