Parmena pubescens
Diagnostic Features of Larvae
- Mature larva. The larva of this species is not available, but it should be essentially similar to that of an unknown European species which is here described. Length up to 13 mm; breadth (at prothorax) 3.1 mm. Head slightly elongate, moderately depressed, widest at anterior third, sides feebly constricted at middle and slightly converging posteriorly. Antennal foramen narrowly open posteriorly; mouthframe strongly sclerotized, ferruginous. Frons entirely ferruginous, micro-granulate, with a row of eight setiferous pores; six epistomal setae present. One pair of ocelli present; lens round, flat; pigmented spot large, very distinct. Hypostoma flat, ferruginous, conspicuously micro-granulate; gular region a pale median line. Antenna 3-segmented; supplementary process as long as segment 3. Maxilla with segment 3 of palp elongate, longer than segment 2. Labial palpi with segment 2 at least as long as segment I. Mentum distinct from submentum. Prothorax with pronotum pale testaceous, faintly micro-granulate posteriorly. Abdomen with each dorsal ampulla bearing two transverse furrows bordered with moniliform tubercles. Tergite 9 with a pair of paramedian, elongate, sclerotized tubercles. Epipleurum slightly protuberant on all segments. Pleural tubercles without sclerotized pits. Anus trilobate, the lobes micro-granulate and setose. Spiracles with peritreme round, thick, testaceous, with about eight subcontiguous marginal chambers on posterior half. Adapted from Duffy (1957).
Biology and Economic Importance
- Biology unknown for members of this tribe. Species of this tribe are potentially invasive outside their native range.
Selected References to Larvae Specimens
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