Heterachthes quadrimaculatus
Diagnostic Features of Larvae
- Larva. Form elongate, slender, slightly tapering; integument thin, shining, sparsely covered with fine whitish hairs. Head subrectangular, slightly tapering anteriorly; mouth-frame corneous, castaneous; clypeus and labrum narrow, fleshy, latter transversely oval, widest behind; mandibles short, basal piece about one-third length of distal, the latter piceous, shining; last joint of antennae shorter than second, about equal to globular first; ocelli two, enclosed by corneous shoulder of gena; ventral mouth-parts rather fleshy, last joint of maxillary palpi longer than second, shorter than last labial; process of palpifer, large, distinct. Prothorax slightly depressed; pronotum little wider than long, posteriorly shining, finely and regularly striate, anteriorly sparsely hairy, no median suture; sternum narrowly transverse; ventro-lateral suture not impressed; eusternal spots contiguous, glabrous. shining, having a few short striae; sternellar fold distinct at extremities. Metanotum having a single transverse impression. Legs short, three-jointed. Abdomen: Ampullae broad, rather flat, coarsely granulate, dorsal ampullae marked by curved transverse impression, meeting two short lateral ones. Pleural discs finely granulate on second, third, and fourth abdominal segments. Spiracles on abdomen little larger than ocellus, broadly oval, peritreme thin. Adapted from Craighead (1923).
Biology and Economic Importance
- The larva extends the greater part of its mine in the wood proper, where long tunnels are made parallel to the grain. A sudden outward turn of one of these burrows serves as the pupal cell. Its life cycle is normally completed in one year. Adapted from Craighead (1923).
Selected References to Larvae Specimens
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