Oberea tripunctata
Diagnostic Features of Larvae
- Larva. More slender than Obrea ruficollis and the asperities of pronotum extending not more than 1/3 the length; secondary ocelli usually one or often indistinct. Pupa. Scarcely distinguishable from that of Obrea ruficollis except by the smaller size and the finer chitinous papillae on the abdominal terga. Adapted from Craighead (1923).
Biology and Economic Importance
- The larvae mine and girdle small living branches of plum and peach (Prunus), quince (Cydonia), apple (Malus), Ulmus, and Cornus. The eggs are placed just beneath the girdled tip near the end of the branch, through this branch the larvae mine, hollowing it out and eventually causing it to break off, though it is not cut in the same sense as by Elaphidion villosum. Numerous small holes are cut to the exterior along the hollowed portion. Fruit trees are sometimes seriously damaged. The adult emerges during May and June. Adapted from Craighead (1923).
Selected References to Larvae Specimens
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