Ecyrus dasycerus
Diagnostic Features of Larvae
- Larva. Form subcylindrical, tapering posteriorly, then laterally compressed; integument very smooth, shining, sparsely clothed with fine whitish hairs. Head rather thick, sides parallel; labrum thin, broadly oval, widest at middle, nearly glabrous; mandible short, shining except for a band of coarse granulation on outer face, very acute, dorsal angle abruptly toothed; antennal cavities closed; one pair of small ocelli. Ventral mouth-parts fleshy; mentum distinct, narrow, transverse, sunken; maxillary palpi slender, last joint much longer than second, longer than last labial; hypostoma somewhat bulging transversely; gula indistinct. Prothorax thick, trapezoidal, widest behind; pronotum posteriorly shining, very finely striate, anteriorly regularly, densely and finely haired; sternum hairy except for embossed diamond-shaped, smooth, shining eusternum and shining sternellum. Metanotum, mesosternum, and metasternum finely wrinkled, shining. Abdomen rather compressed; ampullae with a broad median longitudinal furrow, subtuberculate at lateral extremities; epipleurum protuberant on last three segments, tubercle very small, abruptly projecting, oval, no chitinous pits and only one slender seta. Ninth tergum armed with a short, small, triangular process. Adapted from Craighead (1923).
Biology and Economic Importance
- This larva is a true wood-feeder, mining small but extensive burrows through the dry sapwood and heartwood of branches and larger limbs. The mines are tightly packed with fine, rather granular frass. Dry seasoned limbs on the trees are preferred. Adapted from Craighead (1923).
Selected References to Larvae Specimens
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