Macrotoma serripes
Diagnostic Features of Larvae
- Mature larva. Rather similar to that of Mallodon downesii but differing as follows. Length up to 105 mm; maximum breadth (at prothorax) 29 mm. Head with frons pale testaceous and feebly sclerotized, except extreme front margin which in some specimens is pitchy; front margin without a well-defined transverse sclerotized ridge on upper boundary; lower boundary not projecting over clypeus. Subfossal process feebly developed. Antenna with segment 2 more strongly elongate. Ocelli indiscernible owing to strong sclerotization of gena. Prothorax with presternum devoid of tubercles and protuberances. Pleural discs indistinct. Legs shorter than maxillary palpi; unguiculus short, conical.
Pupa. Length up to 81 mm; maximum breadth 16 mm. Head salient, not concealed from above by prothorax; smooth, except for a median, longitudinal, striate groove. Mandibles extending antero-ventrally, short, robust, non-spiculate. Antennae thick, extending as far as abdominal segment 2, where they are slightly incurved to terminate near mid-tarsi. Pronotum strongly transverse, with sides diverging posteriorly, the hind angles acutely protuberant; disc transversely strigose, with scattered setose papillae. Mesonotum with scattered setose papillae and scutellum fleshy, transversely striate and very strongly protuberant. Metanotum with a median longitudinal, striate groove, in the middle of which is a group of papillae. Elytra and wings extending as far as abdominal segment 3. Abdomen with tergites rugose and bearing numerous scattered, ferruginous, setose spinules; gin-traps present on segments 3-4, 4-5 and 5-6; each consisting of an anterior dentate, sclerotized projection and a posterior cup-shaped structure (the upper ridge of the latter slides over the anterior process when the abdomen is bent upwards). Sternites with spinules less numerous. Legs with hind femora extending to abdominal segment 4. Functional spiracles present on abdominal segments 1-6, the seventh pair being closed and probably non-functional; peritreme very narrowly oval and rather thick. Adapted from Duffy (1957).
Biology and Economic Importance
- Biology and economic importance for this taxon coming soon.
Selected References to Larvae Specimens
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