Plectrura spinicauda
Diagnostic Features of Larvae
- Larva. Form depressed, elongate, sides parallel; integument firm, shining, sparsely clothed with long, fine, whitish pubescence. Head depressed, sides suddenly constricted near base; epistoma straight; labrum roundly rectangular, about one and one-half times as wide as long; mandible about twice as long as basal width, dull granulate, cutting-edge obliquely truncate, apex truncate; antennal ring open behind; one pair of prominent ocelli. Ventral mouth-parts not chitinized; mentum twice as wide as long, distinct from submentum; maxillary palpi slender, ultimate joint sharply conical, longer than either first or second, slightly longer than last labial; ligula large, fleshy, cylindrical; gular sutures distinct, slightly protuberant. Prothorax trapezoidal, slightly wider behind; pronotum with lateral sutures undefined, entirely glabrous, shining, very finely rugulose; eusternum triangular, distinct, smooth, shining. Mesonotum smooth, shining; metanotum, mesosternum, and metasternum tuberculate. Abdomen depressed; epipleurum distinctly protuberant on all segments, tubercles oval bearing two long setae and a chitinous pore at each extremity; ampullae seven, shining, beset with two rows of irregular tubercles. Ninth segment gradually extended into a sharp, short, deflexed spine. Spiracles orbicular. Anus trilobed. Adapted from Craighead (1923).
Biology and Economic Importance
- This larva has been collected and reared from Alnus and Rhamnus in Washington State. The larva mines under the dead wet bark, pupating from May to July in the sapwood. Adapted from Craighead (1923).
Selected References to Larvae Specimens
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