Coleocoptus senio
Diagnostic Features of Larvae
- Mature larva. Length up to 25 mm; maximum breadth (at prothorax) 6-5 mm. Form rather slender and depressed. Head slightly transverse (maximum head-width 5.1 mm). Temples with the broad ferruginous area behind antenna rather protuberant and bisected by a well-marked, transverse impression. Front margin of head narrowly ferruginous. Antenna with third segment rather stout, cylindrical, about twice as long as its basal width and less than half the length of the second segment; supplementary process very small and conical Labrum slightly transverse. Ocelli indiscernible. Hypostoma with front margin ferruginous; sutures ferruginous, very short. Maxilla with third segment of palp slightly shorter than second. Prothorax with lateral regions microscopically, velvety-pubescent, and with rather inconspicuous, scattered, glabrous spots; posterior part of pronotum very finely and longitudinally striate. Abdomen with ampullae microscopically alutaceous or reticulate and glabrous. Legs with unguiculus scarcely sclerotized, slender, flagelliform, imbricately tuberculate.
Pupa. Length 16-20 mm; maximum breadth 3.75 mm. Head strongly elongate; vertex not visible from above, dome-shaped, smooth and glabrous; front feebly rugose and glabrous; clypeus with a transverse impression at base. Antennae with first four segments (at least) pectinate at apex of inner margin only; extending as far as third or fourth abdominal segment, where they are strongly recurved to terminate between the mid and fore coxae. Eyes feebly convex, glabrous. Labrum trapezoidal, front margin not angled and sometimes with a few minute setae. Maxillary palpi slightly broadened and rounded at apex. Pronotum very strongly elongate, with front margin strongly rounded, and sides bearing a pair of acutely pointed tubercles; disc transversely striate and two groups of minute setae near middle; basal half with a pair of paramedian, raised, oval areas bearing numerous slightly longer setae. Mesonotum almost smooth, with two groups of minute setae; scutellum moderately protuberant and glabrous. Metanotum transversely striate on each side of scutellar groove and bearing a few scattered minute setae; scutellar groove very distinct. Elytra and wings extending as far as fourth abdominal segment. Abdomen with tergites one to six each with paired, slightly raised, oval areas, bearing about six short, stout spines. Seventh tergite elongate, with a pair of tuberculate protuberances each bearing about four to six stouter spines which are inclined forward. Eighth tergite elongate, with two groups of about four more slender spines directed posteriorly. Ninth tergite extremely short and bearing a few short, stout spines. Sternites glabrous. Pleura rather strongly protuberant, rugose, glabrous. Legs with femora clavate; hind femora each with a tuberculate process near base; extending to between fifth and sixth abdominal segments. Fw1ctional spiracles present on first five abdominal segments, but vestigial pairs present on sixth to eighth; peritreme broadly oval, moderately thick and rather strongly raised above general level of cuticle. Adapted from Duffy (1953).
Biology and Economic Importance
- Members of this tribe are native to Australasian region. Several species have been introduced worldwide, for example Phoracantha recurva (eucalyptus longhorned beetle). More information on this genus is available at: cabi.org.
Selected References to Larvae Specimens
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