Saperda carcharias
Diagnostic Features of Larvae
- Mature larva. Length up to 37.5 mm; maximum breadth (at prothorax) 6 mm. Head depressed, with sides subparallel (maximum head-width, 3.5 mm), slightly constricted before middle and broadly rounded at base; antennal foramen closed behind; mouthframe rather strongly and broadly sclerotized, with the transverse ferruginous band as broad as clypeus; frons with a transverse row of eight to ten setae; six epistomal setae present; genae strongly shouldered, sclerotized and pitchy. One pair of ocelli present; lens circular, strongly protuberant; pigmented spot indistinct. Clypeus with two or three pairs of lateral setae. Hypostoma slightly bulging, smooth, testaceous, with front and hind margins ferruginous; sutures ferruginous and slightly curved. Gula indiscernible, with one or two setae present on each side of gular region. Antenna two-segmented; second segment quadrate and bearing a tapering, hyaline process. Maxilla strongly sclerotized, with a three-segmented palp; third segment tapering, slightly longer than second; lobe very elongate, nearly as long as palp; palpifer elongate, subparallel-sided. Labial palp with third segment cylindrical, about two-thirds length of second. Mentum setose, not distinct from submentum. Prothorax obliquely slanting and sclerotized anteriorly; posterior region of pronotum covered with coarse individually distinguishable asperities of varying size; sublateral impressions shallow. Presternum not asperate but with scattered stout setae. Posterior margin of eusternum and anterior margin of sternellum with a transverse band of asperities. Abdomen with dorsal ampullae with two curved, transverse furrows, and a distinct narrow median furrow; each ampulla rather densely covered with short blunt asperities. Ninth segment simple. Epipleurum protuberant on all segments. Pleural tubercle oval, with several setae, but without sclerotized pits. Anus strongly protuberant, trilobate. Legs absent. Spiracles with peritreme thick, pale and broadly oval. Adapted from Duffy (1953).
Biology and Economic Importance
- Members of this tribe are known from various host plant families. Species of this tribe are potentially invasive outside their native range.
Selected References to Larvae Specimens
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