Sternidius alpha
Diagnostic Features of Larvae
- Larva. Form slender, subdepressed; integument firm, often finely granulate, shining, sparsely clothed with very fine whitish hairs. Head slender; twice as long as anterior width, depressed, sides slightly constricted about middle; labrum transverse, about one and one-half times as wide as long, gradually rounded from just before posterior extremities, anterior half finely hairy; mandible rather robust, from side about one and one-half times as long as basal width, base dull granulate, cutting edge obliquely emarginate; antennal ring open behind; one pair of prominent ocelli. Ventral mouth-parts thin, mentum transverse, last joint of maxillary palpi one and one-half times as long as second, first and second subequal, shorter than last labial; ligula slender; anterior edge of hypostoma slightly curved; gula indistinct. Prothorax trapezoidal, slightly depressed, widest behind; pronotum anteriorly shining, regularly and sparsely haired, posteriorly shining, irregularly reticulated and striate; prosternum hairy, eusternum and sternellum shining, roughened; mesonotum and metanotum finely alutaceous to granulate, the latter faintly tuberculate, mesosternum and metasternum alutaceous to faintly tuberculate. Abdomen. Dorsal ampullae irregularly tuberculate in two indistinct rows, broken in middle; epipleurum protuberant on last three segments, tubercle oval, and bisetose, a faint chitinous pit at each end. Spiracles orbicular, about size of ocellus, not chitinous rimmed. Pupa. Form as adult, in life pinkish red in color; body covered with slender setiferous points as follows: two at each angle of base of labrum, and fourteen on front of head; five across anterior pronotum, middle ones small, two on lateral protuberance; mesonotum and metanotum glabrous; fine points on abdominal terga, last segment bearing four large ones. Adapted from Craighead (1923).
Biology and Economic Importance
- Members of this tribe are known from various host plant families. Species of this tribe are potentially invasive outside their native range.
Selected References to Larvae Specimens
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