Curtomerus flavus
Diagnostic Features of Larvae
- Mature larva. Length up to 16 mm; maximum breadth (at prothorax) 4.2 mm. Head transverse, with sides diverging posteriorly. Genae with numerous long, pale, slightly curved setae. Front margin narrowly pitchy. Labrum transversely oval. Ocelli absent. Hypostoma with front margin narrowly ferruginous; sutures indistinct; some long, fine setae present on each side of gula, which is distinctly raised. Maxillary and labial palps with third segment longer than second. Prothorax with posterior half of pronotum dull, milky white and finely granulate; front margin of prosternum with a row (interrupted medially) of about thirty small, elongate, brownish tubercles; proeusternum dull, milky white and finely granulate. Abdomen with ampullae granulate and glabrous. Legs small, slightly longer than third segment of maxillary palp.
Pupa. Length 8-11 mm; maximum breadth 3.1 mm. Head with vertex, which is visible from above, bearing a group of spines immediately above each antenna. Eyes strongly convex with a row of spines along ventral margin. Pronotum with a pair of prominent, spinose, lateral tubercles near front margin. Abdomen with spines on tergites one to six mostly directed anteriorly. Seventh tergite with numerous scattered, short spines. Eighth tergite with about six short spines. Legs with femora strongly clavate; hind femora extending as far as fifth abdominal segment. Functional spiracles present on first five abdominal segments, but vestigial pairs present on sixth and seventh; peritreme broadly oval and moderately thick. Adapted from Duffy (1953).
Biology and Economic Importance
- Biology unknown for members of this tribe. Species of this tribe are potentially invasive outside their native range.
Selected References to Larvae Specimens
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