Pterolophia biarcuata
Diagnostic Features of Larvae
- Mature larva. Length up to 16 mm; maximum breadth (at prothorax) 3.1 mm. Head moderately depressed and elongate, with sides converging for posterior fourth. Frontal sutures indistinct; antenna) foramen closed posteriorly; mouthframe rather strongly and broadly sclerotized; anterior half of frons ferruginous and smooth. One pair of ocelli present; lens convex, protuberant but partly obscured by sclerotization of gena; pigmented spot indiscernible. Hypostoma convex but with anterior region only feebly sloping; a pair of paramedian setae present; gular region with a thin, pale, median cleavage line. Antenna 3-segmented, with a well-developed hyaline supplementary process. Maxilla with palpal segment 3 acutely conical, almost as long as segment 2. Labial palpi with segment 2 only half length of segment 1. Clypeus glabrous. Pro thorax with posterior part of pronotum glabrous and smooth. Abdomen with each dorsal ampulla with two transverse furrows and three rows of glabrous moniliform tubercles. Tergite 9 bearing a pair of slender urogomphi which are placed caudally. Epipleurum slightly protuberant on all segments; pleural tubercle without sclerotized pits. Anus trilobate. Legs absent. Spiracles subcircular, the peritreme thick and without marginal chambers.
Pupa. Similar to those of the Mesosini, from which it differs as follows. Length up to 14 mm; maximum breadth 3.9 mm. Prothorax without lateral tubercles. Elytra placed almost parallel to abdomen. Abdomen with spines on tergites proportionately stouter and straight. Adapted from Duffy (1957).
Biology and Economic Importance
- Members of this tribe are known from various host plant families. Species of this tribe are potentially invasive outside their native range.
Selected References to Larvae Specimens
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