Oemida gahani
Diagnostic Features of Larvae
- Mature larva. Length 20-42 mm; maximum breadth (at prothorax) 5.5 mm. Form subcylindrical, slender, tapering posteriorly. Head slightly transverse (maximum head-width 2.8 mm.), widest just behind middle, entirely pale testaceous, shining. Genae with several long, rather stout, pale setae, which are slightly curved backwards. Mouthframe smooth, very feebly sclerotized, testaceous. Antenna 3-segmented; segment 2 elongate and bearing a spine-like supplementary process which is raised basally; segment 3 elongate, bearing one very long. And two much shorter setae. Mandible robust, shining, basal part reddish brown, apical part pitchy. Labrum transversely oval, broadly rounded in front and bearing numerous fine pale setae. Ocelli absent. Hypostoma smooth, entirely pale testaceous. Maxilla with segment 3 of palp elongate, conical, longer than segment 2; lobe broad, truncate apically. Labial palpi with segment 2 slightly longer than segment 1. Prothorax slightly depressed and transverse; pronotum with anterior half smooth, with a transverse group of fine pale setae posteriorly; posterior half finely longitudinally striate, except extreme base which is micro-granulate; median cleavage line unusually deep. Sternum strongly vermiculately rugose and rather densely covered with fine golden setae; eusternum distinct, triangular. Mesonotum and metanotum finely granulate. Abdomen with dorsal ampullae distinctly bilobed, shining and covered with more or less longitudinal elongate, subcontiguous tubercles; intersegmental skin becoming gradually longer posteriorly, micro-granulate. Tergite 9 unarmed; anal lobes rather protuberant. Legs minute, 3-segmented. Spiracles of abdomen with peritreme broadly oval, testaceous, feebly sclerotized and placed slightly below general level of cuticle.
Pupa. Length up to 14 mm; maximum breadth 3.2 mm. Form elongate, slender. Head with vertex visible from above, smooth, glabrous; front with a pair of stout ferruginous spines at base of each antenna and two to four minute setae across base of clypeus. Antennae extending as far as abdominal segment 3, where they are strongly recurved to terminate alongside front coxae. Eyes moderately convex, with a fine seta near mesal margin. Labrum transverse, with front margin bearing a few very fine pale setae. Mandibles each with a fine seta near middle of outer face. Pronotum bearing several scattered pale setae which become slightly stouter towards basal margin; lateral margins subtuberculate. Mesonot14m smooth with about four pairs of fine setae; scutellum moderately protuberant. Metanotum with three long setae (and sometimes three or four shorter setae) on each side of scutellar groove which is smooth and shallow. Elytra and wings extending to abdominal segment 3. Abdomen with tergites 2-6 distinctly micro-granulate and each with a transverse row (near posterior margin) of six to twelve short, stout spines (each with an apical seta); tergite 7 tapering posteriorly and bearing near posterior margin a pair of paramedian, oval tubercles, each bearing two to four short, stout spines which are curved anteriorly. Tergite 8 bearing a pair of similar but smaller tubercles, each bearing only a single spine. Tergite 9 short, transverse, glabrous and produce4 posteriorly into a median rostriform process (in female only?). Sternites glabrous. Pleura moderately protuberant. Legs with hind femora lying almost parallel to longitudinal axis of body. Functional spiracles present on abdominal segments 1-6; peritreme oval, thin, pale, with anterior margin distinctly raised above general level of cuticle. Adapted from Duffy (1957).
Biology and Economic Importance
- Members of this tribe are known from various host plant families. Species of this tribe are potentially invasive outside their native range.
Selected References to Larvae Specimens
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