Longicorn ID: Tool for Diagnosing Cerambycidae Subfamilies and Tribes
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Oberea oculata

Classification Diagnostic Features of Larvae
  • Mature larva. No larvae of this species are available, but the characters should be essentially the same as those of the North American Oberea ruficollis, which differs from Phytoecia cylindrica as follows. Length up to 27 mm; maximum breadth (at prothorax), 4.5 mm. Head with at least two pairs of vestigial ocelli present.1 Pro thorax with asperities of pronotum decreasing in size towards base. Abdomen with each ampulla finely asperate, moderately protuberant (not bilobed), and with the transverse furrow distinctly callose.

    Pupa. No pupae of this species are available but that of the North American Oberea ocellata, here described, should be essentially similar. Length, 9.5-12 mm; maximum breadth, 3.5 mm. Head with vertex entirely visible from above, and with three to six setae near base of each antenna; front with a few fine scattered setae, and base of clypeus with a row of about six setae. Antennae extending as far as first abdominal segment, where they are strongly recurved to terminate near apex of each front tibia. Eyes convex, glabrous. Mandibles with two stout setae near middle of outer face. Labrum triangular, smooth, glabrous. Pronotum with disc bearing a group of very fine ferruginous setae and sides with a few similar setae near middle. Mesonotum and metanotum with two groups of fine setae; scutellar groove rather narrow and transversely striate. Elytra and wings extending to fourth abdominal segment. Abdomen with tergites one to seven each bearing a transverse group of short spines. Seventh tergite strongly elongate and with scattered spines. Eighth tergite short, with a row of setae across middle. Ninth tergite extremely short, scarcely visible from above and with numerous long setae. Sternites glabrous. Pleura scarcely protuberant; each with a pair of short spines. Legs with hind femora extending to third abdominal segment; tibiae directed posteriorly. Functional spiracles present on first six abdominal segments; peritreme very narrowly oval, moderately thick and surrounded by a tuberculate rim and raised above general level of cuticle. Adapted from Duffy (1953).
Biology and Economic Importance
  • Biology info coming soon. Species of this tribe are potentially invasive outside their native range.
Selected References to Larvae Specimens     Longicorn ID images on Bugwood ITP Node
Longicorn ID last updated 2020  E.H. Nearns, N.P. Lord, S.W. Lingafelter, A. Santos-Silva, K.B. Miller, & J.M. Zaspel