Stenosphenus cribripennis
Diagnostic Features of Larvae
- Larva (about half-grown). Form elongate, slightly tapering, thorax depressed. Head strongly transverse with sides strongly rounded. Genae not shouldered; bearing several long, fine, pale setae. Mouthframe pale ferruginous. Antenna with segment 2 about one and one-half times as long as basal width; segment 3 about three times as long as basal width. Mandible short, broad, entirely pitchy. Labrum transversely oval, with anterior margin fringed with pale setae. One pair of large ocelli present; lens round, convex. Hypostoma micro-granulate, with front margin rather broadly pale ferruginous, glabrous; sutures indistinct. Gula slightly raised ; sutures concave, distinct. Maxilla and labial palpi with apical segments distinctly longer than penultimate segments; dorso-external process of palpifer distinct, attenuated. Prothorax strongly transverse; pronotum :finely longitudinally striate; prosternum micro-granulate; eusternum undefined. Abdomen with ampullae having two lateral and two transverse bow-shaped furrows; shining, microgranulate, feebly tuberculate and scarcely protuberant. Legs distinctly 4-segmented, pale. Spiracles with peritreme thin, pale and broadly oval. Length up to 10 mm; maximum breadth (at prothorax) 2.7 mm. Adapted from Duffy (1960).
Biology and Economic Importance
- Members of this tribe are known from various host plant families. Species of this tribe are potentially invasive outside their native range.
Selected References to Larvae Specimens
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