Longicorn ID: Tool for Diagnosing Cerambycidae Subfamilies and Tribes
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Arhopalus ferus

Classification Diagnostic Features of Larvae
  • Mature larva. Length up to 34 mm; breadth (at prothorax) 9 mm. Form rather robust, slightly depressed anteriorly. Head depressed, transverse (maximum head-width 6.6 mm.), widest behind middle, with sides moderately strongly rounded; smooth, orange-testaceous, shining, moderately strongly sclerotized. Genae testaceous, with rather dense, long, reddish setae, which are .distributed beyond level of posterior end of frontal sutures. Frontal sutures distinct as pale lines, each extending to a gap in antennal ring; median adfrontal suture complete and very distinct. Mouthframe strongly sclerotized, pitchy. Frons with front margin very slightly curved and roundly declivous; at least sixteen epistomal setae present. Antenna with second segment bearing a conical supplementary process, which is as long as, or slightly longer than, its basal width; third segment very elongate. Mandible pitchy, shining, with a transverse group of numerous setae across basal half; inner part of dorsal surface with a large oblique plate. Labrum cordate, about as long as wide; ferruginous, with numerous short setae apically and with a few longer setae medially. Ocelli absent. Gula narrow, testaceous, with sutures not raised; hypostomal plates large, trapezoidal, ferruginous, with anterior margin thick and pitchy. Ventral mouthparts fleshy; apical segment of maxillary palpi about half as long as second, and as long as apical segment of labial pal pi; lobe slender, cylindrical. Prothorax depressed, trapezoidal, widest in front; lateral setae very dense and ferruginous. Pronotum sparsely setose, pale and shining anteriorly posteriorly orange yellow, finely asperate, with numerous interspaced glabrous spots. Eusternum and sternellum finely asperate and setose. Abdomen with ampullae on segments one to seven. Pleural tubercle broadly oval and bearing about five setae. Urogomphi of ninth segment acutely conical, seldom separated by more than twice their basal diameter, usually less. Legs distinct, three-segmented; unguiculus very long, attenuate and imbricately spinose. Spiracles of prothorax large, about twice as broad as those on first abdominal segment; obsolescent metathoracic spiracle visible; abdominal spiracles with peritreme broadly oval, and with at least six small contiguous chambers on posterior margin.

    Pupa. Length 10-30 mm.; breadth 4.2-7.7 mm. Head bent beneath pronotum which almost conceals it from above; quadrate, with sides strongly rounded, rugose, and with at most a few short pale spines and setae. Antennae transversely rugose, densely ·spiculate, and with four to six rather stout, ferruginous spines near apex of basal segment only; extending to just beyond middle of metathorax, where they are curved downward to terminate near the front coxae. Labrum triangular, transversely rugose and glabrous. Maxillary palpi spiculate and with a few fine pale setae. Pronotum very slightly transverse, with sides strongly rounded, and disc with two paramedian striated areas (often in the form of depressions); with scattered pale papillae of varying length. Mesonotum glabrous, or almost so; scutellum rather broad, fleshy and with a few fine setae. Metanotum with a papillate area on each side of scutellar groove, each papilla being equipped with a spine-like seta. Elytra and wings extending as far as fourth abdominal segment. Abdomen with tergites one to six each bearing four transverse groups of long straight spines near hind margin. Seventh tergite with a transverse group of scattered spines and eighth tergite with only a few spines. Ninth tergum rather short, glabrous, .and terminating in a pair of urogomphi, which are widely separated, slender and strongly curved inward. Sternites with lateral groups of spines, except the last three, which are glabrous. Legs with several ferruginous spines near apex of each femur; hind femora with a large basal tubercle, almost at right angles to longitudinal axis of body and extending to between second and third abdominal segments. Functional spiracles present on first seven abdominal segments; peritreme broadly oval, moderately thick and slightly raised for anterior half. Adapted from Duffy 1953).
Biology and Economic Importance
  • Biology and economic importance for this taxon coming soon.
Selected References to Larvae Specimens     Longicorn ID images on Bugwood ITP Node
Longicorn ID last updated 2020  E.H. Nearns, N.P. Lord, S.W. Lingafelter, A. Santos-Silva, K.B. Miller, & J.M. Zaspel