Callimation venustum
Diagnostic Features of Larvae
- Pupa. Length 21 mm; maximum breadth 6-5 mm. Head with vertex entirely visible from above and rather deeply excavated between bases of antennae and bearing three or four stout setae behind base of each antenna; front with four groups of setae; clypeus with a deep transverse impression and two groups of stout setae near base. Antennae extending as far as abdominal segment 4, where they are strongly recurved ventrally, each forming a single coil and terminating near apices of middle femora. Eyes scarcely convex. Mandibles with at least ten short setae on middle of outer face. Labrum glabrous. Pronotum stoutly tuberculate laterally; disc rugose, sparsely setose. Mesonotum with a few setae on each side of scutellum which is glabrous and only slightly protuberant. Metanotum smooth, with an oblique row of setae on each side of scutellar groove which is indistinct. Elytra and wings extending as far as abdominal segment 4. Abdomen with tergites 1-6 each with a broad band (interrupted medially) of long, dense, decumbent setae. Tergite 7 truncate and keel-shaped posteriorly, the hind angles right-angled, strongly sclerotized, ferruginous and asperate; postero-median area densely setose. Tergites 8 and 9 short, strongly transverse and bearing several scattered setae. Sternites sparsely setose except sternite 9, the lateral lobes of which are very densely covered with stout reddish setae. Legs with femora bearing a few minute subapical setae; hind femora not extending beyond abdominal segment 3; all tibiae more or less at right angles to longitudinal axis of body. Functional spiracles present on abdominal segments 1-6; peritreme narrowly oval, thick and strongly raised above general level of cuticle. Adapted from Duffy (1957).
Biology and Economic Importance
- Biology unknown for members of this tribe. Species of this tribe are potentially invasive outside their native range.
Selected References to Larvae Specimens
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