Ergates faber
Diagnostic Features of Larvae
- Mature larva. Rather similar to that of Prionus coriarius, from which it may be distinguished as follows: length up to 90 mm; breadth (at prothorax) 17.5 mm. Form almost cylindrical. Cuticle finely rugose. Head broader (maximum head-width 11.75 mm). Front margin of frons with upper boundary projecting in four large shining, blunt teeth; lower boundary with a pair of well-developed lateral lobes. Labrum cordate, at least as long as wide. Three large but indistinct ocelli present. Maxillary palp with apical segment not longer than second segment acutely conical. Prothorax with the ferruginous transverse band absent. Abdomen with pleural discs present on segments one to six, though indistinct on segments three to six; disc finely rugose.
Pupa. Length 27-60 mm; breadth 15-20 mm. Head salient, not concealed from above by pronotum; elongate; sides with two paramedian depressions above antennae; strongly rugose and glabrous except for a few scattered pale papillae. Antennae long and slender, extending as far as third abdominal segment, where they are recurved to terminate between the fore and hind coxae. Mandibles very rugose on apical third. Labrum triangular, rugose, with numerous fine setae near apex. Pronotum very strongly transverse, with sides slightly rounded and broadly explanate; strongly rugose, striate, with scattered pale papillae. Mesonotum and metanotum transversely striate and glabrous; scutellum very broad and depressed; scutellar groove conspicuous. Elytra and wings extending as far as third abdominal segment. Abdomen with tergites one to six rugose, and covered with numerous short, stout, ferruginous spines; gin-traps present on segments 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-5, 5-6, and 6-7. Eighth tergite with only a few pale spines along posterior margin. Sternites less rugose, with a few scattered papillae. Ninth segment terminating dorsally in a pair of subvertical, very stout urogomphi; glabrous, strongly rugose and deeply divided ventrally. Legs with hind femora extending to between third and fourth abdominal segments. Functional spiracles present on first six abdominal segments; peritreme narrowly oval, thick and slightly raised in anterior half. Egg. form elongate-ovoid. Length up to 3 mm. Chorion dull white, with conspicuous grey reticulation. Adapted from Duffy (1953).
Biology and Economic Importance
- Biology and economic importance for this taxon coming soon.
Selected References to Larvae Specimens
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