Schizax senex
Diagnostic Features of Larvae
- Larva. Distinguished from Metaleptus batesi by the fact that the anterior edge of the hypostoma is very thin, wrinkled at the extremities and having one or two tubercles on each side of the gula. Striae of posterior area of pronotum are irregular or slightly sinuous. Ampullae more coarsely alutaceous and not divided. Pupa. Two groups of hairs on disc of pronotum and a few on posterior and anterior angles; more slender hairs sparsely distributed over mesonotum and metanotum; a transverse band of attenuated, chitinous spines no posterior border of each abdominal tergum. each spine bearing a long hair; a few spines on anterior portion of fifth, sixth, and seventh, the latter not curved, those on posterior margin of seventh very long; a few short points on eighth. Adapted from Craighead (1923).
Biology and Economic Importance
- Biology unknown for members of this tribe. Species of this tribe are potentially invasive outside their native range.
Selected References to Larvae Specimens
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