Tragidion armatum
Diagnostic Features of Larvae
- Larva. Form elongate, subcylindrical, robust; integument firm, yellowish tinged, shining, densely covered with long, fine, light castaneous hairs. Head as in Knulliana, except that the outer face of the mandible has a sulcus; labrum widest behind, hairs sparser; ocellus smaller, more projecting, beadlike; anterior edge of hypostoma arcuate, somewhat protruding, first joint of antennae shortest. Prothorax quadrate; lateral ochraceous plates wanting, presternal oval, separated about their width; sternum entirely hairy, no eusternal glabrous spot; posterior area of pronotum smooth and shining except for a slight irregular tendency of hind margin to be striate; ampullae strongly tuberculate; spiracles narrowly oval, peritreme thin. Adapted from Craighead (1923).
Biology and Economic Importance
- The larva makes extensive mines in the dry stems of Yucca. Adapted from Craighead (1923).
Selected References to Larvae Specimens
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