Michthisoma heterodoxum
Diagnostic Features of Larvae
- Larva. Form semi-robust, slightly tapering posteriorly; integument thin, shining, very sparsely clothed with rather stiff yellowish-brown hairs. Head depressed, about as wide as long, sides subparallel; mouth-frame corneous; epistoma straight, thin; clypeus trapezoidal; labrum about twice as wide as long, anterior margin broadly curved; mandible slender from side, smooth, apical angle rounded, cutting-edge oblique, dorsal angle rounded, deflexed or sometimes abruptly toothed; antennae very small, two-jointed, with a small supplementary joint; antennal ring not open behind; two prominent white ocelli placed below antennae. Ventral mouth-parts not strongly chitinized, fused for entire width of hypostoma; joints of maxillary palpi subequal, last shorter than last labial, ligula broad, distinct; gula not distinct, anterior margin confluent with submentum. Prothorax transverse, widest in front; a yellowish band, divided in middle, extending across anterior dorsal margin; pronotum entirely smooth, shining, lateral sutures entire, bearing a few scattered hairs; eusternal area distinct, roundly trapezoidal, smooth, shining. Legs well-developed, two-jointed, second twice length of basal, tarsus attenuate, longer than second joint. Abdomen bearing very prominent, shining ampullae, these deeply bilobed and transversely marked by two impressions, somewhat suggesting large tubercles. Ninth tergum armed with two conical, acute spines, separated somewhat more than their height. Adapted from Craighead (1923).
Biology and Economic Importance
- Biology and economic importance for this taxon coming soon.
Selected References to Larvae Specimens
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