Pronocera collaris
Diagnostic Features of Larvae
- Larva. Form cylindrical, rather robust; integument firm, rather glossy, white, densely covered with long castaneous hairs. Head subquadrate, rather broad in front; mouth-frame corneous, dark chestnut brown; epistoma swollen and wrinkled; labrum thin, little wider than long; mandibles longer than wide at base, basal piece brown, distal piceous, shining, one and one-half times length of basal; antennae slender, second joint, slightly longest; ocellus large, white, enclosed by slightly shouldered gena, latter bearing three to four long bristles. Ventral mouth-parts slightly coriaceous, joints of maxillary palpi subequal, last shorter than last labial; subfossal spine distinct; gula narrow, sutures slightly diverging. Prothorax rectangular, thick, yellow tergal plates prominent; pronotum little wider than long, hairy, posteriorly irregularly striate, merging into finely granulate, median suture entirely impressed; sternum rugulose, reticulated. Mesonotum and metanotum smooth. Legs four-jointed, without tarsus as long as maxillary palpi. Abdomen: Dorsal ampullae finely granulate, dull, impressed by two lateral sutures, converging and meeting the transverse one. Pleural disc distinct on first, second and third abdominal segments. Spiracles small, suborbicular, peritreme thin. Adapted from Craighead (1923).
Biology and Economic Importance
- The larva feeds in the stems of young pines and spruce (Pinus and Picea), boring beneath the bark and pupating in the wood, completing the life cycle in one year. Adapted from Craighead (1923).
Selected References to Larvae Specimens
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