Sphallotrichus setosus
Diagnostic Features of Larvae
- Mature larva. Form elongate, rather robust, subcylindrical. Head with genae ferruginous, feebly rugose; temples smooth, without carinae; frons with front margin broadly ferruginous to pitchy and produced medially into a small subconical tubercle. Antenna with segment 3 about four times as Jong as basal width and nearly half as long as segment 2, which is elongate; supplementary process minute. Labrum transversely oval and fringed with coarse golden setae. One pair of ocelli present; lens large, oval, convex; pigmented spot moderately distinct; hypostoma with front margin broadly and transversely protuberant and swollen on each side of gula; sutures pitchy, incurves; gula broad, with sutures feebly raised. Maxilla with segment 3 of palp about two-thirds length of segment 2. Labial pal pi with segment 2 about two-thirds length of segment 1. Prothorax with four orange pro-alar plates; pronotum rather densely covered with subcircular asperities (as in Parandra); prosternum asperate postero-laterally. Abdomen with dorsal ampullae with transverse furrows very feebly defined; rather dense1y covered with spine-like asperities; tubercles absent. Tergite 9 without a sclerotized process. Anal lobes smooth, bearing a few coarse setae. Legs 3-segmented, ferruginous; unguiculus pale, imbricately spinose. Spiracles with peritreme rather narrowly oval, with a series of about six marginal chambers on posterior half. Length up to 55 mm; maximum breadth (at prothorax) 6.5 mm. Larvae of this genus are not at all typical of the Cerambycini, particularly as only a single pair of ocelli is present and the transverse furrows of the ampullae are feebly defined. Adapted from Duffy (1960).
Biology and Economic Importance
- Members of this tribe are known from various host plant families. Species of this tribe are potentially invasive outside their native range.
Selected References to Larvae Specimens
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