Leptura aurulenta
Diagnostic Features of Larvae
- Mature larva. Similar to that of Leptura quadrifasciata, from which it differs as follows. Head with genae with a deep transverse furrow immediately in front of ocellus. Hypostoma very strongly transverse, more than four times as wide as median length. Gular sutures slightly raised. Antenna as in Rutpela maculata. Labial palpi separated by about their own width. Prothorax with eusternum entirely covered with very short pubescence. Abdomen with ampullae present on segments one to seven.
Pupa. Extremely similar to that of S. quadrifasciata, from which it differs as follows. Length 14-22 mm; maximum breadth 7.5 mm. Abdomen with setae on tergites stouter and more closely set on larger papillae. Eighth sternite completely glabrous. Spiracles with peritreme more strongly sclerotized and protuberant. Adapted from Duffy (1953).
Biology and Economic Importance
- Biology and economic importance for this taxon coming soon.
Selected References to Larvae Specimens
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