Longicorn ID: Tool for Diagnosing Cerambycidae Subfamilies and Tribes
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Dorcaschema nigrum

Classification Diagnostic Features of Larvae
  • Larva. Form elongate, subcylindrical; integument rather firm, shining, sparsely clothed with yellowish-white hairs. Head depressed, sides scarcely constricted behind middle; epistoma straight, rather abruptly declivous; labrum thin, fungiform, but little wider than long, anterior margin densely ciliate; mandible short, about one and one-half times as long as basal breadth, dull black, cutting-edge obliquely truncate; antennal ring entire; one pair of white ocelli. Ventral mouth-parts rather extended, hairs very fine; mentum twice as wide as long, sunken, distinct; palpi slender, maxillary longer than lacinia, last joint of maxillary equal to second, slightly longer than last labial; anterior edge of hypostoma thin, curved, hypostoma transversely bulging; gula not distinct. Prothorax trapezoidal, depressed, widest behind; pronotum entirely smooth, shining, or very indistinctly longitudinally striate, lateral sutures impressed behind, anteriorly a group of fine hairs at each side. Mesonotum smooth, shining; metanotum, mesosternum, and metasternum tuberculate. Abdomen cylindrical; ampullae sensibly bilobed, dorsal and ventral with two rows of irregular tubercles divided along median line; pleural tubercle elongate rectangular, a chitinous pore at each extremity; epipleurum protuberant on last three segments. Spiracles orbicular, distinctly rimmed. Adapted from Craighead (1923).
Biology and Economic Importance
  • This species has been collected only from dead hickory (Carya) branches throughout the eastern United States. The larvae feed between the bark and wood, making a curved pupal cell in the sapwood and emerging by a hole at the opposite end from which it entered the wood. Adapted from Craighead (1923).
Selected References to Larvae Specimens     Longicorn ID images on Bugwood ITP Node
Longicorn ID last updated 2020  E.H. Nearns, N.P. Lord, S.W. Lingafelter, A. Santos-Silva, K.B. Miller, & J.M. Zaspel